Lots of new images on my blog including a painting of Ram Das by extraordinary artist of the soul dimensions Martina Hoffmann. There have been many photos uploaded into my flicker account for you to check out of our travels as well as some vintage ones such as one dear one with Terence McKenna taken about 20 years ago.
Our latest travel photos are at
Check out Stefunny's video of the Lava Boat Tour
on the Puna side of the Big Island
-wouldn't get me on it!
And if anyone would like to make a donation for the internet service,
it would be very appreciated. Even very small amounts would help.
We have a PayPal account at:
23rd of October and the 1st of November.
Sacred Medicine Festival, Brasil Jan 15-31
Ayahuasca and Native American Church
with our friend Yatra and many others
Entheogenesis Australis
EGA 2010 event at Melbourne University – 4th and 5th December
EGA Headliners Synopsis & Spirit Molecule Tour + Discussion Panel Topics
Hawaiian Mysticism Retreat,
November 19-24, Moloka'i
Satsang with Sri Prem Baba -
Wed Oct 27, Studio Maui
Our friend Vasumi is planning a Kukulkan pilgrimage
to Mexico Nov 22
Dr. Ethan Nadelmann speaking in Brisbane on the
disaster of prohibition
1st December
Why Parents Should Support Legalizing Pot
How Paris Hilton's Probation Could Lead to
Saving People's Lives
Santana: 'Mr President, Please Legalise Pot'
What the Pot Legalization Campaign Really Threatens:
Alcohol Industry Profits
Prop. 19 Offers Major Potential for Some Cancer Patients
Prop. 19 Could Set UP Legal Battle Between California, Federal Government
The Pot Book, Edited by Julie Holland, M.D.
Our friend Chris Iverson busted for flying high
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill to Reduce Pot Possession Penalty
Study suggests US should decriminalise cannabis
Key ingredient staves off marijuana memory loss
Get Dutch cannabis on prescription bring it home legally
Did decriminalization of drugs work in Portugal?
Drug Decriminalization, Portugal
Critique of Portugal YouTube story
Maldives: 10 years Jail for 1 gram Cannabis
Catnip(cats high on)
Drugs chart
Doubts about psychedelics from Albert Hofmann,
LSD's discoverer
'Born Illegal' -- Exploring the Powerful Advanced Psychedelics
Invented by the Father of Ecstasy
Kent 2010 Psychedelic Information Theory
Assessment of addiction severity among ritual users of ayahuasca
Podcast: Sacred Psychedelics and
Their Transformative Power
Update: From Neurons to Nirvana + New Clip Up
Mushrooms- The outer space beings
The Magic Mushroom and Atlantis -video
American Indian church sues feds over peyote use
South Africa to research mood-lifting plant
Amazonian Vegetalismo:
A study of the healing power of chants in Tarapoto, Peru.
Review of the book Ayahuasca,
Ritual and Religion in Brazil
Gaia Media's consciousness raising books
Psychoptic Reveries: Visionary Art Book Recommendations
Oakland Museum of California obtains historic poster collection
Generation Woodstock, Generation Disco
There are two groups of baby-boomers.
Generation Woodstock and generation disco.
The Secret History of Rock 'N' Roll
The book's premise, which is that the musical genre of "rock and roll" is significantly based on and related to ancient mystery cults,
Shamans of Ecuador
Heart of Ecuador newsletter from our friends Thom and Caroline
Yoga with Ateeka
December intensive in India
from our friends in Asheville Julia and Robert Roskind
Human Kindness Foundation
A couple of late crop circleformations
The social consciousness art of Mark Bryan
Our friend Ravi -
A kora musician extraordinare and very nice man as well.
I'm a Hippie - Mad Sheer Khan
Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Had to Cry Today
The underrated genius of Steve Buscemi
As director James Cameron plans to film Avatar sequel
seven miles below the sea's surface, we go into the deadly
deep with the only two men who've been there
Rare photos of Tibet 100 years ago
White House will finally install solar
Paris to Launch Electric Car-Sharing Program Next Year
In Arabian Desert, a Sustainable City Rises
First Giving
Chimpanzees at the Alamogordo Primate Facility...
What a scientist didn't tell the New York Times about
his study on bee deaths
By Katherine Eban
Why Animals are Biologically Conscious
Ocean Holocaust - U.S. Navy Plans to Decimate
11.7 Million Marine Mammals over the next 5-Years…
Groundwater depletion rate accelerating worldwide
World's oldest observatory found in China?
Are Google’s self-driving cars actually signs of Transformers’
imminent world domination?
The ‘State’ of Midwifery: Pushing for Legalization
The 10 healthiest ethnic cuisines - Food on Shine
Tulsi tea benefits
The Case Against Taking Multivitamins
This Supermarket "Health Food" Killed These
Baby Rats in Three Weeks
This Toxic Food is BANNED in Europe -
But They're Treating us Like Boneheads
Hard to believe but not surprising.
The EU has passed a directive that comes into full force in April 2011 that all herbal and mineral supplements are to be banned, all teaching of all alternative healing methods will be banned, and homeopathic colleges will be disolved, etc. As of this summer it is now forbidden to sell books on using plants and minerals.
If you live in Europe or know people/family in Europe please help circulate this email - they need 35 million signatures now!!!
We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom part 1
Police Raid in LA of whole food C0-0p! Food Fascism
6 Breakfasts That Could Kill You Before Lunch
Hamburgers are the new heroin
McDonald’s Happy Meal resists decomposition for six months
Fast Food Chains Are Falling Flat with Their
'Healthy' Image Makeover
What Monsanto’s fall from grace reveals
about the GMO seed industry
The "Seedy" Side of the Energy Bar
Banned in Europe for Causing 83,000 Heart Attacks
- Are You Taking it?
Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants
(Snopes calls this article false, but....)
If You Want to Age Gracefully,
Don't Eat This
Got Thyroid Problems? Then Stop Consuming This "Healthy" Food
Personal Trainer Says: Most People are Wasting
Their Time Working Out
5 Ways to Keep the Internet from Destroying Your Brain
19th Century Prostitutes Paved Way For Feminism
Why Are There So Many Dumb Misconceptions
About Men and Sex?
Climbing a tower, yikes!
Nine Months After the Quake -
a Million Haitians Slowly Dying
Bulldozers roll out across West Bank as settlement freeze ends:
Building work at the West Bank settlement of Ariel restarted
Monday morning after a 10-month construction ban expired
at midnight on Sunday.
Israel Raid on Gaza Flotilla: US Failure to Condemn Despite UN Findings
By Marjorie Cohn
If Iran had attacked a humanitarian flotilla in international waters and killed 9 people, there would be certain retaliation from Washington. Until our government stands up to the powerful Israel lobby in the United States, the Palestinian people, and our own humanity, will continue to be held hostage.
Pakistan President Believed
'US Behind Taliban Attacks in Pak' to Gain Access to its Nukes
Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US envoy to Afghanistan, once brushed off Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's claim, that the US was 'arranging' the (suicide) attacks by Pakistani Taliban inside his country, as 'madness', and was of the view that both Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who believed in this US conspiracy theory, were 'dysfunctional' leaders.
Guatemala: A Test Tube of Repression
Ecuador army frees President Correa from hospital siege
Coup In Eucador!
Call the State Department
The Ecuadorian Coup: Its Larger Meaning
Chavez party wins majority in Congress:
With the vast majority of votes counted, Chavez's party won at least 90 of the 165
seats, while the opposition coalition won nearly 60 seats, National Electoral Council
president Tibisay Lucena said early Monday, AP reported.
The former guerrilla set to be the world's most powerful woman:
The world's most powerful woman will start coming into her own next weekend.
Stocky and forceful at 63, this former leader of the resistance to a Western-backed
military dictatorship (which tortured her) is preparing to take her place as President
of Brazil.
Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued
By John Pilger
The rescue of 33 miners in Chile is an extraordinary drama filled with pathos and heroism. It is also a media windfall for the Chilean government, whose every beneficence is recorded by a forest of cameras. One cannot fail to be impressed. However, like all great media events, it is a façade.
I Don't Like Dedging My Words
Piedad Córdoba and Her Fight for Peace
By Fidel Castro
I would think that quite a few Colombian military are embarrassed by the grotesque versions of the supposed battle where Commander Jorge Briceño Suárez died. In the first place, there was no battle at all. It was a gross and embarrassing murder.
Turkey and Russia Defy America's Imperial Design in
the Middle East and Central Asia
China’s Growing Independence and the New World Order
by Noam Chomsky
Tens of Thousands Flee Bangladesh Floods
Nato contractors 'attacking own vehicles' in Pakistan
S&P: 60% of Countries Will Be Bankrupt Within 50 Years
By Daniel Tencer
S&P:Predicts US will have a debt of 415% of GDP by 2050 - Some sixty percent of the world's economies will be so in debt by 2060 that their debt will be downgraded to "junk" status, effectively bankrupting the countries.
Pension protests continue in France
Nuclear Weapons and the Survival of the Homo Sapiens
By Fidel Castro Ruz
Excellence in honest news coverage and discussion
Michael Moore | The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
In Struggle With The American Mind
"The United States of America Has Gone Mad"
America's Deepening Moral Crisis
By Jeffrey Sachs
The language of collective compassion has been abandoned in the US,
and no politician dare even mention helping the poor.
A Long History of America's Dark Side
Robert C. Koehler: Then They Came for Me
The New York Times Defends Assassinations
The Anti-Empire Report
Study concludes Americans are the stupidest people on the planet
By Carmen Yarrusso
Every country on earth has its stupid people. But a recent Rand study examining 160
countries concludes America now has the highest percentage of stupid people in all
10 internationally recognized categories of stupidity. This is unprecedented.
Across the U.S., children of progressive activists are under attack.
Andy Kroll,
The Face of An American Lost Generation
Exposing the GOP's Shameful Historical Role in
the Native American Genocide
Firefighters Watch as Home Burns to the Ground
By Jason Hibbs
Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection
from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay.
Should Tennessee Firemen Have Let the House Burn?
Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's Deceptions
Errors from Start to Finish in Oil Spill Response
War Is Murder
By Karen Kwiatkowski
The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities,
Unearthing the Unthinkable
Death Squads, Porn, Hashish And Killing For Kicks …
It’s Not Just A Few “Bad Apples”
Glenn Greenwald:
They Hate Us For Our Occupations
Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months
before Iraq invasion
Obama's Massive Power Struggle with the American War Machine
Confession Video: US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Afghans
Killing For Sport
US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Afghans
Confession Video:
Corporal, 22, Tells How His 'Crazy' Sergeant Allegedly Murdered
For Kicks, Collected Body Parts.
Pentagon Destroys Copies of Controversial
Memoir Written by Army Officer
"Everyone Just Wants to Kill People at any Cost"
U.S. soldiers accused of killing civilians in Afghanistan
By Mark Benjamin
"The Army really let me down when I thought I would come out
here to do good maybe make some change in this country I find
out that its all a lie (sic)."
Rampant drug use, random gunfire at Blackwater’s
Baghdad parties: claim
Are Some Military Suicides Caused by Drugging Soldiers?
America uses Depleted Uranium on Iraq
Dwight was right about the military industrial complex
"Underground" Group of Cadets Say Air Force Academy
Controlled by Evangelicals
Wolfowitz Directive Gave Legal Cover to Detainee Experimentation Program
Facebook Politicians Are Not Your Friends
Programmer admits to creating vote rigging
software in 2000's US election
Corporate Cash Floods US Congressional Elections
Walden Bello: Lessons of the Obama Debacle
Exodus of Jewish Advisors from Obama White House Likely Not
an Omen of Good Things to Come
US walks out on Ahmadinejad's UN speech
The Facts About Ahmadinejad's UN Speech
''The Iranian leader did not accuse the U.S. of conspiring to murder thousands of its own people to create a pretext for launching wars as conveyed by the US media.''
Former CNN War Correspondent, Speaks Out On Alleged
War Crime CNN Refused To Air
Bitter Tales from the Massive White Underclass
The Six Billion Dollar Man Bill Clinton
Rolling Stone Gets Obama to Open Up on Fox News,
Tea Parties and the Threat of Election 2010
Obama Deplores World Poverty:
Welcome to the Theatre of Absurd
That's Where the Money Is
"It's beyond astonishing to me that John Boehner has a real chance to be
speaker of the House of Representatives.
I've always thought of Mr. Boehner as one of the especially sleazy figures in a capital seething with sleaze. I remember writing about that day back in the mid-'90s when this slick, chain-smoking, quintessential influence-peddler decided to play Santa Claus by handing out checks from tobacco lobbyists to fellow Congressional sleazes right on the floor of the House."
Robert Reich | The Secret Big-Money Takeover of America
Outright Illegal Scams That Should Put Wall St. Bankers Behind Bar
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? I Only Earn Six Figures
The Mortgage Morass-Paul Krugman, The New York Times
Shock Therapy for Wall Street:
JPMorgan Suspends 56,000 Foreclosures;
GMAC and BOA Many More
Officials in All 50 States Launch Foreclosure Probe
Take Action: Demand To see Your Mortgage Note.
By Wheres The Note
Whether you are facing foreclosure, have an underwater mortgage,
or are just a concerned homeowner, it's important that you contact your
bank and demand to see the original note on your mortgage. It only takes
a few minutes using our free online tool.
Bernanke Ponders The "Nuclear Option"
By Mike Whitney
Ben Bernanke's speech on Friday in Boston could turn out to be a
real barnburner. In fact, there's a good chance the Fed chairman will
announce changes in policy that will stun Wall Street and send
tremors through Capital Hill.
The Global Banks at The Edge of The Precipice
$A parity with Greenback a 'penalty'
How the Phone Companies Are Screwing America:
The $320 Billion Broadband Rip-Off
George Carlin / The American Dream
The Truth About Facebook
Congress Has Plans for an Internet Blacklist in the Works --
Let's Stop This Now
FBI Raids Activists' Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay
FBI Raids and the Police State. Selected Articles
Jim Garrison JFK tapes On the Trail of the Assassins in 2 parts
Are the JFK, RFK and MLK Hits Finally Solved?
Obama Edges To The Dark Side
By Mark LeVine
President Obama has essentially continued almost every major Bush
security policy, either by default or design. State secrets, targeted killings,
renditions and indefinite detention, opposing the right of habeas corpus,
preventing victims of admitted torture from seeking judicial redress,
expanding the Afghan war.
Mr. Lif - Obama (The Obama Deception)
Americans Living in a Police State?
Interview With Paul Craig Roberts
The US government is establishing in the mind of the public that
anyone who criticizes the War on Terror is aligned with terrorists.
U.S. Troops To Deal With Rioting Americans
Will They Raid My Home For Writing This?
By Mary Shaw
It's like McCarthyism all over again.
Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy: Big Brother is
only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away
U.S. should be able to shut Internet, former CIA chief says
Yemen: The Covert Apparatus of the American Empire
CIA Gallery
The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many
Humans As Possible
American Holocaust: McCain's Death Camps USA
Prominent Physicist Resigns: 'Climategate was a fraud on a
scale I have never seen
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
USAF: Aliens still controlling nuclear arsenal
'We saw a bright glowing object like an eye': U.S. airman's
startling testimony about UFO encounter near UK nuclear base
UFO shuts down Chinese airport
Chemtrails Kill Exhibit B COLOR in the CHEM
US Colonel Alleges 9/11 Coverup
Must Watch - By Fox News
Judge Napolitano's Ground-breaking interview with Lt. Col,
Anthony Shaffer and Former CIA Intelligence officer, Michael Scheuer. --
Shaffer's book, "Operation Dark Heart" was essentially "censored" by
the Pentagon in order that some classified details could be "redacted".
New Book Exposes the Dirty Truth Behind Coca-Cola: Accusations
of Murder and Environmental Destruction
What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do. - John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. - Mark Twain
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. - George Sand (1804 - 1876)
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable, if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." -- Doctor Who - Source: The Face of Evil
"People sometimes rationalize their greed by saying that it is all for the good of their children but this is nothing but an excuse they use to make their despicable actions appear respectable and praiseworthy." -- Democritus -(460-370 BC) Greek philosopher
There can be no compromise on basic principles. There can be no compromise on moral issues. There can be no compromise on matters of knowledge, of truth, of rational conviction." -- Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Author
"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him." -- Robert A. Heinlein -- (1907-1988)
American writer
"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting." -- Buddha
"I count myself as a spiritual sister to those the US government has murdered, and I am angry at my powerlessness. I have the budding heart of a terrorist." - Karen Kwiatkowski -
"True compassion, is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"The misapprehension springs from the fact that the learned jurists, deceiving themselves as well as others, depict in their books an ideal of government -- not as it really is, an assembly of men who oppress their fellow-citizens, but in accordance with the scientific postulate, as a body of men who act as the representatives of the rest of the nation.
They have gone on repeating this to others so long that they have ended by believing it themselves, and they really seem to think that justice is one of the duties of governments.
History, however, shows us that governments, as seen from the reign of Caesar to those of the two Napoleons and Prince Bismarck, are in their very essence a violation of justice; a man or a body of men having at command an army of trained soldiers, deluded creatures who are ready for any violence, and through whose agency they govern the State, will have no keen sense of the obligation of justice. Therefore governments will never consent to diminish the number of those well-trained and submissive servants, who constitute their power and influence."
Leo Tolstoy -- Source: Writings on Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence (Signet Books, 1968), pp. 238-239.
Pop singer Eddie Fisher passed away Wednesday night at his home in Berkeley of complications from hip surgery, his daughter, Tricia Leigh Fisher of Los Angeles, told The Associated Press. He was 82.
"Late last evening the world lost a true America icon," Fisher's family said in a statement released by publicist British Reece. "One of the greatest voices of the century passed away. He was an extraordinary talent and a true mensch."
In the early 50s, Fisher sold millions of records with 32 hit songs including 'Thinking of You,' 'Any Time,' 'Oh, My Pa-pa,' 'I'm Yours,' and 'Wish You Were Here.' His fame was enhanced by his 1955 marriage to movie darling Debbie Reynolds -- they were touted as "America's favorite couple" -- and the birth of two children. Their daughter Carrie Fisher became a film star herself in the first three 'Star Wars' films as Princess Leia.
His clear voice brought him a devoted following of teenage girls in the early 1950s before marriage scandals overshadowed his fame.
When Eddie Fisher's best friend, producer Mike Todd, was killed in a 1958 plane crash, Fisher comforted the widow, Elizabeth Taylor. Amid sensationalist headlines, Fisher divorced Reynolds and married Taylor in 1959.
The Fisher-Taylor marriage lasted only five years. She fell in love with co-star Richard Burton during the Rome filming of 'Cleopatra,' divorced Fisher and married Burton in one of the great entertainment world scandals of the 20th century. Fisher's career never recovered from the notoriety. He married actress Connie Stevens, and they had two daughters. Another divorce followed.
In 1983, Fisher attempted a full-scale comeback. But his old fans had been turned off by the scandals, and the younger generation had been turned on by rock. The tour was unsuccessful.
At 47, Fisher married a 21-year-old beauty queen, Terry Richard. The marriage ended after 10 months. His fifth marriage, to Betty Lin, a Chinese-born businesswoman, lasted longer than any of the others. Fisher had two children with Reynolds: Carrie and Todd; and two girls with Stevens: Joely and Tricia.
The Who are coming back next year. Singer Roger Daltrey revealed the news in a fan Q&A on the band’s official site, telling readers that guitarist Pete Townshend is writing new material, possibly even for Floss, that rock opera which he started last year. Roger added that he’s hoping the group will tour most of 2011, revisiting classic albums like Quadrophenia and Tommy. The rocker stated, “We’re in the planning stages for next year… I can’t really talk about specifics yet, but it will be based around a past work.” Read more at TheWho.com.
Want to see Neil Young performing his new album, Le Noise, in its entirety? Well now you can from the comfort of your own home! The singer has released a film of himself playing the whole record and it’s available online. Check it out by searching YouTube for “Neil Young Le Noise The Film.”
The stories in The Onion are fake but when the paper’s A.V. Club interviews musicians, it’s for real. But in the Club’s chat with Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant, the rocker says something that could go either way. When asked if Zep are thinking of playing again, Plant cryptically responded, “I think we’re probably thinking about talking.” No word on what that could mean or if Robert was just being cheeky, but you can read more from him at AVClub.com.
Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall were with each other for decades and have four children together and now, the former model is talking about Mick’s heroin habit. According to England’s Telegraph, in her new autobiography, Hall reveals the Rolling Stone singer smoked heroin regularly in the ‘70s and did LSD daily for a year in the ‘60s. She told him she wouldn’t see him if he took drugs so he stopped. Read more at Telegraph.co.uk
Bad Company are currently touring in America and head off to Japan later this year, but what will happen to the band after that? Singer Paul Rodgers told the Times Record that after the dates in Asia, “There will be no further plans for Bad Company.” No word on if that means the group will be retired again, but Paul did say he plans to focus on his solo career in the coming months. Read more at SWTimes.com and get all of the band’s dates at BadCompany.com
Guitar titans' one and only meeting to be released as a deluxe CD/DVD November 9th on Stax
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — On December 6, 1983, legendary blues guitarist Albert King joined his disciple Stevie Ray Vaughan on a Canadian sound stage for the live music television series In Session. Magic happened. The highly sought after video footage from that one-time legendary summit becomes available for the first time ever on November 9 with the release of Stax Records’ deluxe two-disc CD/DVD In Session.
The DVD contains three classic performances unavailable on the previously issued audio disc: “Born Under a Bad Sign,” the landmark title track from Albert King’s biggest Stax release written by William Bell and Booker T. Jones; Stevie Ray’s “Texas Flood,” the Larry Davis-penned title track of Vaughan’s immortal debut album; and “I’m Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Town,” made famous by Louis Jordan and later, Ray Charles.
“It was evident from the first choruses,” writes liner notes author/musicologist Samuel Charters, “that they were playing for each other. And that was the best audience either of them could ever have. The music never lost its intensity, its quality of something very important being handed back and forth and there was time for Stevie and Albert to see where their ideas took them.”
Accolades have showered upon this momentous encounter. “As a document of what was probably one of the greatest nights in the musical life of SRV, this belongs in the collection of every true fan,” said the Austin American-Statesman. Sonic Boomers added, “Both men are gone now, but rare recordings like In Session remind us of a time when blues giants still walked the earth side by side.” Elmore magazine called it “an indispensible part of any blues fan’s collection.” And BluesWax noted, “thank goodness, this disc lives on and on.”
Now this one-of-a-kind visual document featuring two giants of American blues can be enjoyed by audiences all over the world. Sadly, King and Vaughan would not share a stage together ever again. Vaughan, 31 years King’s junior, died in a helicopter crash in the fog on the way back from a concert in 1990. King outlived him by two years, dying of a heart attack in 1992. They didn’t meet often, and their careers took different paths. But we can all be grateful for that one long day in a television studio when sparks flew and this timeless performance was forever captured
Dark Horse Records recently announced the October 19th release of a limited edition deluxe box set, entitled COLLABORATIONS. The release honors the sitar master’s 90th birthday.
Collaborations is a 3 CD and 1 DVD uniquely numbered limited edition box set. All compositions were composed by Ravi Shankar and produced by George Harrison over a period of 20 years.
The DVD is a rare concert performance of Ravi Shankar’s Music Festival From Indiarecorded at London’s Royal Albert Hall in 1974. The albums include the acclaimed Chants Of India (1997), The Ravi Shankar Music Festival From India (studio version 1976) andShankar Family & Friends (1974). The 56-page book includes a foreword by Philip Glass, a history of George and Ravi “in their own words” and rare photographs from both family archives.
Collaborations is available on Dark Horse Records.
Order your box set through GeorgeHarrison.com to receive a free Dark Horse Gift Set, including a Dark Horse gift bag, embroidered patch and sticker (while supplies last).
TOKYO – Tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins — one of the last surviving legends of the golden era of jazz — has just turned 80. His hair is a burst of white, and he staggers a bit when he walks on stage.
But when he plays, he still sounds like a 20-year-old, and his Japanese fans can't get enough.
Rollins is back this week on an 80th birthday tour in this nation long known for its love of jazz.
It's also a place where Rollins feels at home. Since 1963, when he first visited Japan, Rollins has studied Buddhism, yoga and meditation, and frequents the temples and bamboo forests of the ancient capital of Kyoto.
"Maybe I was Japanese in my past life," he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his home in Germantown, New York, ahead of his trip.
Rollins, who turned 80 on Sept. 7, has visited Japan more than 20 times, almost always playing to sellout crowds.
Each time, he brings the unmistakable power of his legacy, which includes collaborations with some of the biggest names in jazz — Max Roach, John Coltrane, Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk.
The crowd at JCB Hall in Tokyo on Monday clapped adoringly at his solos and gave him a long standing ovation after his 1 1/2-hour performance. He has three other concerts in Japan through Saturday.
"He was gorgeous," said schoolteacher Shoko Tateishi, who has heard Rollins three times, as well as Chet Baker and Ron Carter. "You didn't sense his age a bit."
Throughout his trademark piano-less performance, with Bob Cranshaw on bass, Russell Malone on guitar, Kobie Watkins on drums and Sammy Figueroa on percussion, Rollins' sound was full and energetic — befitting his reputation as the "saxophone colossus."
Rollins believes Japanese people gravitate to his music because it is beyond the barriers of language or nationality.
"Jazz is a very universal music. There is no doubt about it," he said. "When you hear jazz, there is something in it that gives you the feeling of something bigger than this particular life that we live in. That's why jazz is such a great music."
Rollins, who still practices daily and insists his pursuit of perfection is far from over, shrugs off getting older, although he acknowledges he is physically weaker and can't eat as much ice cream as he used to.
He feels pretty much the same as that moment he fell in love with jazz — after hearing Fats Waller's piano as a child.
"And so being 80 is just a number," he said. "I know that the body is here for just a minute, but the soul is always here."
On stage, Rollins, wearing a bright red shirt, was tireless, swaying to the rhythms, playing ballads, standards and calypso-inspired compositions, wrapping up with his signature tune "St. Thomas."
Hajime Ban, a 69-year-old designer, was in tears after the performance.
"At this stage in his life, he is no longer human," he said. "I don't want to think this is the last time we're going to be able to hear him."
Rollins doesn't dwell on his past, although he is one of a handful left standing among the giants of jazz, who were so critical in defining the art form during the 1950s and 1960s.
"I am still able to play my horn. It is a blessing. It is a gift. I am not looking backward at all," he said. "Eighty is fine."
The surreal odyssey of The Monkees' HEAD continues! Rhino Handmade expands the superbly strange soundtrack as an exclusive three-disc boxed set featuring 20 previously unreleased tracks, outtakes, rarities, and live performances; plus an entire disc containing a rare promo-only radio interview Davy recorded in 1968. Ahead of its time when released, HEAD has become a cult classic from the psychedelic era and the DELUXE EDITION contains many of the missing links of this conceptual soundtrack.
A kaleidoscope of unissued auditory delights, HEAD (DELUXE EDITION) begins with the newly remastered original soundtrack including the ethereal theme "Porpoise Song," and offers up alternate stereo mixes for nearly every track. It also features a rough stereo mix of "Can You Dig it" with Tork singing instead of Dolenz, "Daddy's Song" which is remixed with a section that was never used in the film or soundtrack album, and an unreleased stereo mix of "Swami - Plus Strings."
Disc two delivers outtakes and rarities, including mono mixes for every track, along with perhaps most monumentally, a long-lost live set recorded at the Valley Music Hall in Salt Lake City from the spring of 1968. The performances were captured for the film, but ultimately only one track ("Circle Sky") was used. Long rumored, recently discovered, this is the first time these legendary live tracks have ever been available.
Disc three rounds out the set with an elusive radio interview with Jones about the album that was only issued as a promotional LP in 1968. It also includes full tracks and excerpts from the Head soundtrack that were interspersed throughout the interview. The original promo disc is considered one of the rarest Monkees collectibles, and now we're making it available for you to hear!
Housed in a 7" x 7" deluxe box with a mirrored finish that replicates the original vinyl release, the collection also features (X pages of) new liner notes by Andrew Sandoval and Rachel Lichtman, including brand-new interviews with Michael Nesmith and director Bob Rafelson, plus dozens of unpublished color photos.
Only available at Rhino.com, HEAD (DELUXE EDITION) is due at the end of October, but you can pre-order it now.
That's not all! The Monkees are coming to Blu-Ray! The Criterion Collection presents "America: Lost And Found," a special edition Blu-ray collector's set with new, restored high-definition digital transfers of Head; Easy Rider; Five Easy Pieces; Drive, He Said; A Safe Place; The Last Picture Show & The King Of Marvin Gardens. This set also features behind-the-scenes documentaries, audio commentaries, liner notes, and more!
Learn more at Criterion.com and save 10% off the collection when you enter promo code RHINO at checkout (valid only for "America: Lost and Found" at Criterion.com).
By TOBY STERLING and NEKESA MUMBI MOODY, Associated Press Writers
AMSTERDAM – Solomon Burke, the larger-than-life "King of Rock and Soul" who was revered as one of music's greatest vocalists but never reached the level of fame of those he influenced, died early Sunday at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. He was 70.
Born to the sound of music in an upstairs room of a Philadelphia church, Burke was acknowledged as one of the greatest soul singers of the 1960s, but his popularity never matched that of contemporaries like James Brown or Marvin Gaye.
Two of Burke's best-known songs reached a wider audience when they were featured in hit movies.
He wrote "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" in 1964 and it was later featured in the Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi movie "The Blues Brothers." The Rolling Stones and Wilson Pickett also recorded it.
A bare-chested Patrick Swayze danced seductively with Jennifer Grey to Burke's "Cry To Me" in one of the most memorable scenes from the movie "Dirty Dancing."
Legendary Atlantic Records producer Jerry Wexler once called Burke, "the best soul singer of all time."
Anti- Records President Andy Kaulkin, whose label produced Burke's comeback record, "Don't Give Up On Me," which won him his first and only Grammy, said, "Popular music today wouldn't be where it is without Solomon Burke."
There’s a HBO new biopic in the works that’ll tell the life story of record producer Phil Spector and according to the New York Times, Al Pacino will play him. David Mamet is writing the screenplay about Spector, who created the “wall of sound” in the 1960’s and who was convicted of second-degree murder last year in the 2003 shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson. Spector is now serving a 19-years-to-life sentence. No word on when the movie will come out.
Pollstar magazine has released a third-quarter recap of the top touring artists this year. In the past nine months, AC/DC sold more tickets than any other band – over 1.8-million of them. Bon Jovi came in second, moving 1.36-million tickets. Other rockers on the chart include Metallica at 18 with 540-thousand, Rush at 33 with 350-thousand and at 38, Guns N’ Roses, who sold 319-thousand tickets. Learn more at PollstarPro.com.
Today, you can pick up the re-release of Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Stones. The DVD features a remastered version of the 1974 concert flick that shows the band during their 1972 tour in support of Exile on Main St. Drummer Charlie Watts told us about the magic the legendary group experiences on stage.
(Cut #1) “There’s a thing that goes on when we’re together. I don’t know what it is. It’s just one of those things.”
The remastered Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Stones also includes an introduction by Mick Jagger as well as an interview with the singer. Learn more at RollingStones.com and pick up your copy today.
Want to live where Paul McCartney once rested his head and wrote his solo hit “Mull of Kintyre?” Now you can! The singer’s Carskiey Estate in Scotland is for sale for 4.7-million dollars. According to the BBC, along with amazing views, the nine-bedroom home includes a spa and cottages. Read more at BBC.co.uk.
• Released in 1977, “Mull of Kintyre” spent nine weeks at number one in the U-K. It was the first single to sell over two-million copies in the U-K alone. However, the tune peaked in the U-S at 33.
Could Rod Stewart be thinking of reuniting with his former Jeff Beck Group bandmate Jeff Beck? Possibly! Rod told Billboard that after the success of his American Songbook covers album, he wants to do more diverse records, including one with Beck. Stewart revealed he’s meeting with Jeff in a couple weeks to see if they can work together and what they’d want to do. Rod explained, “We’re a little bit older now and we can tolerate each other.” Read more at Billboard.com.
It’s been 40 years since The Who played in Leeds, England then released a live album featuring that show. Now, the band plan to put out a Live at Leeds: 40th Anniversary Super-Deluxe Collector’s Edition set. Along with the original album, the package will also include the group’s gig in Hull, England, where they performed the night after they played Leeds. Both live albums will come as two-CD sets and the collection also boasts a heavyweight vinyl reproduction of the original Live at Leeds, a hardback book, a seven-inch single of “Summertime Blues”/”Heaven & Hell” and a poster of Pete Townshend. It all comes out on November 16th and you can learn more at TheWho.com.
Saturday was John Lennon’s 70th birthday and to mark the occasion, Gibson has released a limited number of J-160E’s, the type of guitar Lennon played. John’s widow, Yoko Ono, requested that the company do it so they’ll be putting out three models. On Saturday, 70 all-white Imagine editions of the instrument were released, as was 70 replicas of the J-160E as it was when John was killed 20 years ago. Meanwhile, five-hundred replicas of an earlier model will also come out. They’ll be priced between 47-hundred and 15-thousand dollars. Learn more at Gibson.com.
For the very first time in history the “World’s Greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll Band,” ABKCO Records and Universal Music Group have joined forces to offer two vinyl box set collections spanning over 40 years of the Rolling Stones’ career. The box sets include 23 original studio albums, two “Big Hits” collections as well as two rare EPs. They will be released on November 22 in the U.K. and November 23 in the U.S. and Canada. The Rolling Stones 1964-1969 and The Rolling Stones 1971-2005 Vinyl Box Sets offer the consumer a wealth of great Rolling Stones music, much of which hasn’t been available on vinyl for a considerable period of time.
The Rolling Stones 1964-1969 Vinyl Box Set, a limited edition numbered box set collection, chronologically encompasses the Stones’ early U.K. releases. The set includes nine re-mastered Rolling Stones studio albums, two remastered EPs, plus two “Big Hits” collections. It's the first vinyl reissue in decades for The Rolling Stones (EP), The Rolling Stones, Five by Five (EP), The Rolling Stones No. 2, Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) and Through the Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2).
The first five titles in the set are presented in their original mono format affording, for the first time in years, an opportunity for Stones fans to enjoy remastered versions of the tracks “I Can’t Be Satisfied,” “Time Is On My Side” (Version 2) and “Down the Road Apiece” as originally released. Through the Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2) is included with its original octagonal cover and artwork intact. Metamorphosis is also included in the set; the album was first released in 1975 but is wholly comprised of tracks recorded from the early-to-late sixties. The inclusion of the band’s original two “Big Hits” collections was mandated by the fact that U.K. album releases in that era most often did not include contemporaneously released hit singles.
The world really was the Rolling Stones’ oyster in the seventies, as their escapades made headlines around the world from the French Riviera to Switzerland and via the U.S. and Canada. They performed groundbreaking concerts in arenas and moved effortlessly into open-air stadiums. They stuck their collective tongue out at the British establishment and became citizens of the world.
They set up their own label and made the most of their new-found artistic freedom and, most importantly, they issued a series of definitive studio albums: Sticky Fingers, Exile On Main Street, Goats Head Soup, It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll, Black And Blue and Some Girls. They partied at Studio 54, came up with dance-floor hits “Miss You” and “Emotional Rescue,” and recorded in Paris, Nassau, Jamaica and New York.
The eighties saw the band stretch the envelope further still, working with jazz great Sonny Rollins, film directors Julien Temple and Michael Lindsay-Hogg, and producers Chris Kimsey and Steve Lillywhite on classics such as Emotional Rescue, Tattoo You, Undercover, Dirty Work and Steel Wheels.
Throughout the next two decades they filmed with Scorsese, recorded with Don Was and released further groundbreaking albums--Voodoo Lounge and Bridges To Babylon, right up to 2005’s triumphant A Bigger Bang.
Fans now get a chance to rediscover many of their past favorites and unearth some forgotten gems along the way too …all re-mastered and sounding better than ever.
The two volumes, a compendium of the band’s U.K.-released studio recordings, will be marketed jointly by ABKCO and UMG and span the band’s output from the dawn of their recording career in early 1964 with the release of their debut LP The Rolling Stones, through to A Bigger Bang, originally released in 2005. Pressings in The Rolling Stones 1964-1969 and The Rolling Stones 1971-2005 Vinyl Box Sets are 180-gram virgin heavyweight vinyl and are part of the much lauded Back-to-Black classic vinyl reissue series.
Jody Klein, ABKCO Music and Records CEO, remarked, “With the current marketplace resurgence of vinyl, these collections are certain to delight both long-standing Stones fans as well as contemporary vinyl devotees. The quality of the pressings and the care with which these historic releases have been remastered is breathtaking.”
"We are honored to continue our campaign to preserve the Stones legacy with the highest quality sets for fans to enjoy," added Bruce Resnikoff, President/CEO, Universal Music Enterprises (UMe).
Andrew Kronfeld, Universal Music Group International’s Executive VP, International Marketing, said, “Vinyl was the Rolling Stones’ accomplice from day one, so this is the way to hear the world’s greatest rock ’n’ roll band. There’s nothing else to say… just listen.”
The Rolling Stones 1964-1969 Vinyl Box Set
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ps ck out David Crosby in the intro number
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Uncover Art
Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's

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