Pablo Amaringo is my featured artist of the month. His expressions of Amazonian shamanism and Ayahuasca visions are a deeply transformative experience. Please navigate through my updated blog and have a look. To find Pablo's images, simply scroll down the blog past all the images on the right side. Then in the middle will start the art section. Once past Pablo's art there are music video and then a very extensive selection of visionary, spiritual, and interesting art.
In scrolling down the news stories, you will see that there are lots of concerns including the continuation of radioactivity from Japan, no funds for public education yet major oil companies making record profits and not paying any taxes, assassinations and parades over faceless corpses, etc. Yet also there are many areas of peace and harmony. Messages from spiritual leaders, grass roots environmental movements, shamanic portals and variety of health information.
As many of you know, I have been sending out this newsletter for over 7 years. I am committed to networking these articles and stay many hours a day researching. Our financial situation is very challenging as it is and the cost to keep the internet services also is a problem each month. I would like to thank the friends that have sent in donations to the service I provide. I am not asking for anyone to feel that they have to donate. My service is from the heart and it is a pleasure for me to outreach to as many people as possible. Many people write me back that they have benefited from the articles and thus the information provides a service. However, if anyone can send even a small donation to me through Paypal or otherwise, my family and I would be very very appreciative.
In any case, the 'links by george" will go on.
We have a paypal contact at
If you have a roller ball on your mouse, just push down
on it over the links below to open it in a new window!
Psychedelic Adventures at the Edge of the Abyss:
The Ideas of Terence and Dennis McKenna
Host: Dennis McKenna
Terence McKenna was a brilliant psychedelic philosopher who foresaw the potential for a transformative future, pegged to the Mayan calendrical date of December 21, 2012. Dennis McKenna, his brother, explores his legacy and reveals his relevance for today.
4 Sessions, Starts June 5 Featuring:
Daniel Pinchbeck
Dr. Luis Eduardo Luna
Ralph Abraham
Mark Pesce
Erik Davis
Ralph Metzner
Ayahuasca Dreams
Sacred Plant Medicine,
July 16-24, Brazil
European Ayahuasca Research Symposium“,
Amsterdam, June 17, 2011.
Old Masters -
New Visions art seminar with Philip Rubinov Jacobson
Austria, August 29-Sept 9
One Love Gathering,
Boone NC,
June 25-26
3rd annual Shamanic Convergence,
Nova Scotia
Sept 22
Nimbin lights up for Mardi Grass
Willie Nelson Endorses Gary Johnson for President
Boy, two, with brain cancer is 'cured' after secretly
being fed medical marijuana by his father
National Cancer Institute supports med marijuana
What's Up With Obama's Cynical Approach to Medical Marijuana?
Medical Marijuana Programs Under Attack
- Act Now
"we are writing to express our deep concerns about recent threatening
letters from several United States Attorneys from across the country
regarding the potential initiation of federal prosecutions against persons
who are complying with state medical marijuana laws."
The 5 Worst States to Get Busted With Pot
Man Gets Life in Prison for Pot
Was Bin Laden growing pot?
There's a short video about Bin Laden's compound and images
of the "evidence":
Was Osama bin Laden a marijuana smoker?
NORML response
Vaporizing Cannabis:
More Alternatives for Nonsmokers
Headache Treatment
– Alternative or Illicit?
- horizons in psychedelic medicine
Can Psychedelics Make You Happier?
Honor Thy Daughter (Paperback):
"The latest book from the MAPS Press, Harvard-educated teacher Marilyn Howell, Ed.D.,
tells the story of her family's search for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing as her daughter struggles with terminal cancer. Their journey ultimately takes them into the
hands of an anonymous therapist who offers the family hope and healing through psychedelicpsychotherapy"
How Christopher Hitchens Could Help His Fellow Cancer Patients
by Promoting Psychedelic End-of-Life Therapy
Running in the Dark:
a life without drugs
– by Andrew Maitland Southern
Larry Hagman
- All Politicians Should Use LSD
Curiouser and curiouser:
Could ecstasy actually heal brains as well as minds?
Rick Doblin, Ph.D.,
Answers Questions from the Reddit Community
(Part 1) -youtube
Salv A in humans from BPRU
Dr Rick Strassman, author of DMT The Spirit Molecule
Altered Statesman:
David Jay Brown interview on expanded consciousness frontiers
Ayahuasca and the Grotesque Body
— a carnivalesque analysis, via Mikhail Bakhtin
Santo Daime Canadian Case
Black Smoke:
Margaret de Wys's excellent book and website of sacred plant
medicine and healing in the Amazon
The Influence of Drugs in Art History
Review on book about ayahuasca religions in
the Journal of Contemporary Religions
The Black Angels' Alex Maas on DMT,
St. Louis and lots more
Green-bearded aging hippie launches book on mind-altering herbs
Least Religious But Most Interested In Patients' Religion
Pike, James A. If This Be Heresy.
"Research and discovery in the fields of anthropology and the history
of religions have established that connected with most primitive religions
has been the use of one or another of the many psychedelic drugs as part
of the sacramental rites of the cult. "
Bishop James Pike
George Harrison:
Remembering “the quiet Beatle”
Sai Baba-his last messages
Sai Baba: "I have gone nowhere"
Year 2012 According to Sai Baba
Be Love Now:
A Visit with Ram Dass
Why the Age of the Guru is Over
by Charles Eisenstein
Natural World Consciousness
Nature of Reality:
Deepak Chopra, Michael Shermer at Chapman University
Derroll Adams' Message to the World
(with French subtitles)
Humanity Healing International:
"is a humanitarian, non political spiritual organization promoting spiritual
activism as a means to foster healing around the world for communities that
have little or no hope"
What’s Up With That?
… Could Mother Earth Be Granted Human Rights?
Lemuria / Mu -
(2008 English edition)
Beautiful photos of Rainbow Gatherings
Greek Rainbow site from Augustine with many contacts
to other European gatherings
Culture Magic:
Intentional community as both a lifestyle of choice and a strategy to anticipate,
reflect and quicken social change.
Dream Sparkle
- an eclectic monthly e-magazine of consciousness in its many expressions
Deep dimensions of art expression from Franciszek C. Kulon
Paul Simon
-"Salvation pursued musically"
Pink Floyd Reunited
How much money does it take to get off the grid
11 U.S. cities honored as ‘walk-friendly’:
Seattle ranks first
Women Race to the Top:
Mt. Everest
World’s Biggest Tent:
Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center
Top 10 Largest Empires In World History (by landmass)
Over a billion tons of food wasted every year: UN
Help for the Homeless
- Humans and Companion Animals
What’s Up With That? …
Could Mother Earth Be Granted Human Rights?
Eyes of Gaia is coordinated by Nicola Peel who is a full time
environmentalist and dedicated to environmental education.
Stop the Dumping of Rodenticides on the Farallon Islands !
Say Earthalujah! Reverend Billy preaches the green gospel
Photos of Christchurch Earthquake
China Plans Environmental Healing in Three Gorges Region by 2020
American Rivers At Greatest Risk in 2011
Trans Canada Pipeline Spills 21,000 Gallons of Oil in North Dakota
End Taxpayer-funded Subsidies for Big Oil
Activists square up to coal mine threatening
'Lord of the Rings' site
Sharing and caring:
the implications of collaborative consumption
Water shortages threaten food future in the Middle East
Climate Record Suggesting Severe Tropical Droughts
as Northern Temperatures Rise
Seeds of Destruction
- The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Genetically Engineered Destruction
By F. William Engdahl
Nuclear collapse looms?
Fukushima No. 4 reactor 'leaning'
Nuclear Fuel Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi Confirmed
Marine radiation monitoring blocked by Japanese government
Mercury converted to its most toxic form in ocean waters: study
Uranium Is So Last Century Enter Thorium,
the New Green Nuke
Giant asteroid to hurtle past Earth
Huge Gamma-Ray Flares Mystify World's Astronomers
Antimatter produced by lightning
The inner core of the Earth may be melting, scientists now find.
Say What?
A Chemical Can Damage Your Lungs, Liver and Kidneys
and Still Be Labeled "Non-Toxic"?
EPA Halts Heightened Monitoring of Fukushima Fallout
Food Safety in the Post-Fukushima World
Radioactive Fallout:
Can Nutritional Supplements Help?
Mobile phones are ‘to blame for the sudden decline in the world’s bee population’
Prostate Cancer Screening Has Zero Benefit,
Concludes 20-Year Study
Avoid THESE Medical Treatments Whenever Possible
Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice
Can we cut cancer and heart disease rates just by going vegan?
Thomas Szasz on the Therapeutic State
—Alliance Between Government & Psychiatry
Psychopharmaceutical industry seeks world of dispassionate sheeple (sheep-people)
Financial Ties Bind Medical Societies to Drug and Device Makers
Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square
Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square
“One For All” Universal Flu Vaccine – 21st Century Genetic Roulette Part 1
Was the Swine Flu Scare a Drug Company Hoax?
Vaccines Responsible for Massive Decline in Natural Immunity
High Rates of Autism Found in Federal Vaccine Injury Program:
Study Says More Answers Needed
Cancer Cures Video Documentary
- How US government agencies unconstitutionally suppress health
information and natural cures
Medicinal Herbs Are Held to a Higher Standard Than Big Pharma's
US Govt. armed agents invade Maxam Nutraceutics
The Illegal Herb that Fights Cancer
The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C-
Vitamin C Treatment For Polio - Dr. Klenner
NEW Research Explains 61% of Multiple Sclerosis Cases
The Most Important Food for Healthy Eyes
(No, it's Not Carrots) -Astaxanthin
The Breast Cancer Breakthrough that's Making Experts Angry
The "Showering Mistake" that Could Cause Less-than-Optimal Health
Even if You Eat "Perfectly",
Not Knowing This Could Leave You Depressed
Book uncovers truth behind big medicine's war against chiropractic care
Stevie Nicks Confesses:
Common Remedy Turned My Hair Gray and Molted My Skin...
The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary
Liquid Dentist Explanation by Dr. Horowitz
"Teeth Brushing Risks Most People Don't Know About"
The Protein Powder You Should Never, Ever Buy
How Safe is Your Food?
GMO, Foodborne Illnesses and Biotechnology
A Review of GRAIN's report on Food Safety
Eight Foods You Should Almost Never, Ever Eat
Girl Scouts censor Facebook criticism of palm oil in cookies
The 7 Tricks Restaurants Play to Separate You From Your Money
Sluts Don't Cause Rape, Rapists Do:
Why "Slutwalks" Are Sweeping the World
5 Surprising Things About Sex Women Might Be Scared to Tell Men
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Perspective
By Dr. Helen Caldicott
How the Murdoch Press Keeps Australia's Dirty Secret
Regime Change at the IMF:
The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?
German insurer Munich Re held orgy for salesmen
The Global Economic Crisis and the Globalization of Poverty
Nato units left 61 African migrants to die of hunger and thirst
Fabricating Pretexts:
Disinformation Campaigns directed against Cuba
Who is Behind The Protest Movement?
Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian Intervent
Syria and US Imperialism
NATO Continues Killing Spree in Africa And Asia
Noam Chomsky:
'The U.S. and its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World'
Why is Libya the Target for US/NATO Missiles?
By William Blum
Are the Libyans the worst abusers of their people in the region?
In actuality, Libya offers its citizens a higher standard of living.
The Media War on Libya:
Justifying War through Lies and Fabrications
In the Theater of the Absurd:
US-NATO Support "Al Qaeda in Libya"
Who's Been Brainwashed?
Gaddafi - A Libyan Hero
By Philip Pank in Tripoli
Muammar Gaddafi has announced plans to dismantle the Government,
hand the riches from Africa's biggest oil reserves to the people and nationalise
foreign oil operations that have recently been allowed back into the country.
The announcement has left diplomats and the 40 overseas oil companies
operating in the country on edge.
Humanitarian Neo-colonialism:
Framing Libya and Reframing War
Creative Destruction Part III
Ahmadinejad Could Resign as President of Iran;
Top Aides Arrested and Charged With Sorcery
Iran's supreme leader tells Ahmadinejad:
accept minister or quit
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's ultimatum widens rift between leaders
and increases pressure on president
Despite shortcomings,
Muslims Most Civilised in the World
Philippine city holds 'circumcision party'
Man leaps to his death off world's tallest tower
Uncle Ernie's excellent news review
How Fox News Outfoxes Americans
Don't Let Monsanto Buy Out Public Radio!
Jimmy Carter’s October Surprise Doubts
Tell Walmart:
Intervene Before Labor Activists Are Sentenced to Death
Asking Obama to Protect Gaza Relief Ship
6 State Battlegrounds in the Right-Wing War Against Teachers,
Firefighters, Caregivers and the Entire Middle Class. Headed Toward Plutocracy
Health Care Is a Human Right
America Held Hostage
Noam Chomsky | The International Assault on Labor
The DeVos Family:
Meet the Super-Wealthy Right-Wingers Working With
the Religious Right to Kill Public Education
The First Guess:
Poll Shows We Are Lotto Nation:
"Keith Olbermann comments on polling data that backs up his earlier
assertion that the reason many poor people support policies that hurt
their interests while helping the wealthy is that they believe they will
one day be wealthy. "
American Democracy Beyond Casino Capitalism and the Torture State
Animals, Cruelty and Videotape
U.S. Policy is Rooted in Lies, Injustice, and War
By Cynthia McKinney
We cannot bring our country to peace and respect for human dignity
without the solid foundation of the truth.
Those in the service of hatred, war, Zionism are being seen for what they are.
America Has Turned into a Moral Swamp
By Mike Whitney
The United States has sunk deeper into savagery and abandoned
any commitment to conventional norms of behavior.
60% of US Teens Believe Torture Is OK
A Troubled Nation Feeds On bin Laden's Corpse
Weapons of Mass Exploitation
Time to Break Up the Telecoms | FCC Commissioner Quits
- Now a Comcast Lobbyist
MS Governor to Poor Residents Facing Historic Floods:
Good Luck, You're Basically on Your Own
Michael Moore Interview:
The Death of Osama bin Laden
Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden
Michael Moore:
'Bin Laden Was Executed': "Excerpt: "Look at the Nuremberg Trials.
We didn't just pop a bullet in the heads of the worst scum in history.
We thought it was important to put them on trial and expose their evil.
In a democracy we believe in a system of justice and we believe in a judicial
system that gives people a day in court ... and then we hung them."
The Assassination of Osama bin Laden:
Glaring Anomalies in the Official Narrative
Osama was Left Handed...
By Felicity Arbuthnot
My Reaction to Osama bin Laden's Death
-Noam Chomsky
Obama's "Kill-at-Will" Strategy
By Glen Ford
Obama's masquerade as a purveyor of U.S. "soft power" is over.
Thinly cloaked as NATO, the Americans displayed their ability to 'kill-at-will'
with the attack on Gaddafi's residence, the same weekend that bin Laden
was erased." The intended audience includes all who would resist U.S. empire.
"We're a Nation of Laws?"
By Ted Rall
President Obama murdered Osama bin Laden. I am surprised that the left
has been so supportive--not of the end result, but of the way it was carried out.
The New Bin Laden
NATO's Secret Ground War in Libya
The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Gaddafi's Libya EXPOSED!!!
Cross and Double Cross With Gitmo Files
US Knew Where Osama Was Since 2005
By Israel Shamir
Now we'll give you the story behind the story:
who crossed and double crossed whom, which information was redacted
and how did it lead to OBL?
Bin Laden's Daughter Confirms
Father Captured Alive Then Killed By US Special Forces
By Al Arabiya's correspondent in Islamabad
Osama was neither armed nor did inmates at the compound fire at
the US choppers or commandos.
Osama Bin Laden dead:
White House backtracks on how bin Laden died
Blackwater’s New Ethics Chief: John Ashcroft
"Fascist Eric Prince, Blackwater Founder, at it Again":
Right-Wing War Profiteer Erik Prince's New Project:
Contracting Mercanaries Out to Arab Countries.
Soldier Porn:
Why Do Reporters Act Like Giddy Schoolgirls Around the Military?
Future Soldiers May be Killer Robots
WI Democrats File Formal Challenge Against Suspicious Recall
Petitions Submitted by Republicans
Obama Murdered bin Laden for a Fistful of Votes
By Haim Baram
Obama is allowing American conservatives and their allies everywhere
(including "our" prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu ) to preach in favor
of official terror as the only way to stop liberation movements the world over.
"The Christian Right is Aiming to Destroy All Things Public"
Gingrich Enters GOP Freak Show!
Gingrich Calls Obama 'Food Stamp President'
Trump to China:
"Listen You Motherf***ers...."-video
Donald Trump delivers an F-bomb laden speech in Las Vegas where he covers
everything from Obama's misgivings to the middle east and China.
The most shocking moment was undoubtedly his views on how to deal with
China's global manufacturing monopoly.
Senate Republicans filibuster to protect oil-industry subsidies
—after getting gusher of oil money
Reid To Boehner:
If You Want $2 Trillion In Cuts, Start With Oil And Gas Tax Breaks
Senate Declines to Lift Tax Breaks for Big Oil
Amid Nationwide Financial Crisis,
CEO Pay Leapt 11 Percent Last Year
Appalling Greed:
Richest 400 Average $270.5 Million Incomes,
Pay Almost Nothing in Taxes
Homeless Middle Class Rising
Is America's Middle Class Doomed to Low-Wage Jobs
and a Poor Standard of Living?
TX GOP Rams Koch-Backed "Loser Pays" Bill Through House,
Making it Harder to Sue Corporations
One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street
By Robert Scheer
The fix was in to let the Wall Street scoundrels off the hook for the enormous
damage they caused in creating the Great Recession.... until last week when
the attorney general of New York refused to go along.
Thousands Protest Draconian Budget Cuts With March on Wall Street,
Demand That We "Make the Banks Pay"
BRICS: Shaking the world order
The National Day of Prayer:
Encouraging Christian Supremacists Since 1952
The Obama Deception:
Why Cornel West Went Ballistic
By Chris Hedges
Cornel West describes Obama as "a black mascot of Wall Street
oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.
And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it."
Osama, Al-Qaeda, and the Mythology of the 'War on Terror'
Osama and the Ghosts of September 11:
"Proof that Obama is Lying"
By Michael C. Ruppert
Bin Laden Is Dead.
Will The Patriot Act Live On?
Athletes who disagree get targeted
US football player targeted for criticizing celebration of Bin Laden killing
Medical Complicity in Torture at Guantánamo Bay:
Evidence Is the First Step Toward Justice
Jason Leopold
Why Did US Surgeons Remove Abu Zubaydah's Eye?
Lockdown America
- Prison Expert Christian Parenti on America's Staggering Incarceration Rate
Know Your Rights
- Protect Yourself From FBI Entrapment
You've Got Jesse Ventura
Americans Are Living In 1984
By Paul Craig Roberts
Americans have succumbed to propaganda that has conditioned them to
believe that they are under attack by practically omnipotent adversaries.
More Koch Thought Control
Electronic Surveillance:
America's Secret Domestic Spying Apparatus
War On Humanity
By Luke Hiken
Following up on the murder of Osama Bin Laden, the Obama administration
today announced the formation of a joint Military/Domestic Police Force (MDPF)
to carry out a War on Humanity.
FDA approves computer chip for humans
Studies About Taser Safety Funded
by Taser International,
Can't Be Trusted
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura,
Season 2 Episode 7
Dr. Len Horowitz view on the world
part 1 of 2
Hawaii Revisited;
Investigating Chemtrails/Geoengineering
Chemtrails Geo-Engineering Michael Murphy 1_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.17.2011
Russian Warning Issued Over “Controlled” Comet Headed Towards Earth:
A chilling report prepared for President Medvedev by Minister
Serdyukov of the Russian Defense Ministry on the building of an
additional 5,000 underground ‘bomb’ shelters in Moscow warns that even
though progress is being made, the appearance of the new Comet Elenin
[photo right] in our Solar System means “additional resources” will
have to be added “immediately” as the 2012 time line for completion
“may not be soon enough”.
CDC tells America to prepare for "zombie apocalypse"
- seriously - not a joke
Project Pegasus:
"This is the web portal to receive news and information about
Andrew D. Basiago’s quest to lobby the US government to disclose its
teleportation secret so that teleportation can be adopted on a global basis
to help humanity achieve planetary sustainability in the 21st century"
The secret sex lives of the Founding Fathers
Larry Flynt argues that political sex scandals
-- from tawdry affairs to closeted pols -- are as old as our nation
"We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free." - -- Epictetus - (ca 55-135 A.D.) Greek philospher - Source: Discourses
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
"Not to he who is offensive to us are we most unfair, but to he who does not concern us at all." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"There is actually one thing worse than evil itself and that is indifference to evil. In human relations the nadir of morality, the lowest point as far as Christian ethics is concerned, is manifest in the phrase, I couldn't care less." - Joseph Fletcher
"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future". - Adolf Hitler
"When we violate the law ourselves, whatever short-term advantage may be gained, we are obviously encouraging others to violate the law; we thus encourage disorder and instability and thereby do incalculable damage to our own long-term interests." - J. William Fulbright
"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace." - John Lennon
"Liberty and democracy become unholy when their hands are dyed red with innocent blood." - Mahatma Gandhi
" 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" - - George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3
"the consciousness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing-over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival." -- George Orwell, 1984, Part 2, Chapter 9, pg. 192
"a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting - three hundred million people all with the same face." George Orwell, 1984, Part 1, Chapter 7, pg. 77
People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election. - Otto von Bismarck -
So near is falsehood to truth that a wise man would do well not to trust himself on the narrow edge. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. - Albert Einstein
"The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a 'gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ... May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties." - W.E.B. DuBois(1922)
"Now you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure:
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor,
and there's a mighty judgement coming, but I may be wrong."
Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song
On Sunday, Wavy Gravy, the hippie icon and clown best known as the MC of Woodstock, turned 75 years old. These days, the activist spends his time running a circus and performing arts camp in California. He no doubt is asked for advice from the campers and Wavy let us know what he tells them
(Cut #8) “Well there was a line I got from Ken Kesey before he passed away. He said, ‘Always put your good where it will do the most,’ and I vibrate that one for him. I used to open for a piano player named Thelonious Monk. He said, ‘Everyone is a genius just being themself.’ So I try to be the best Wavy Gravy I can muster and I tell the kids to follow their bliss and do their thing and be the best at whoever they are.”
So what’s the latest on a possible Rod Stewart-Jeff Beck reunion? Rod filled in USA Today saying, “What we really need is for both of us to get in the studio for a month and write together, but the issue has been both our working commitments.” Perhaps now works since Rod just finished his tour with Stevie Nicks and Jeff just concluded his Les Paul tribute tour. In fact, they’ll both be in England and Rod’s manager says they plan to meet and work something out. Earlier this year, the guys trading some tracks that Rod called “mostly bluesy stuff.” Read more
In 1958…Bobby Darin’s “Splish Splash” was the first eight-track recording to be pressed into a 45 RPM single.
In 1965…In their efforts to determine the true significance of the lyrics to “Louie Louie,” gov't agents visited the offices of Wand Records, who distributed The Kingsmen’s hit record.
In 1966…The Grateful Dead played their first show at San Francisco’s Avalon Ballroom.
In 1967…The Beatles went into partnership as Beatles and Co.
In 1969…The Who released Tommy – on the same day as Pete Townshend’s 24th birthday.
In 1979…George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr performed together for the first time since the break-up of The Beatles at the wedding reception for Harrison’s friend, Eric Clapton, and Harrison’s ex-wife, Patti Boyd.
In 1984…Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon had been in the American charts for ten years running.
In 1986…Peter Gabriel released his best-selling So album.
In 2003…James Brown was sued for harassment and wrongful dismissal. The suit, filed by a former employee in California Superior Court, alleged Brown made it known that he was proud of his “bull testicles.”
In 2003…Aretha Franklin held a candlelight vigil and prayer service in Detroit for soul singer Luther Vandross, who suffered a stroke a month earlier.
ON MAY 18TH...
In 1963…Bob Dylan sang with Joan Baez on “With God on Our Side” at the Monterey Folk Festival.
In 1963…The Beatles began their third U-K tour supporting Roy Orbison. By the end of the 21-date tour, the fast-rising band was the headliner.
In 1967…The Rolling Stones recorded “We Love You.” Paul McCartney and John Lennon contributed backing vocals.
In 1968…The Doors, The Animals, Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Country Joe and The Fish and Taj Mahal all played The Northern California Folk Rock Festival.
In 1979…Journey hosted The Midnight Special, with special guests The Jacksons and Herbie Hancock.
In 1980…Joy Division’s Ian Curtis hanged himself in his Manchester, England home.
In 1982…Joe Strummer reappeared after he fled The Clash and moved to Paris the month before. He claimed his disappearance was due to exhaustion and doubts about his career.
In 1992…Ozzy Osbourne announced his retirement from touring.
In 1993…Kiss’ Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and Bruce Kulick were given a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In 2004…Elvin Jones, a jazz drummer who played with John Coltrane, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis, died of heart failure in Englewood, New Jersey. He was 76.
In 2005…Elvis Presley was named the most successful artist of all time by the Guinness Book of Records. The tally was based on the total number of weeks he spent on the U-K singles and album charts. At number two was Cliff “Devil Woman” Richard.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Aloha and we hope all is well on your side of the cyber veil. There is fresh art at the bottom section including a very interesting "Sheeple" image from David Dees, new art from Andrew Annenberg and many others that I think you will enjoy.
Events keep quickening and I stay steady on the internet research to provide as many interesting and useful reference points as I can.
Feel free to share any of the stories as we need to be aware.
Besides the many music videos that I add each week, our friends in Australia,
Pagan Love Cult have a couple of new ones that I would like to highlight:
Pagan Love CultHigh On Light
Pagan Love Cult-Our Gorey Future
Pagan Love Cult 2010 tour
As many of you know, I have been sending out this newsletter for over 7 years. I am committed to networking these articles and stay many hours a day researching. Our financial situation is very challenging as it is and the cost to keep the internet services also is a problem each month. I would like to thank the friends that have sent in donations to the service I provide. I am not asking for anyone to feel that they have to donate. My service is from the heart and it is a pleasure for me to outreach to as many people as possible. Many people write me back that they have benefited from the articles and thus the information provides a service. However, if anyone can send even a small donation to me through Paypal or otherwise, my family and I would be very very appreciative.
In any case, the 'links by george" will go on.
. We have a paypal contact at
Ayahuasca Healing Retreat, May 16 to 25 in Brazil
Work with plant spirits. This program is based on various disciplines, including teachings from shamanic practices, ancient mystery schools and modern transpersonal studies. Initiations into higher states of being.
Spiritual & Metaphysical Retreats at TheVine Center in Bahia, Brazil
16 – 22 July 2011
We Shall Weave Our Dreams!
Iquitos, Peru
7th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference
14 – 16 October 2011
Perspectives on Psychedelics
Judson Memorial Church
New York
Worldwide Marijuana March in San Diego
-May 7, 2011
Oklahoma Senate Passes Life Sentence for Hash Making
Drug-bashing RI Republican charged with drug use
15 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC
Pot Prohibition Turns 100-Years-Old:
A Centennial Anniversary That’s Hardly Worth Celebrating
Inside America's Almost Legal Marijuana Industry
Legalizing Marijuana Could Reduce Its Energy Consumption 75%
Author Graham Hancock on the War on Drugs
Children are Harmed, Not Helped, by Unwinnable Drug War
The Failed Drug War Has Created a Human Rights Nightmare
-- How Can This Happen in Our Country and Go Virtually Undiscussed?
Marc Emery Denied Transfer to Canadian Prison
Dutch Can Grow Five Marijuana Plants, No Problem
Nimbin MardiGrass 2011 tug o' peace...
Police -vs- Polite cops
Mardi Grass 2011
-Change the law
Timothy Leary
- Legend of a mind
In 1970, the 22-minute film "Man Isn't Dying Of Thirst" by Vaclav Hapl
– depicting the use of LSD in psychotherapy – was produced in Czechoslovakia.
Stanislav Grof Video Library
Treatment Manual for MDMA
-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment of PTSD
The Pot Head Pixies:
Drug Utopias in the Music of Gong, 1968-1974
Positive San Pedro story on Fox News
Ayahuasca Beyond the Amazon:
the benefits and risks of a spreading tradition.
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Consumption of Ayahuasca by Children and Pregnant Women:
Medical Controversies and Religious Perspectives
The Next Level
Sathya Sai Baba dead
- Live updates
Spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba passes away
Our Destiny Is Brotherhood:
The energy of Peace comes from the heart as we begin to coexist as brothers.
Knowledge and Revolution featuring David Icke
Misunderstanding Jesus's Execution
The pagan roots of Easter
Medicine Man
- Black Elk's story of The Great Circle
Native American Peace Prayer
- voice and visuals by Kelly Anne
- The Revolution Has Begun
Forget Hell:
A Rebirth of Christianity
We are all Fukushima
by "An integral perspective on the meanings and promises of disaster"
Dr. Len Horowitz is one of the world's most active and heroic messengers
of holistic harmony. It is our pleasure to not only be sending you his message
but to also be supportive of the Steam Vents Inn which we feel is one of the most
healing power spots on the island.
I invite your taking a close look and if possible, arrange a visit .
Ayn Rand Movie Fails in Free Market (Despite Tea Party Hype)
The Fascinating Histories Behind Your Favorite Fairy Tales
Pele 'Aina and the Faery Sanctuary at Jeffrey's
Derek-an inspirational musician
Our friend Robbie's psychedelic art. Check out his latest additions.
Last In The Series, One Thousand Pieces of Peace
Kelly Anne again showing her radiance through
musical art to Scott Huckabay's music
Barry Melton: The Long Strange Trip of a Psychedelic Icon
Brian Jones son
The Law of Mother Earth:
Behind Bolivia’s Historic Bill
Radiation Spreads Worldwide.
The Poisoning of Mother Earth
Neoliberal Globalization:
Is There an Alternative to Plundering the Earth?
Insane Storms: Science Saw it Coming, and Yes,
It's Part of Climate Change
Sea Shepherd:
how we sank the Japanese whaling fleet
10 reasons to still be pissed off about the BP disaster
Shell to Seek U.S. Approval to Drill as Many as 10 Oil Wells Off Alaska
USDA moves to let Monsanto perform its own environmental impact studies on GMOs
"The Thing":
A 140,000-Year-Old Organism Discovered in Antarctica's Ice-Shrouded Lake Vostok
Lyrebird mimic
Nyiragongo Crater:
Journey to the Center of the World
The Intelligence of Mushrooms in Environmental Restoration
Water powered engine plans to be released
Solar power without solar cells:
A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible
Dutch To Build Solar Panels Into Their Roads, Starting With Bike Lanes
Michio Kaku on Teleportation
Rumor Sweeping World's Science Community that CERN's LHC has
Detected the Higgs Boson -The "God Particle"
Nuclear weather worsens
Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients
(Japan) Fukushima Radiation Affects Part 8\8 Leuren Moret /
Radiation Affects on Ocean Fish
Radiation Readings in Fukushima Reactor Rise to Highest Since Crisis Began
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D. Discusses Radiation Contamination and what to do
This Devastating Mistake Can Wreck Your Immune System...
vaccine induced disease
The 12 Most Common Causes of Food Poisoning
The Devastating Toll of This Popular Food on Rural Communities Worldwide…
The 'Other' Sweetener That's Made from Sugar,
but is Closer to DDT -Splenda
FDA Warns -
Do NOT Use This Pain Reliever... You Could Turn Blue and Die
Are you enjoying your daily chemical cocktail?
They Cause 40,000 Deaths a Year
- But They're Handed Out Like Candy
The Dangers of the Medical Industrial Complex
The Drug Industry May Be Bad,
But THIS Industry May Be Even Worse for Your Health
Hiding the Truth About Factory Farms
On the food freedom front, yet another town in Maine
has passed its own food freedom law!
BBC E-mail:
Herbal medicine regulations start
Supreme Court bans medicinal use of aloe plant
BBC 2011 Plants found in ancient pills offer medicinal insight
Walnuts rank as top nut,
providing highest level of quality antioxidants
FDA agents launch covert ops against D.C.
-area raw-milk buying club
Mind-Gut Connection:
Why Intestinal Bacteria May Have Important Effects on Your Brain
Destroy Urinary Tract Infections Without Antibiotics or Cranberry Juice
Eliminate This ONE Ingredient and Watch Your Health Soar
--tossing away dangerous prescription drugs off the medicine shelves
Why Is Damning New Evidence About Monsanto's Most Widely Used
Herbicide Being Silenced?
The Amazing Nutrient that Lowers Your Blood Pressure
-Vitamin D
The Cancer Treatment So Successful
- Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down
How Supermodel Gisele Bundchen "Infuriated Cancer Experts"
...The link between sunsreens and cancer
How the Fashion Industry Is Killing Women
The Rush to Criminalize Teen Sexting
Susie Bright's Story:
Yes, Women Love Sex Too
New York Times Article Wages War on Sex,
Even Though Sex Is Great
Lust Murder:
Prostitutes as Victims of Throwaway Capitalism
No end in sight for Fukushima disaster
as bureaucrats battle the laws of physics
WI GOPers Offered Voters Free Shots of Booze
in Exchange for Recall Signatures
Britain’s Royal Wedding:
A Big Day For The Global Oligarchy
A Celebration of the Dictatorship of Global Capital over Democracy
Who's Who at The Royal Wedding...
The Guest List: Who's In, Who's Out
Who Owns The World? Is the World Too Big to Fail?
The Contours of Global Order
By Noam Chomsky
Support for democracy is the province of ideologists and propagandists.
In the real world, elite dislike of democracy is the norm.
The New Corporate World Order
By Robert Scheer
It is time to admit that we are, in practice if not surface appearance,
close to the Chinese communist model of state-sponsored capitalism.
Libya and the Imperial Re-Division of Africa
The Imperialist Powers' Odyssey of “Return” into Africa
Nato Kills Gaddafi's Son And 3 Grandchildren
By Al Jazeera
Gaddafi and his wife were in the Tripoli house of his 29-year-old son,
Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, when it was hit by at least one missile fired by a NATO
warplane late on Saturday,
according to Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim.
From Russia, Dire Warnings on Libya
By Robert Bridge
NATO forces have unleashed a powerful missile attack on Tripoli,
the Libyan capital, in the latest sign that the coalition has ignored its
UN mandate to "protect civilians" and has chosen instead to take sides in the revolt.
Putin "Gobsmacked" By NATO's Bombing Of Libya
1 Minute Video
Do you know how many peaceful civilians perish because of these missile attacks,
no matter what reasons are behind them?'
Afghanistan's great escape:
how 480 Taliban prisoners broke out of jail
Who Was Osama bin Laden?
Karin Friedemann
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
The gradual awakening of the Moroccan people
Afghan History:
The Central Asian Grand Chessboard
Origins of Western Islamophobia
" A new website where you can start your own online petition and
invite your friends to sign it.
We'll send the most popular petitions to other
MoveOn members to help build support for your cause"
Tornadoes Devastate South, Killing at Least 291
3-Storms knock out TVA nuclear units, power lines
Halliburton Emerges From Gulf Disaster Unscathed
Radioactive America!
What the Mainstream media is NOT TELLING YOU!
Shocking Revelations in Guantanamo Files
States' Shameful Trade-Off:
Putting Prisons Over Public Schools
NYC budget cuts include closing of 20 fire stations,
while millions of dollars in toxic fluoride keep flowing in the water supply
BP Still Being Awarded Lucrative Government Contracts
Quarter-Million Dead and Not Counting:
(from not being able to afford health care in the US)
Today Detroit – Tomorrow, Every City in America"
"If Milton Friedman, father of the free market, were alive today,
I imagine he would be jumping with joy at the prospect of the abandonment of public education for private, for-profit charter schools."
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering media persuasion and manipulation,
conspiracy realities and women’s and children’s rights issues.
Latest news and views from Issues and Alibis
The Anti-Empire Report
Rachel Maddow, the Nation, Daily Kos:
Winners in AlterNet's Poll of Most Influential Progressives
5 Reasons to Be Hopeful We Haven't Totally Screwed Ourselves and the Planet ...
We're #1 --
Ten Depressing Ways America Is Exceptional
20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming and
''Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse
And The Next Great Depression?''
Vandana Shiva:
Understanding the Corporate Takeover
Wal-Mart's Shocking Impact
on the Lives of Hundreds of Millions of People
Polygamy As a choice for the Black Family
By Empress Tsahai
One More Reason Religion Is So Messed Up:
Respected Theologian Defends Genocide and Infanticide
Cheering a Monster's Death Is Not the Same as Patriotism
Iraq War Was About Oil
Why Does America Go to War?
Read "America's 'War on Terrorism'" to learn the truth
Deconstructing the US Military:
America's Global War against Planet Earth
Annals of a Golden Age
Peace Laureate Surpasses Reagan in Killing Gadafy Kin
By Chris Floyd
O how wonderful it is to live in such an enlightened age!
Just think: not long ago, the U.S. government was seen as little more
than a vast war machine
-- brutal, murderous, inhumane, bent on global domination.
Obama Lays Birther Issue to Rest
Yes, Birtherism is Racist (As is Donald Trump):
Three Videos Tell You Why
Obama ridicules Trump at Correspondents’ dinner,
mocks ‘birther’ crusade
Questioning Obama's Americanism
US Government Gun-running To Narco Gangs In Mexico
Obama's Mexicogate?
By Laura Carlsen
What would Abbie Hoffman do to stop the Koch brothers?
Florida GOP Legalizes Voter Suppression,
Including a Return to Jim Crow
WI GOPers Offered Voters Free Shots of Booze in Exchange for Recall Signatures
Donald Trump's Lunacy Reveals Core Truth About the
Republicans He is the Republican id
- finally entirely unleashed from all restraint and reality
Texas GOP Fights Catastrophic Wildfires
With Prayer and Global Warming Denial
Meet the Religious Right Charlatan Who Teaches Tea Party America
The Totally Pretend History They Want to Hear
The 12 Worst (and Most Powerful) Christian Right Groups
The Tea Party Propaganda Factory You Probably Don't Know About
The Truth About GOP Hero Ayn Rand
How Socialists Built America
Van Jones
Power Shift 2011
The Myth of Debt-Free Living
by Gary North
Corporate Coup d’état Coming Soon to a City Near You
Looking to Weaken Child Labor Laws,
GOPer Says Working at 11 Years Old "Not a Big Deal,"
"Doesn't Hurt Anybody"
The Robber Barons Are Back!
Water powered engine plans to be released
"Inventor survives 10 murder attempts to release"
Detroit SWAT team assaults African American mom who refused to medicate
her daughter with antipsychotic drugs
Police Downloading Your Data off Your Phone After Pulling You Over
-- A Nightmare Reality in Michigan
Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops
Privacy Protection and the Secret State's Surveillance Powers
NY case underscores Wi-Fi privacy dangers
US lawmakers ask Apple about tracking feature
Why the Government Could Make it Nearly Impossible
for You to Get a Passport
Repeat Law Breaker Obama Condemns Bradley Manning's
Contempt for the Rule of Law
Guantanamo Files:
Massive Leak Reveals Innocent Detainees
Guantanamo Detainee Files Hint at Psychological Research
Guantánamo Bay Torture Files:
Al-Qaida assassin 'worked for MI6'
By Declan Walsh in Islamabad, David Leigh, Jason Burke and Ian Cobain
An al-Qaida operative accused of bombing two Christian churches and a luxury hotel in Pakistan in 2002 was at the same time working for British intelligence, according to secret files on detainees who were shipped to the US military's Guantánamo Bay prison camp.
How a Human Rights Nightmare Can Happen in Our Country on Our Watch
-- and Go Virtually Undiscussed
9/11 Responders Are Terrorists?
US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence
of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare.
Very Important, Haarp Caused the Earthquake in Japan Smoking Gun Proof!!!!
Japan will be SUNK by EarthQuake HAARP?
David Icke
- The Road to the Third World War
[MUST WATCH]-video
"Smoking Gun" Proof That Illuminati Planto Attack on 9/11
and Beyond Was Well KnownAs Far Back As 1995
Celebrity Casualties of the Illuminati
(Part 1)-youtube
CIA killed Aaron Russo
Aaron Russo's Last Message To Humanity
Aaron Russo Told About 9/11 in Advance, Verichip
They put WHAT in that cigarette?
-radioactive polonium 210
- "Mount Fuji in Red" (1990) Nuclear Disaster in Japan
- Hollywood Prediction or NWO?
"The Prosecution of George W. Bush"
- video
News Department of Justice May Reopen Investigation
into Malcolm X Assassination
Did the Nazis prove that Earth is hollow
- Stuff they don't want you to know
Time vortex appears over Antarctica
- object found under 2miles of ice
Fema Drills, major earthquakes in May,
Comet elenin, Planetary alignment, sunspots
Elenin causes disasters
-NASA 2011 future disaster dates
- PROOF -youtube
EU/EMERCOM Russia Missile UFO Alert (2.0)
- Elenin (Nibiru) VORTEX ZION Malta Knights NWO ELE fixed
UFO Files | Black Box UFO Secrets
'Dead alien' found in Siberian snow
The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high. - Sen. J. William Fulbright
Criticism in a time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government. - Sen. Robert Taft, (R)
"Neither spin nor propaganda will do. And what the studies show is what's needed is a radical transformation of American foreign policy" - Fawaz Gerges
"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." Dresden James.
"The point of public relations slogans like "Support our troops" is that they don't mean anything... That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about.": Noam Chomsky
Phoebe Snow, best known globally for her cover of the Paul McCartney song ‘Every Night’, has died from a brain hemorrhage at the age of 58.
Phoebe Ann Laub was born on July 17, 1952. She was briefly married in the early 70s and gave birth to daughter Valerie who as born with brain damage. Phoebe cared for Valerie all of her life. Valarie died at age 31 in 2007.
The first Phoebe Snow album was released on Shelter Records, owned by Leon Russell. Her first major hit was ‘Poetry Man’ in 1975. It reached no. 5 in the USA. That same year she recorded ‘Gone At Last’ with Paul Simon for his ‘Still Crazy After All These Years’ album.
Her 1978 album ‘Against The Grain’ featured ‘Every Night’. Paul McCartney originally released his version on his 1970 ‘McCartney’ album.
Phoebe’s last chart appearance was in 1989 with her album ‘Something Real’ (no. 29, USA) but then she only occasionally recorded music or performed live. One of those live appearances was for Bill and Hilary Clinton at Camp David in 1999. She also sang at Howard Stern’s wedding in 2008.
She had planned to release a comeback album in 2010 and had scheduled a tour but had a stroke in January 2010 causing the brain hemorrhage. She did not work again.
Beach Boys Reunion!
That's the news that millions of fellow Beach Boys fans have been waiting years to hear, but let's not get too excited just yet: This reunion appears to be a one-time-only occasion for charity. It's no secret that the remaining members of the seminal '60s band of beach brothers (and cousins and close friends) have been mired in legal estrangement for many years. Now, in the name of Japan earthquake and tsunami relief, original Beach Boy Al Jardine has succeeded in bridging that gap by convincing his former bandmates Brian Wilson, Mike Love and Bruce Johnston to contribute vocals for a charity single, which was pressed on vinyl. Vintage Vinyl News (of course) reports that side one of the record is "Don't Fight the Sea," which was originally recorded for Jardine's 2010 solo album A Postcard From California. The song, written by Jardine and Terry "Seasons in the Sun" Jacks , has now been augmented by the voices of the other three surviving Beach Boys -- Wilson, Love and Johnston -- along with a vocal track from the late Carl Wilson. The "B" side is an a cappella mix of the 1968 Beach Boys song "Friends." All proceeds will go to the Red Cross for Japanese aid.
Attention, collectors: The first 1,000 copies of the single have been pressed in white vinyl with a red label, resembling the Japanese flag, and approximately 90 of those will be signed by all four remaining Beach Boys! One of these rare white vinyl singles sold for $192.50, and auctions are underway on a couple other copies as you read this.
When worldwide fame and notoriety have been achieved, taking your music into outer space is the only place left to go.
On April 12th Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson took part in a duet with US astronaut Colonel Catherine Coleman to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin’s first manned space flight in 1961.
However, this duet is no ordinary collaboration. Whilst Anderson was live on stage in Perm, Russia, Coleman was in orbit in the International Space Station as she contributed to Ian’s truly out of this world concert.
Coleman’s part of the performance was screened by video link to the audience in Perm from somewhere in the galaxy as part of this gravity defying gig.
The pair played an excerpt from Bouree from Tull's STAND UP album.
Coleman has been practicing her Ian Anderson trademark of playing the flute whilst standing (or in her case floating) on one leg. For 3 months, Anderson's flute accompanied Cady Coleman and her own flute in orbit allowing her to perfect her Anderson stance ahead of the duet.
John Lennon’s Letters To Be Published
A rare compendium of John Lennon’s correspondence will be published next year.
The LA Times reports that Yoko Ono and official Beatles biographer Hunter Davies have compiled Lennon’s letters, postcards and drawings, sent to all manner of people.
The Lennon Letters will features correspondence from the activist and music icon to all manner of people – “friends, family, strangers, newspapers, organisations, lawyers and the laundry”.
This is the first time Ono has given permission for Lennon’s letters to be published, which have been sourced from archives, collectors and the original recipients.
Davies has edited the collection, and written the introduction. The letters are reproduced in their original form, “in his handwriting or typing, plus the odd cartoon or doodle.”
The Lennon Letters will be published by Little, Brown in October 2012.
Events keep quickening and I stay steady on the internet research to provide as many interesting and useful reference points as I can.
Feel free to share any of the stories as we need to be aware.
Besides the many music videos that I add each week, our friends in Australia,
Pagan Love Cult have a couple of new ones that I would like to highlight:
Pagan Love CultHigh On Light
Pagan Love Cult-Our Gorey Future
Pagan Love Cult 2010 tour
As many of you know, I have been sending out this newsletter for over 7 years. I am committed to networking these articles and stay many hours a day researching. Our financial situation is very challenging as it is and the cost to keep the internet services also is a problem each month. I would like to thank the friends that have sent in donations to the service I provide. I am not asking for anyone to feel that they have to donate. My service is from the heart and it is a pleasure for me to outreach to as many people as possible. Many people write me back that they have benefited from the articles and thus the information provides a service. However, if anyone can send even a small donation to me through Paypal or otherwise, my family and I would be very very appreciative.
In any case, the 'links by george" will go on.
. We have a paypal contact at
Ayahuasca Healing Retreat, May 16 to 25 in Brazil
Work with plant spirits. This program is based on various disciplines, including teachings from shamanic practices, ancient mystery schools and modern transpersonal studies. Initiations into higher states of being.
Spiritual & Metaphysical Retreats at TheVine Center in Bahia, Brazil
16 – 22 July 2011
We Shall Weave Our Dreams!
Iquitos, Peru
7th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference
14 – 16 October 2011
Perspectives on Psychedelics
Judson Memorial Church
New York
Worldwide Marijuana March in San Diego
-May 7, 2011
Oklahoma Senate Passes Life Sentence for Hash Making
Drug-bashing RI Republican charged with drug use
15 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC
Pot Prohibition Turns 100-Years-Old:
A Centennial Anniversary That’s Hardly Worth Celebrating
Inside America's Almost Legal Marijuana Industry
Legalizing Marijuana Could Reduce Its Energy Consumption 75%
Author Graham Hancock on the War on Drugs
Children are Harmed, Not Helped, by Unwinnable Drug War
The Failed Drug War Has Created a Human Rights Nightmare
-- How Can This Happen in Our Country and Go Virtually Undiscussed?
Marc Emery Denied Transfer to Canadian Prison
Dutch Can Grow Five Marijuana Plants, No Problem
Nimbin MardiGrass 2011 tug o' peace...
Police -vs- Polite cops
Mardi Grass 2011
-Change the law
Timothy Leary
- Legend of a mind
In 1970, the 22-minute film "Man Isn't Dying Of Thirst" by Vaclav Hapl
– depicting the use of LSD in psychotherapy – was produced in Czechoslovakia.
Stanislav Grof Video Library
Treatment Manual for MDMA
-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment of PTSD
The Pot Head Pixies:
Drug Utopias in the Music of Gong, 1968-1974
Positive San Pedro story on Fox News
Ayahuasca Beyond the Amazon:
the benefits and risks of a spreading tradition.
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Consumption of Ayahuasca by Children and Pregnant Women:
Medical Controversies and Religious Perspectives
The Next Level
Sathya Sai Baba dead
- Live updates
Spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba passes away
Our Destiny Is Brotherhood:
The energy of Peace comes from the heart as we begin to coexist as brothers.
Knowledge and Revolution featuring David Icke
Misunderstanding Jesus's Execution
The pagan roots of Easter
Medicine Man
- Black Elk's story of The Great Circle
Native American Peace Prayer
- voice and visuals by Kelly Anne
- The Revolution Has Begun
Forget Hell:
A Rebirth of Christianity
We are all Fukushima
by "An integral perspective on the meanings and promises of disaster"
Dr. Len Horowitz is one of the world's most active and heroic messengers
of holistic harmony. It is our pleasure to not only be sending you his message
but to also be supportive of the Steam Vents Inn which we feel is one of the most
healing power spots on the island.
I invite your taking a close look and if possible, arrange a visit .
Ayn Rand Movie Fails in Free Market (Despite Tea Party Hype)
The Fascinating Histories Behind Your Favorite Fairy Tales
Pele 'Aina and the Faery Sanctuary at Jeffrey's
Derek-an inspirational musician
Our friend Robbie's psychedelic art. Check out his latest additions.
Last In The Series, One Thousand Pieces of Peace
Kelly Anne again showing her radiance through
musical art to Scott Huckabay's music
Barry Melton: The Long Strange Trip of a Psychedelic Icon
Brian Jones son
The Law of Mother Earth:
Behind Bolivia’s Historic Bill
Radiation Spreads Worldwide.
The Poisoning of Mother Earth
Neoliberal Globalization:
Is There an Alternative to Plundering the Earth?
Insane Storms: Science Saw it Coming, and Yes,
It's Part of Climate Change
Sea Shepherd:
how we sank the Japanese whaling fleet
10 reasons to still be pissed off about the BP disaster
Shell to Seek U.S. Approval to Drill as Many as 10 Oil Wells Off Alaska
USDA moves to let Monsanto perform its own environmental impact studies on GMOs
"The Thing":
A 140,000-Year-Old Organism Discovered in Antarctica's Ice-Shrouded Lake Vostok
Lyrebird mimic
Nyiragongo Crater:
Journey to the Center of the World
The Intelligence of Mushrooms in Environmental Restoration
Water powered engine plans to be released
Solar power without solar cells:
A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible
Dutch To Build Solar Panels Into Their Roads, Starting With Bike Lanes
Michio Kaku on Teleportation
Rumor Sweeping World's Science Community that CERN's LHC has
Detected the Higgs Boson -The "God Particle"
Nuclear weather worsens
Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients
(Japan) Fukushima Radiation Affects Part 8\8 Leuren Moret /
Radiation Affects on Ocean Fish
Radiation Readings in Fukushima Reactor Rise to Highest Since Crisis Began
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D. Discusses Radiation Contamination and what to do
This Devastating Mistake Can Wreck Your Immune System...
vaccine induced disease
The 12 Most Common Causes of Food Poisoning
The Devastating Toll of This Popular Food on Rural Communities Worldwide…
The 'Other' Sweetener That's Made from Sugar,
but is Closer to DDT -Splenda
FDA Warns -
Do NOT Use This Pain Reliever... You Could Turn Blue and Die
Are you enjoying your daily chemical cocktail?
They Cause 40,000 Deaths a Year
- But They're Handed Out Like Candy
The Dangers of the Medical Industrial Complex
The Drug Industry May Be Bad,
But THIS Industry May Be Even Worse for Your Health
Hiding the Truth About Factory Farms
On the food freedom front, yet another town in Maine
has passed its own food freedom law!
BBC E-mail:
Herbal medicine regulations start
Supreme Court bans medicinal use of aloe plant
BBC 2011 Plants found in ancient pills offer medicinal insight
Walnuts rank as top nut,
providing highest level of quality antioxidants
FDA agents launch covert ops against D.C.
-area raw-milk buying club
Mind-Gut Connection:
Why Intestinal Bacteria May Have Important Effects on Your Brain
Destroy Urinary Tract Infections Without Antibiotics or Cranberry Juice
Eliminate This ONE Ingredient and Watch Your Health Soar
--tossing away dangerous prescription drugs off the medicine shelves
Why Is Damning New Evidence About Monsanto's Most Widely Used
Herbicide Being Silenced?
The Amazing Nutrient that Lowers Your Blood Pressure
-Vitamin D
The Cancer Treatment So Successful
- Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down
How Supermodel Gisele Bundchen "Infuriated Cancer Experts"
...The link between sunsreens and cancer
How the Fashion Industry Is Killing Women
The Rush to Criminalize Teen Sexting
Susie Bright's Story:
Yes, Women Love Sex Too
New York Times Article Wages War on Sex,
Even Though Sex Is Great
Lust Murder:
Prostitutes as Victims of Throwaway Capitalism
No end in sight for Fukushima disaster
as bureaucrats battle the laws of physics
WI GOPers Offered Voters Free Shots of Booze
in Exchange for Recall Signatures
Britain’s Royal Wedding:
A Big Day For The Global Oligarchy
A Celebration of the Dictatorship of Global Capital over Democracy
Who's Who at The Royal Wedding...
The Guest List: Who's In, Who's Out
Who Owns The World? Is the World Too Big to Fail?
The Contours of Global Order
By Noam Chomsky
Support for democracy is the province of ideologists and propagandists.
In the real world, elite dislike of democracy is the norm.
The New Corporate World Order
By Robert Scheer
It is time to admit that we are, in practice if not surface appearance,
close to the Chinese communist model of state-sponsored capitalism.
Libya and the Imperial Re-Division of Africa
The Imperialist Powers' Odyssey of “Return” into Africa
Nato Kills Gaddafi's Son And 3 Grandchildren
By Al Jazeera
Gaddafi and his wife were in the Tripoli house of his 29-year-old son,
Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, when it was hit by at least one missile fired by a NATO
warplane late on Saturday,
according to Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim.
From Russia, Dire Warnings on Libya
By Robert Bridge
NATO forces have unleashed a powerful missile attack on Tripoli,
the Libyan capital, in the latest sign that the coalition has ignored its
UN mandate to "protect civilians" and has chosen instead to take sides in the revolt.
Putin "Gobsmacked" By NATO's Bombing Of Libya
1 Minute Video
Do you know how many peaceful civilians perish because of these missile attacks,
no matter what reasons are behind them?'
Afghanistan's great escape:
how 480 Taliban prisoners broke out of jail
Who Was Osama bin Laden?
Karin Friedemann
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
The gradual awakening of the Moroccan people
Afghan History:
The Central Asian Grand Chessboard
Origins of Western Islamophobia
" A new website where you can start your own online petition and
invite your friends to sign it.
We'll send the most popular petitions to other
MoveOn members to help build support for your cause"
Tornadoes Devastate South, Killing at Least 291
3-Storms knock out TVA nuclear units, power lines
Halliburton Emerges From Gulf Disaster Unscathed
Radioactive America!
What the Mainstream media is NOT TELLING YOU!
Shocking Revelations in Guantanamo Files
States' Shameful Trade-Off:
Putting Prisons Over Public Schools
NYC budget cuts include closing of 20 fire stations,
while millions of dollars in toxic fluoride keep flowing in the water supply
BP Still Being Awarded Lucrative Government Contracts
Quarter-Million Dead and Not Counting:
(from not being able to afford health care in the US)
Today Detroit – Tomorrow, Every City in America"
"If Milton Friedman, father of the free market, were alive today,
I imagine he would be jumping with joy at the prospect of the abandonment of public education for private, for-profit charter schools."
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering media persuasion and manipulation,
conspiracy realities and women’s and children’s rights issues.
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The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high. - Sen. J. William Fulbright
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"Neither spin nor propaganda will do. And what the studies show is what's needed is a radical transformation of American foreign policy" - Fawaz Gerges
"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." Dresden James.
"The point of public relations slogans like "Support our troops" is that they don't mean anything... That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about.": Noam Chomsky
Phoebe Snow, best known globally for her cover of the Paul McCartney song ‘Every Night’, has died from a brain hemorrhage at the age of 58.
Phoebe Ann Laub was born on July 17, 1952. She was briefly married in the early 70s and gave birth to daughter Valerie who as born with brain damage. Phoebe cared for Valerie all of her life. Valarie died at age 31 in 2007.
The first Phoebe Snow album was released on Shelter Records, owned by Leon Russell. Her first major hit was ‘Poetry Man’ in 1975. It reached no. 5 in the USA. That same year she recorded ‘Gone At Last’ with Paul Simon for his ‘Still Crazy After All These Years’ album.
Her 1978 album ‘Against The Grain’ featured ‘Every Night’. Paul McCartney originally released his version on his 1970 ‘McCartney’ album.
Phoebe’s last chart appearance was in 1989 with her album ‘Something Real’ (no. 29, USA) but then she only occasionally recorded music or performed live. One of those live appearances was for Bill and Hilary Clinton at Camp David in 1999. She also sang at Howard Stern’s wedding in 2008.
She had planned to release a comeback album in 2010 and had scheduled a tour but had a stroke in January 2010 causing the brain hemorrhage. She did not work again.
Beach Boys Reunion!
That's the news that millions of fellow Beach Boys fans have been waiting years to hear, but let's not get too excited just yet: This reunion appears to be a one-time-only occasion for charity. It's no secret that the remaining members of the seminal '60s band of beach brothers (and cousins and close friends) have been mired in legal estrangement for many years. Now, in the name of Japan earthquake and tsunami relief, original Beach Boy Al Jardine has succeeded in bridging that gap by convincing his former bandmates Brian Wilson, Mike Love and Bruce Johnston to contribute vocals for a charity single, which was pressed on vinyl. Vintage Vinyl News (of course) reports that side one of the record is "Don't Fight the Sea," which was originally recorded for Jardine's 2010 solo album A Postcard From California. The song, written by Jardine and Terry "Seasons in the Sun" Jacks , has now been augmented by the voices of the other three surviving Beach Boys -- Wilson, Love and Johnston -- along with a vocal track from the late Carl Wilson. The "B" side is an a cappella mix of the 1968 Beach Boys song "Friends." All proceeds will go to the Red Cross for Japanese aid.
Attention, collectors: The first 1,000 copies of the single have been pressed in white vinyl with a red label, resembling the Japanese flag, and approximately 90 of those will be signed by all four remaining Beach Boys! One of these rare white vinyl singles sold for $192.50, and auctions are underway on a couple other copies as you read this.
When worldwide fame and notoriety have been achieved, taking your music into outer space is the only place left to go.
On April 12th Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson took part in a duet with US astronaut Colonel Catherine Coleman to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin’s first manned space flight in 1961.
However, this duet is no ordinary collaboration. Whilst Anderson was live on stage in Perm, Russia, Coleman was in orbit in the International Space Station as she contributed to Ian’s truly out of this world concert.
Coleman’s part of the performance was screened by video link to the audience in Perm from somewhere in the galaxy as part of this gravity defying gig.
The pair played an excerpt from Bouree from Tull's STAND UP album.
Coleman has been practicing her Ian Anderson trademark of playing the flute whilst standing (or in her case floating) on one leg. For 3 months, Anderson's flute accompanied Cady Coleman and her own flute in orbit allowing her to perfect her Anderson stance ahead of the duet.
John Lennon’s Letters To Be Published
A rare compendium of John Lennon’s correspondence will be published next year.
The LA Times reports that Yoko Ono and official Beatles biographer Hunter Davies have compiled Lennon’s letters, postcards and drawings, sent to all manner of people.
The Lennon Letters will features correspondence from the activist and music icon to all manner of people – “friends, family, strangers, newspapers, organisations, lawyers and the laundry”.
This is the first time Ono has given permission for Lennon’s letters to be published, which have been sourced from archives, collectors and the original recipients.
Davies has edited the collection, and written the introduction. The letters are reproduced in their original form, “in his handwriting or typing, plus the odd cartoon or doodle.”
The Lennon Letters will be published by Little, Brown in October 2012.
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John Lennon

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Dr. Albert Hofmann

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Rolling Stones 2000 light years
Pink Floyd

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Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's
