It's another rather large edition, but as I am only sending it out twice monthly now, there is double the time to skim articles, reflect on the fresh art and follow up on details. I have weaved the stories in a way that hopefuly has an appropriate and pleasing flow.
A nice week to you
The weekly newsletter is pasted below as well as the option to
Click on the latest edition of "Links By George" for July 19
Mystic Garden Party-Ashland OR, July 23-26
Raw Health Expo, Santa Rosa, California July 25th and 26th
Plant Spirit Medicine retreat, Peru, Sept 12-27 and
next one in Feb
''How to Survive the Apocalypse''
On the San Francisco waterfront Oct 5-7 and 12-14.
''a freak fable that combines rock opera with a Dionysian revival show''.
Censored TV ad on marijuana taxes
Open Letter to Congress: End the Insane Drug War Now!
This Is Your Country on Drugs: How the DARE Generation
Got High
Job Opportunity II: Internships, Marijuana Policy Project,
Washington, DC
California Tax Authority Says Legal Marijuana Could
Generate $1.4 Billion in Tax Revenue a Year
California Legalizing Pot
CBS News Poll Has Support at 41% Nationwide
Copenhagen Ponders Cannabis Decriminalization,
Coffee Shops
Londoners Fined For Marijuana Possession
Are Tearing Up Their Tickets
Dutch Cannabis Commission Recommends
Making Coffee Shops "Members Only,"
Legalizing Cultivation for Supply
Inside Holland's "Half Baked" Pot Policy
'Prince Of Pot' Not Worried About Jail
Sadhus run wild, beat up cops in Mathura
Heffter Institute latest news on psychedelics,
cannabis and legalization
Sacred plants of the Maya forest
Mongolian Shamans Cure Modern Ills, for a Price
Martin Ball-excellent entheogenic articles and links
Check out his Entheogenic Evolution podcast and book
"This Is Your Country on Drugs: The Secret History of
Getting High in America," by Ryan Grim
''Psychoactivity: The Fountain of Culture”—a lecture
Dr. LSD to Steve Jobs: How was your trip?
Kevin Spacey Is the Latest Pot-Puffing Shrink to
Hit the Movie Screens -- Why Is This a Trend?
False Shamans
Are Mind-Enhancing Drugs a Dangerous Fad or
a Great Way to Get Ahead?
2012 and Human DestinyEnd of the World or
Consciousness Revolution? by Stanislav Grof, M.D.
Macro: A meditation on the mystery of existence and evolution
Deciphering the symbolic language of "God"
In the Clutches of the Fallen
China Bans Electro-Shock Therapy for Internet Addicts
Disorderly genius: How chaos drives the brain
Mind Uploading and Mind Children
Drug War Chronicle Film Review: "The War on Kids"
Happy birthday Woodstock baby, if you exist
Double Rainbow Rainbow Gathering New Mexico July 4th 2009
Rainbow Gathering film "We Love You" trailer
Why Music Moves Us
Get Lennon & Plastic Ono Band: Vintage,
Just Released DVD, 2-fer Fillmore West
The Beatles - Anthology 1-9 (Documentary)-youtube
The Beatles-Revolution
Positive Timing-a wonderful band that mixes dance,
spirit and funk with reggae
Radio Free Amsterdam with John Sinclair
John Sinclair tv-youtube
Progressive Radio podcasts
Meditate and Destroy is a documentary about punk rock,
spirituality, and inner rebellion
The Golden Elexir - Taoism and Chinese Alchemy
Sun of gOd-the new book by Gregory Sams
Gregory Sams website- an artist, visionary, ecologist,
spiritual guide and friend
Son of Man
What if the Grays Show Up?
The castle on the moon-youtube
Fantastic art of Jose Roosevelt
Faerie Tale Theatre DVD Collection
Freemasons jailed in Fiji over sorcery claims: report
Mystery School Hot Springs in Pai, Thailand. Highly
recommended as we have experienced these healing
waters and privileged to know Dave as our friend-
a man that walks his talk nicely and with heart and soul
Also in the Pai area of north Thailand, here is a
film clip of a Lisu mountain tribe village
Maha Deva: our friend Jitendra offers a healthy meal
and spiritual ambience in San Anselmo
An interview with Mata Amritanandamayi
When You Go Beyond the Ego You Become an
Offering to the World
Estonia's Bank of Happiness: trading good deeds
Henry David Thoreau
Fierce Light - NEW RELEASE!Gandhi called it
“Soul Force,” Dr. King called it “Love in Action,”
and now, acclaimed filmmaker Velcrow Ripper is
calling it “Fierce Light.”
Brother Paul and the fight for the
Peruvian rainforest-video
Repair the Planet Through Reforrestation !
How Angelina, Bono, Gisele and Madonna
Are Destroying the Planet
Pamela Anderson grows her eco-assets, and more
Neanderthals Were Few and Poised for Extinction
Detroit: The Post-Apocalyptic Future of
American Cities?
Sign Cluster Bomb Treaty ! TAKE ACTION
Australia's New Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Said
Prior to the Election That He Would Not Abide
Animal Cruelty ! TAKE ACTION
An excellent article on animal liberation
''To dam the torrential rivers of blood and to silence
the cacophony of their agonized cries..''
Swimming With Dolphins - BBC-youtube
Big Wave Surfing-video
The first The first kingdoms were the first
production-based economies. Kingdoms began with grain.
Soil: The Foundation of Civilization
Nanopillars Promise Cheap, Efficient, Flexible Solar Cells
FREE ENERGY Perendev Magnetic Motor 2
India's First Wal-Mart Draws Excitement, Not Protest
Britons Say They've Made Human Sperm
Food Inc. movie trailer
Devastating Documentary Exposes Toxic,
Destructive Monsanto Company. Staggering-film
Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III &
Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:
The Eugenics Wars!!
New flu "unstoppable", WHO says,
calls for vaccine
Dr A True Ott Prohibiting Mass Vaccination-youtube
VIDEO: The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccine
Government Propaganda Causes Many Deaths.
Transcript of CBS 60 minutes-video
View evidence of Flu (influenza) Vaccine Risk
Baxter files swine flu vaccine patent year
ahead of outbreak
Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers
The Most Powerful Health Recommendation
of Dr. Andrew Weil
The Healing Power of Sunlight
Lethal drug cocktail in star's body
LaToya Jackson says Michael was murdered
DNA Evidence Is No Panacea for Solving Crimes:
Huge Backlogs, Inept Testing and Corruption
Stand in the Way
Rightist parties call for Final Solution in
Czech Republic and Hungary
Australia's overseas education 'a scam'
Russian activist Natalya Estemirova found dead
Walter Cronkite Dies at 92
McNamara dies at 93
Welcome one and all to "Uncle Ernie's Issues & Alibis."
Mourn On The 4th of July
By John Pilger
Liberals say that the United States is once again a
"nation of moral ideals", but behind the façade little
has changed. With his government of warmongers,
Wall Street cronies and polluters from the Bush and
Clinton eras, Barack Obama is merely upholding the
myths of a divine America.
Are Afghan Lives Worth Anything?
Army's Most High-Tech Infantry Unit Set to
Touch Down in Afghanistan
CIA Has Misled Us for Years
Bush Surveillance Program Was Massive
Is Texas Harboring Torture Decider?
Some Guantanamo Bay Detainees May
Be Held Indefinitely
Did the CIA Use Fire Ants to Torture Detainees?
Is Obama Continuing the Bush/Cheney Assassination Program?
By Jeremy Scahill
Congress is outraged that Cheney concealed a CIA program
to assassinate al Qaeda leaders, but they should also be
investigating why Obama is continuing-and expanding-
U.S. assassinations.
Bush's Hit Teams
Seymour Hersh
The Man Who Knew Cheney's Secret
Congress?s $1.2 Million a Day Drug Habit
Obama’s neocolonial mission in Africa
''The Crisis of Confidence"
Was Carter Right?Was it the greatest speech of his
presidency or political suicide?
Obama and Capitalism: Whither the American Left?
SUPERPOWER. Award Winning Movie.
Vanity Fair: Michael Lewis:
The Man Who Crashed the World
Unemployed and on the Verge of Losing Everything:
"I Don't Know How I'll Make It"
Liquidity Is Gone - Video -
Record pay and profits at Goldman Sachs
U.S. Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for First Time
How the Mighty Have Fallen
By Robert J. Samuelson | NEWSWEEK
For many wealthy Americans, the world has turned upside down
Support parole for Native American leader and
political prisoner Leonard Peltier!
America's Aryan Nation is Not Just a Bunch of Skinheads;
They're in Senate
Comic Book That Exposes Michele Bachmann
as Religious Extremist
ANTHRAX WAR based on murdered scientist
David Kelly's work
Should we prepare for the worst?
Children and Pregnant Women Targeted in
U.S. Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Program"
Should linking be illegal?
Sen. Ensign is a Member of the Elite Fascist
Evangelical "Family"
Proof of the New World Order in under 11 minutes
General of all American Intelligence:
911 was a fraud-youtube
2 interesting short films on 9/11, take a look even if
you are already convinced.
The second one is primo.
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Born: November 25, 1960
Assassinated: July 16, 1999
Was John F. Kennedy Jr. Murdered?
Judge For Yourself
The Assassination of JFK Junior (107 minute video)
Who Killed John-John?
by Tom Flocco
Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits
Flesh-Eating Robots Developed for Pentagon
Michael Jackson to be buried without his brain
"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.": Frederick Douglass - [Frederick Baily] (1818- 1895), Escaped slave, abolitionist, author, editor of the North Star and later the New National Era
"Man's character is his fate.": Heraclitus - (c.540-480 BC) Greek philosopher
"There have been periods of history in which episodes of terrible violence occurred but for which the word violence was never used.... Violence is shrouded in justifying myths that lend it moral legitimacy, and these myths for the most part kept people from recognizing the violence for what it was. The people who burned witches at the stake never for one moment thought of their act as violence; rather they thought of it as an act of divinely mandated righteousness. The same can be said of most of the violence we humans have ever committed": ~Gil Bailie
"...needy men, and hardy, not contented with their present condition, as also all men that are ambitious of military command, are enclined to continue the causes of warre; and to stirre up trouble and sedition: for there is no honour Military but by warre; nor any such hope to mend an ill game, as by causing a new shuffle." Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Part I, ch. 11
"If the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.": Noah Webster - (1758-1843) American patriot and scholar, author of the 1806 edition of the dictionary that bears his name, the first dictionary of American English usage.
"O for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Some boundless contiguity of shade; Where rumor of oppression and deceit, Of unsuccessful or successful war, Might never reach me more. "William Cowper - Source: Task (bk. II, l. 1)
"Without an unfettered press, without liberty of speech, all of the outward forms and structures of free institutions are a sham, a pretense -- the sheerest mockery. If the press is not free; if speech is not independent and untrammeled; if the mind is shackled or made impotent through fear, it makes no difference under what form of government you live, you are a subject and not a citizen": William E. Borah
"If you think there is freedom of the press in the United States, I tell you there is no freedom of the press... " : Bill Moyers
"Protection against government is now not enough to guarantee that a man who has something to say shall have a chance to say it. The owners and managers of the press determine which person, which facts, which version of the facts, and which ideas shall reach the public": Commission On Freedom Of The Press
Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?: Holly Near
We kill because we are afraid of our own shadow, afraid that if we used a little common sense we'd have to admit that our glorious principles were wrong: Henry Miller, The Wisdom of the Heart, 1941
The era of true peace on earth will not come as long as a tremendous percentage of your taxes goes to educate men in the trades of slaughter: Reginald Wright Kauffman
The aim of military training is not just to prepare men for battle, but to make them long for it: Louis Simpson
Have not I myself known five hundred living soldiers sabred into crows' meat for a piece of glazed cotton, which they call their flag; which had you sold it at any market-cross, would not have brought above three groschen?: Thomas Carlyle, "Sartor Resartus"
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds": Samuel Adams
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain -- but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life; that there's something wrong with the world; you don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
"The Matrix," Neo asks?
You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes; it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."
And Neo asks, "What truth?"
"That you are a slave Neo, like everyone else, you were born into bondage; born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch; a prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to experience it for yourself." The Matrix (1999)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Links By George July 5th
A sunny week it has been in the rain forest giving us all a chance to thaw out and appreciate the sunshine. Leeches and snakes seem to be hibernating for the present and lots of wonderful community events to enjoy.
Starting with this issue, I will only be able to post the links and blog updates twice a month. Still full of lots of news, art and commentary.
A nice July to everyone
The weekly newsletter is pasted below as well as the option to
Click on the latest edition of "Links By George" for July 5th
Bhakti Fest 2009-Sept 11 to 13, Joshua Tree, CA
Video: Marijuana Expo in LA Draws 20,000
Medical Marijuana Moves Mainstream
Decriminalizing some drugs not a rash proposal
World Attention For Jointing-Smoking Speech-Giving Student
Old-Fashioned Medical Advertising: Cocaine,
Alcohol, Heroin, Amphetamines
This Is Your Country On Drugs: LSD Disappears
Exclusive Excerpt: This Is Your Country On Drugs
The Last Word: An interview with Terence McKenna (full!)
Tea As Soma
Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism
Tantraworks from Nik Douglas
Orthodox Church To Unveil Ark of the Covenant?
Oldest Human Settlement in Aegean Unearthed
on Limnos Island
'Oldest musical instrument' found
The magical world of artist Peter Marcek
Fascinating drawings of Jose Roosevelt
Deepak Chopra's tribute to Michael Jackson
Just Released Vintage DVD Footage of John Lennon
& the Plastic Ono Band
Johnny Depp website- info on Public Enemy movie
Les Miserables: The 10th Anniversary Dream
Cast in Concert in London: 2 DVDs
RIP! A Remix Manifesto
My friend in Canada Costas Lazarou has a website expressing
the uniqueness of each country and its people and its importance
in maintaining harmony on the planet and within the individual
Local Currencies Really Can Buy Happiness
Sustainability: The Five Core Principles
High-Tech Green Building Materials Are
Transforming Construction
Tell Nike, Adidas, and Timberland to Protect the Amazon
and the Climate ! TAKE ACTION
A Fight For The Amazon That Should Inspire The World
The uprising In the Amazon is more urgent than Iran's - it will determine the future
of the planet
The Dolomites and the Wadden Sea, have deservingly been
nominated as World Heritage Foundation sites
Hands Up For The Kimberley ! TAKE ACTION !
Save Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park !
Return the Marbles to Greece
The Guardian, a newspaper in the UK, is polling public
opinion on the return of Greek Marbles of the Parthenon to Greece.
US House passes historic climate change bill
EPA ‘suppression’ story grows, despite shoddy science in report
June Eco-Tidbits from Turkey
New Organic Rooftop Gardens in NYC
Climate efforts: Germany No.1, Canada last
Nearly a Third of Whales Killed By Japan in the Antarctic Were Pregnant
ACTION ALERT: Please Watch "Earthlings", PETA Vids, and Consider Going Vegetarian
McCartneys' Meat Free Monday CampaignRolls
Coca-Cola's Troubling History: Drug Addicts,
Nazis and MLK's Condemnation
Breaking the Organic Monopoly and the “Natural” Foods Myth
Whole Food Market and United Natural Foods, Inc.:
Undermining Our Organic Future
Dr. Bronner's Ups Ante in Lawsuit Against
'Organic' Personal Care Cheaters
World's Largest Refugee Camp Keeps Growing
World's First Ever 'Self-Watering' Plant Discovered in Israel
Brainy Echidna Proves Looks Aren’t Everything
Bats Hold Key to Fountain of Youth?
Big Pharma's Phony 'Gift' to Health Care Reform
Compounds from rosemary fight against
mutagenic effects of radiation
Anti-HIV and Anti-Cancer Drugs Derived From
Borneo Rainforest Progressing to Final Development Stages
6 Health Detoxification Facts You Must Know
The Gestapo Food Act, H.R. 2749, Must Be Stopped -
Reject HR 2749 and Clean Up Factory Farms Instead
Search tool shows what pesticides you're eating
Stop! Read This BEFORE You Get that Mammogram
Patrick Swayze 'Says Goodbye as Cancer Spreads'
The Lyme Disease Conspiracy
The Real Loss of Michael Jackson's Death
Len Watson is a long time friend and wonderful holistic
practitioner and expert in detox and raw food therapy
What's Your Best Advice for Dandruff?
Criminal and Legal Action Against Lost Coast Brewery
& Café for Hurting Hindu's Sentiments and Believes : Naresh Kadyan
Jesus, Now Appearing on Your Cat's Butt
Hitler And The New Age
For Many, Marriage Is Sexless, Boring and Oppressive:
Time to Rethink the Institution?
Getting Laid-Off Can Kill You
Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum
Unprotected Sex: Abstinence Education's Main Accomplishment
Canada to Vaccinate Entire Population
Lightning kills 35 in eastern India
Welcome one and all to "Uncle Ernie's Issues & Alibis."
Who sets the Middle East War Agenda?
The Banks and the Oil Companies
Obama Channels Bush: DOJ Shields Cheney Interview
Right-Wing Insanity: Former CIA Official Wishes
for Terrorist Attack on U.S. (!)
Velvet Revolution: updates on political activism
Support youth in challenging military recruiters this summer
$2,000 for a Dead Afghan Child
$100,000 for Any American Who Died Killing it.
By Jay Janson
Shocking? Shame provoking? Embarrassing that no Afghani or
Pakistani child or parent has any human right at all, including
the right not to be blown to pieces in a US drone air strike? - the
final insult being the value of their lives put at a mere $2,000 by
the wealthiest nation in history?
The Military Invades U.S. Schools: How Military
Academies Are Being Used to Destroy Public Education
Iraq's 'National Sovereignty Day' is U.S.-Style Hallmark Hype
Iraq to open up oil fields for first time in four decades
Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran
Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests,
Was the Butcher of Beirut
Iranian Elections: The 'Stolen Elections' Hoax
CIA has Distributed 400 Million Dollars Inside Iran
to Evoke a Revolution
Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran
By James Corbett
Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?
ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions
Demand the release of the humanitarian activists
illegally detained by Israel!
Dilip Hiro, The Weeks of Living Dangerously
Scrambling for the Big Prize: Iraq's Sweet Oil
Crisis in Iran & Honduras
Coup d'Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA'S
Right Wing Military Coup in Honduras. See
"Innocent Voices" DVD
Honduras and the School of Americas: U.S. Coups,
Blood, and Shame
William Rivers Pitt | Made of Lies
Ignorance is Strength by Paul Craig Roberts
The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free
'Free Gaza' Boats Stopped By Cyprus
Fresh water: Our 'sea of diamonds': Privatized
water in the US
Congress Members Grabbed or Dumped Stocks
as Market Crashed
Karl Denninger: Paranoid Rantings?
Obama, They Want You to Fail
When DuPont Almost Overthrew the Government
Stephen Colbert Discusses Bohemian Grove
Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight
'Out of Control' Cop Raids Dem Fundraiser
The Coming Collapse Of The Middle Class (video 57:37)
A Message from the Average Black Person
Woman Must Pay Record Companies
$2 Million For File Sharing
Seizing War Protesters’ Assets
'A Comedy of Errors': Why It's Time to Get Rid
of the So-Called Terrorist Watch List
Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview
9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public
Starting with this issue, I will only be able to post the links and blog updates twice a month. Still full of lots of news, art and commentary.
A nice July to everyone
The weekly newsletter is pasted below as well as the option to
Click on the latest edition of "Links By George" for July 5th
Bhakti Fest 2009-Sept 11 to 13, Joshua Tree, CA
Video: Marijuana Expo in LA Draws 20,000
Medical Marijuana Moves Mainstream
Decriminalizing some drugs not a rash proposal
World Attention For Jointing-Smoking Speech-Giving Student
Old-Fashioned Medical Advertising: Cocaine,
Alcohol, Heroin, Amphetamines
This Is Your Country On Drugs: LSD Disappears
Exclusive Excerpt: This Is Your Country On Drugs
The Last Word: An interview with Terence McKenna (full!)
Tea As Soma
Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism
Tantraworks from Nik Douglas
Orthodox Church To Unveil Ark of the Covenant?
Oldest Human Settlement in Aegean Unearthed
on Limnos Island
'Oldest musical instrument' found
The magical world of artist Peter Marcek
Fascinating drawings of Jose Roosevelt
Deepak Chopra's tribute to Michael Jackson
Just Released Vintage DVD Footage of John Lennon
& the Plastic Ono Band
Johnny Depp website- info on Public Enemy movie
Les Miserables: The 10th Anniversary Dream
Cast in Concert in London: 2 DVDs
RIP! A Remix Manifesto
My friend in Canada Costas Lazarou has a website expressing
the uniqueness of each country and its people and its importance
in maintaining harmony on the planet and within the individual
Local Currencies Really Can Buy Happiness
Sustainability: The Five Core Principles
High-Tech Green Building Materials Are
Transforming Construction
Tell Nike, Adidas, and Timberland to Protect the Amazon
and the Climate ! TAKE ACTION
A Fight For The Amazon That Should Inspire The World
The uprising In the Amazon is more urgent than Iran's - it will determine the future
of the planet
The Dolomites and the Wadden Sea, have deservingly been
nominated as World Heritage Foundation sites
Hands Up For The Kimberley ! TAKE ACTION !
Save Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park !
Return the Marbles to Greece
The Guardian, a newspaper in the UK, is polling public
opinion on the return of Greek Marbles of the Parthenon to Greece.
US House passes historic climate change bill
EPA ‘suppression’ story grows, despite shoddy science in report
June Eco-Tidbits from Turkey
New Organic Rooftop Gardens in NYC
Climate efforts: Germany No.1, Canada last
Nearly a Third of Whales Killed By Japan in the Antarctic Were Pregnant
ACTION ALERT: Please Watch "Earthlings", PETA Vids, and Consider Going Vegetarian
McCartneys' Meat Free Monday CampaignRolls
Coca-Cola's Troubling History: Drug Addicts,
Nazis and MLK's Condemnation
Breaking the Organic Monopoly and the “Natural” Foods Myth
Whole Food Market and United Natural Foods, Inc.:
Undermining Our Organic Future
Dr. Bronner's Ups Ante in Lawsuit Against
'Organic' Personal Care Cheaters
World's Largest Refugee Camp Keeps Growing
World's First Ever 'Self-Watering' Plant Discovered in Israel
Brainy Echidna Proves Looks Aren’t Everything
Bats Hold Key to Fountain of Youth?
Big Pharma's Phony 'Gift' to Health Care Reform
Compounds from rosemary fight against
mutagenic effects of radiation
Anti-HIV and Anti-Cancer Drugs Derived From
Borneo Rainforest Progressing to Final Development Stages
6 Health Detoxification Facts You Must Know
The Gestapo Food Act, H.R. 2749, Must Be Stopped -
Reject HR 2749 and Clean Up Factory Farms Instead
Search tool shows what pesticides you're eating
Stop! Read This BEFORE You Get that Mammogram
Patrick Swayze 'Says Goodbye as Cancer Spreads'
The Lyme Disease Conspiracy
The Real Loss of Michael Jackson's Death
Len Watson is a long time friend and wonderful holistic
practitioner and expert in detox and raw food therapy
What's Your Best Advice for Dandruff?
Criminal and Legal Action Against Lost Coast Brewery
& Café for Hurting Hindu's Sentiments and Believes : Naresh Kadyan
Jesus, Now Appearing on Your Cat's Butt
Hitler And The New Age
For Many, Marriage Is Sexless, Boring and Oppressive:
Time to Rethink the Institution?
Getting Laid-Off Can Kill You
Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum
Unprotected Sex: Abstinence Education's Main Accomplishment
Canada to Vaccinate Entire Population
Lightning kills 35 in eastern India
Welcome one and all to "Uncle Ernie's Issues & Alibis."
Who sets the Middle East War Agenda?
The Banks and the Oil Companies
Obama Channels Bush: DOJ Shields Cheney Interview
Right-Wing Insanity: Former CIA Official Wishes
for Terrorist Attack on U.S. (!)
Velvet Revolution: updates on political activism
Support youth in challenging military recruiters this summer
$2,000 for a Dead Afghan Child
$100,000 for Any American Who Died Killing it.
By Jay Janson
Shocking? Shame provoking? Embarrassing that no Afghani or
Pakistani child or parent has any human right at all, including
the right not to be blown to pieces in a US drone air strike? - the
final insult being the value of their lives put at a mere $2,000 by
the wealthiest nation in history?
The Military Invades U.S. Schools: How Military
Academies Are Being Used to Destroy Public Education
Iraq's 'National Sovereignty Day' is U.S.-Style Hallmark Hype
Iraq to open up oil fields for first time in four decades
Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran
Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests,
Was the Butcher of Beirut
Iranian Elections: The 'Stolen Elections' Hoax
CIA has Distributed 400 Million Dollars Inside Iran
to Evoke a Revolution
Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran
By James Corbett
Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?
ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions
Demand the release of the humanitarian activists
illegally detained by Israel!
Dilip Hiro, The Weeks of Living Dangerously
Scrambling for the Big Prize: Iraq's Sweet Oil
Crisis in Iran & Honduras
Coup d'Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA'S
Right Wing Military Coup in Honduras. See
"Innocent Voices" DVD
Honduras and the School of Americas: U.S. Coups,
Blood, and Shame
William Rivers Pitt | Made of Lies
Ignorance is Strength by Paul Craig Roberts
The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free
'Free Gaza' Boats Stopped By Cyprus
Fresh water: Our 'sea of diamonds': Privatized
water in the US
Congress Members Grabbed or Dumped Stocks
as Market Crashed
Karl Denninger: Paranoid Rantings?
Obama, They Want You to Fail
When DuPont Almost Overthrew the Government
Stephen Colbert Discusses Bohemian Grove
Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight
'Out of Control' Cop Raids Dem Fundraiser
The Coming Collapse Of The Middle Class (video 57:37)
A Message from the Average Black Person
Woman Must Pay Record Companies
$2 Million For File Sharing
Seizing War Protesters’ Assets
'A Comedy of Errors': Why It's Time to Get Rid
of the So-Called Terrorist Watch List
Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview
9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public
Subscribe to:
Posts (Atom)



Give Peace a Chance

John Lennon

Jimi Hendrix

Dr. Albert Hofmann

Rolling Stones

Satanic Majesty's Request
Rolling Stones 2000 light years
Pink Floyd

Uncover Art
Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's
