Click on the story line to view link:
2009 Annual Rainbow Gathering ~ July 1st - 7th, 2009
Norway Karlsoy Festival July 11
Zippy Picnic 2009 June 6 & 7, Hampstead Heath UK
Harmony Festival being held
in Northern California, June 12-14
Upcoming Events at The World Peace Sanctuary - Amenia, New York
World Renowned Astro-Ayurvedic Doctor Goswami on Maui June 1- 14
The Illegal green tree-youtube
Ten Mayors Arrested in a Historic Blow to Drug Trafficking in Mexico! / Diez Alcaldes Detenidos En Un HistóRico Golpe Al Narcot
There's No Drug Crime Wave at the Border, Just a Lot of Media Hype
International Association of Cannabis as Medicine
How the Marijuana Re-Legalization Movement Has Been Betrayed by Soros,
Nadleman (DPA) and Kampia (MPP)
Family Guy Bag of Weed Song
Recently perfected cannabis THC laden citrus friut discovery
Could Flower Power Have Saved the World? by Gregory Sams
Code of Ethics Céu do Montreal Santo Daime Canada
Aldous Huxley Papers at UCLA
Dr. Michael Winkelman's site of ethnonbotanic studies and sensible
understanding of drug issues
Supernatural as Natural: A Biocultural Approach to Religion by Dr. Michael Winkelman
Sage Spirit (2007), reviewed by Castor Pollux
MATTHEW J. PALLAMARY -4 titles of shamanic short stories
Tony Nenninger - Freedom Case-Rainbow Gatherings
Mariela Delapaz's art reflecting feminine shamanism and spirituality
Purification of Pythia, ancient Greece
Near-death experiences: Heaven can wait
Sun of gOd: "uncovering the greatest coverup in history"-a new and very provocative book by Gregory Sams
The Great Beast Was Here
Happy 68th birthday Bob Dylan
Michael Fairchild's excellent Jimi Hendrix site
Sun Ra: Beamed From Tomorrow
Rex Foundation: music and event news
Steve Martin's New Banjo Album -- And He's Terrific & BF
Needs to Pay Bills
Fear & Loathing: The Board Game
"Where it's at": true spots in the pop culture map
The Crazy Dervishes Woodstock
7 E-Bikes That Are Revolutionizing Our Streets
Crop formation update
Huge Mars Region Shaped By Water, Rover Mission Finds
U.S. scientists unveil NASA’s secrets about cities on the Moon
and microbes on Mars
Space Debris and the Future of Space Flight
Giant Blob Found Beneath Nevada
Mayan underworld filled with gifts, sacrifices to gods
How Neanderthals met a grisly fate: devoured by humans
The Day of the Dead
Native American Environmental Leader Tom Goldtooth: Climate Change Bill Fails to Address Indigenous Rights
Indigenous Groups Call for Halt By Foreign Companies to Land Use for Oil,
Mining, Without Their Prior Knowledge, Consent,
as Permanet Forum continues
Oil Firms and Loggers 'Push Indigenous People to Brink of Extinction'
Old-growth Logging Project Near Grand Canyon Halted in Victory
for Conservation and Goshawks
Concerned Tweed Valley Australia residents expressed their opposition on
May 28th, 2009 to the proposal to hold a leg of the World Rally Championships
in the Tweed and Kyogle areas. Ruth Rosenheck has prepared this excellent video.
The video Shell doesn’t want you to see…
Yosemite's largest trees vanishing
Ocean Mind
Climate Change Summit Hijacked by Biggest Polluters, Critics Claim
Tell EPA: Deploy the Clean Air Act Now to Fight Climate Change
Whose Environmental Crisis? what Islam Offers the Earth
by Shireen Pishdadi
Preparing for the Worst: Adaptation Becoming Crucial
Part of Climate Change Plans
Iceland whale slaughter kicks off
Ask Hawaii to Stop Cruel Aerial Hunts ! TAKE ACTION !
The North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO)
Peta : 25th Anniversary
A Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms
Mia Farrow talks about having to quit her hunger strike over her
doctor's fears that she would die
Participatory Society: Urban Space & Freedom by Chris Spannos
Grass Roots Human Rights community internet hookups in Australia
Students reach out to Burmese refugees
Peter Singer that contemplates how tiny and insignificant a part of the
universe humanity is yet how we can still do great things within
the context of our "littleness."
The Dark Side Of Paradise: Mental Illness in Bali - Do
You Live in Chains? - Video
Hightower: Salmonella in Your Frozen Food
U.S. Navy to conduct human clinical trials of H1N1 flu vaccine
A Moratorium on Genetically Manipulated (GMO) Foods
Tell American Public Media to Stop Letting Monsanto Leverage
Its Reputation! - Take Action!
Looky who heads the FDA now
Codex Alimentarius is no hoax.....important health Information
Monsanto’s Terminator Making a Comeback? Enter the Zombie!
What the financial collapse can teach us about the food system
Byron Bay Seedsavers
Can Vicarious Sunshine Give You Vitamin D?
Could This Powerful Breakthrough Beat Cancer and
Auto-Immune Diseases?
Wheatless Wednesday: 6 Alternatives to 87,000 Slices of Bread
A Recipe For Longevity: 33 Of The Healthiest Foods On Earth
Vegetarian diet could equal longer life
From the Legendary Alice Waters: The Art of Simple Food
Raw food and health information from Paul Nison
Summer Jobs Go Organic
Mexicos Controversial Clinics
The Rick Simpson Story: Run From The Cure Pt 3-youtube
Nation of Neurosis-youtube
Chicken alaCarte: This film is about the hunger and
poverty brought about by Globalization-film
Life Running Out of Control: In the mid-eighties science, with the help
of genetic technology, finds the key to mastering the earth and especially
its creatures. Suddenly, everything seems possible! Twenty years later
we embark on a global journey to explore the progressive and continual
genetic manipulation of plants, animals and human beings-film
Open Your Eyes to Human Traffiking: UN.GIFT has produced a
new Public Service Announcement (PSA) video spot to coincide with
the Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking. The theme - a man
walks through a market without realizing the human trafficking
crimes happening around him - calls for people to open their
eyes to human trafficking-film
More films from Culture Unplugged film festival
A Map of the Lands of Human Sexuality
Taibbi: Sarah Palin's Sex Hypocrisy
Communiques from Shout including Fatima
incident Bilderberg history
Wikipedia Bans Church of Scientology
UFO and other questions
North Korea Restarts Nuke Reactor,
Threatens to Attack South
Order 81 and the plunder of farming
Latha Jishnu / New Delhi
Rome opens up underground wonders
of the ancient world to tourists
Russians to be deliberately infected with swine flu
Grim forecasts for British economy
Britain: The Depth Of Corruption
Canadians Take Notice, the U.S. Is Militarizing the Border
Israel rescue services to stage 'doomsday' drill
Somalia Vacation Gone Very Bad
Young Tourists Pick Somalia, and a 3-Nation Ordeal Begins
The Old Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
By Gilad Atzmon
Springtime for Hitler?
Obama Nominates Sotomayor for Supreme Court
Sonia Sotomayor's Background Will Affect Her
Judicial Decisions -- and That's a Good Thing
The "Ultimate Sacrifice" vs. the minimum sacrifice...thoughts
after Memorial Day
Obama Caves to 'Scaredy-Cat Nation'
Dahr Jamail | Colonizing Culture
What passport? Rule surprises Bush, Clinton
Canadians and Americans to have passports to cross the border.
Obama inherits Cheney's army of assassins – and
promotes their commander
Generals Find Suicide a Frustrating Enemy
America's Women Soldiers
US Veteran Reveals Atomic Bombs Dropped on
Afghanistan and Iraq
Obama Demands Right to Recruit Minors for Military
Iraq Faces The Mother of All Corruption Scandals
Like Wal-Mart Before Them, Bank of America Is Profiting
Off the Death of Its Employees
Wag the Dog North Korean Style:
U.S. dollar gains on yen as North Korea spooks markets
Russia Drops Dollar
Blue Cross Millionaires Are Scared to Compete
With a Public Plan
Blue Cross Double Crosses President Obama on Healthcare Reform
Moyers: Don't Play Nice with Health Industry
Wall Street throws General Motors into bankruptcy
U.S. regulators shut two failed banks in Illinois,
brings total to 36 for 2009
High Quality Version: Is Anyone Minding the Store
at the Federal Reserve?
Geithner Vows to Cut U.S. Deficit on Rating Concern
Exploding Debt Threatens America
By John Taylor
Standard and Poor's decision to downgrade its outlook for
British sovereign debt from "stable" to "negative" should be a
wake-up call for the US Congress and administration. Let us hope
they wake up.
Economic Collapse to Trigger Social Pandemonium
The Bilderberg Plan for 2009: Remaking the Global Political Economy
Vi Ransel's excellent analysis of the capitalist system's means of
creating and perpetuating false consciousness and how we can combat it....
Poverty in America - One in Six Children in the U.S. Are Hungry!
Spitting in the Eye of Mainstream Education
Fixing America, Erasing Bush
Bush's Shocking Biblical Prophecy Emerges: God Wants to
"Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins"
Thanks for the Memories, George: What Eight Years of Bush
Will Do to a Country (Paperback) (Bitter Humor)
Colin Powell Fires Back at Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney
Liz Cheney Accidentally (?) Lets The Truth Fly:
The 13 Bush Officials Who Made Torture Possible
Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech
3 Minute Video By Brave New Films
Cheney's torture policy was directly responsible for the deaths of
hundreds if not thousands of American servicemen and women.
Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos 'Show Rape'
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent and Paul Cruickshank
At least one picture shows an American soldier apparently raping a
female prisoner while another is said to show a male translator
raping a male detainee.
Jason Leopold | Taguba Saw "Video of Male Soldier
Sodomizing Female Detainee"
Was Rape an Enhanced Interrogation Technique?
Another Outrage
By Cindy Sheehan
I have spoken to men who were still in their teens who were sodomized
with broom handles in Guantanamo. I have seen the horrific photos of the
US's inhumanity to man and cannot forgive my country for the terror it
has unleashed on the world. I can't stand the fact that our government
operates with such craven cowardice and has harmed so many people
while Americans revel in blissful ignorance.
Busted, Pentagon
Why The Photos Probably Do Show Detainees Sodomized and Raped
" is proof of the fact that the most senior
leadership - Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney, with Rice's collusion -
were running a
global sex crime trafficking ring with Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib
and Baghram as the
holding sites."
Paul Craig Roberts: Do Americans Have a Moral
General Accuses WH of War Crimes
Defining Moments in US History and their Relevance Today
Former Black Panther: "There Are Political Prisoners
in America as Well"
Insane Thug Cops Attack Emergency Paramedic: All across the
country, cops are attacking people for not responding quick enough
to barked commands or for not groveling in deference to their
thuggish authority
When Fascism Comes Through the Radio and TV &
"Liberals" are the Enemy
An American Radical Because He Was a Fearless Journalist,
Not a Stenographer
Howard Zinn to speak in Athens
Ernest is a friend and editor of the excellent newsletter
"Issues and Alibis". His film is also a highly recommended work
of art. As he describes it: "W answers the question of, 'What if the
'Crime Family Bush' came from outer space to rule the world,
wouldn't that explain a lot of things? I mean, wouldn't it?'"
Also we gotten this about a hundred times from different folks:
"W's like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" on acid!"
Media censors major “Black Power Conference” in Atlanta
No Worries it's only the Bloods, Crips, Vice Lords, etc.
Pentagon Plans New Arm to Wage Cyberspace Wars
Facebook - the CIA conspiracy
Incredible: Unknown Cold-War-Era Conspiracy Comes to Light
Drugmakers could not rely on federal regulation to shield
them from lawsuits brought under state con
Top 10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories
ABC News Reports On Secret Meeting Of The Rich,
Yet Ignores Bilderberg Completely
Internet 2 Censorship Has Begun-youtube
Vice President Biden confronted with conclusive
scientific proof of criminal demolitions on 9/11/01
Bilderberg 2009 – Attendance List
Govt.mind control Crazed MI-5 and MI-6 renagades Wreak
Havoc for the Illuminati white British crown Supremicist
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Links By George May 25th
Sunrise Celebration: 28th - 31st May , South Somerset UK
Summer Solstice Bliss Out, Missouri
2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy
Feb 1-4 2010 Dubai
Entheogenesis Australis Nov6-9
Wasiwaska entheogenic seminars schedule for 2009
Temple of Illumination-San Francisco-June 7
Obama's Drug Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'
U.S. Supreme Court Affirms California's Medical Marijuana Law
Will Obama End the War on Drugs?
Pot Continues to Climb in Public Opinion Polls -- Zogby Goes Over 50%
Medical Marijuana, Inc. Signs 1st Medical Marijuana Collective
to Use the Tax Remittance Card
Global Marijuana Marches
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence,
legalize all drugs
The Media Doesn't Get That Hyping Potent Pot Makes
More People Want to Smoke It
How a White Powder from the Bolivian Andes Became
a Global Phenomenon
Thank You for Pot Smoking
South Australia Police Subject Club, Concert-Goers to Drug Dog Checks
Oslo Police Plan Crackdown on Hash Users, Buyers
REEFER SADNESS The Dutch Start Getting All Uptight And Shit
Michael Balderstone Mardi Grass 09 review
Marijuana and the goddess
Salvia: more powerful than LSD, and legal
Ayasmina's excellent podcasts of psychedelics, spirituality and beyond
Have You Ever Taken Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon?
Immanentizing the Eschaton: An Interview with Dennis McKenna
Danilo's Psychedelic Yoga
The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry And Mysticism
Is This Your Brain in God? NPR series
Huston Smith website
A Toad on the Moon: Or a Brief Speculation on Chinese Psychoactive Toad Venoms
A Brief History Of The Counterculture
Tyting Farm squatters earn more time
The New Robert Anton Wilson Online
Enriching books from Alive Mind Education
Respecting the religious & philosophical views of others
May Peace Prevail On Earth Alliance
Strawberry Fields DVD Now Available
The Age of Aquarius-youtube
Joni Mitchell songs
Kuba Fiedorowicz's website of beautiful art dimensions
Sahara Devi's blog on the Evolution Revolution, reminding
us of love and self reflection
Yusuf Islam Unites Muslims, West
Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga): How to Be Happy Always-youtube
The Avatar Awakens
Light workers social networks and Tyberron
Ragbir Bhathal Astrophysicist at the U of Western Sydney teaches
only university based SETI Course has detected a non random signal
9,500-Year-Old City Found Underwater Off India Rescue Ship from
South Atantic headed to site
Subterranean Cities
OPERATION ZEMBE A search for prehistoric Atlantis
Creating an Atlas of the Human Mind
John Wehrheim's excellent book: Bhutan: Hidden Lands of Happiness
Bhutan: Taking The Middle Path To Happiness
The Hunger Site
Mom Connects Families to Feed the Hungry
Annie Lennox’s Fair Trading, Rosario Dawson’s School Gardens,
and more
The Tree Project-youtube
End Evil Blacklist: Evil Companies and Multinationals
More giveaways for developing the world's dirtiest fossil fuel?
Dam Home Depot - Save Patagonia's Rivers ! TAKE ACTION !
Wal-Mart's solar power no-show
Pulp Giant APP Set to Assault Sumatra Orangutan Sanctuary
Gore vs. Hansen: Enviros take sides in debate over House climate bill
Sea Shepherd - Nobody Talks, Everybody Walks-video from an arrest
Scramble For World Resources: Battle For Antarctica
US to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Autos
Sustainable cities: the future of the human habitat
Passive homes take green building to the next level
Which natural toilet-bowl cleaner wins with a flush?
Ask Congress for Healthy Local & Organic School Food!
Letting Go of the autism Label
Sign Petition: Ensure Health Coverage for All
Children in America
New report details pesticide over-use in child care centers
Heatlhy Children Need to Drink from Non-Toxic,
Plastic Free Bottles
Police look for mother and son who fled chemo
This Antioxidant Can Smash Insulin Resistance and
Autoimmune Disease
Food Inc.-video
Can Calcium Actually Make Your Bones Weaker?
Should You Detox to Get Rid of Chemicals?
Don’t Believe the Hype - Fructose Truly is Much
Worse Than Glucose
Is Honey Vegan?
Ginger Quells Cancer Patients' Nausea From Chemotherapy
Cancer Is Not A Disease! It's A Survival Mechanism
By Andreas Moritz
Secretary Vilsack: Support Organics, Not Genetic
Engineering - Take Action!
Our Appetite for Animals Is Taking Us Toward Apolcalypse
Michael Pollan: "Don't Buy Any Food You've Ever Seen Advertised"
Stopping the CODEX Juggernaut
BIG PHARMA UPDATE: The Sick Get Sicker as Legal Drug
Pushing Puts Profits Before the Health of Patients
Tracking the progress of H1N1 swine flu
Global Swine Pandemic Intensifies With 10,000 Cases
Vaccine contamination quotes
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
GlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal in which babies and
children were allegedly used as 'laboratory animals'
UK: Tainted blood victims left angry
People eating genetically modified food may have rat-short lifespan
Humans Seem Hell Bent on Committing Mass Suicide -- But
There's Still Hope
Irish priests beat, raped children: report
Teen Sex Panic: Media Still Freaking Out About "Sexting"
XXX: Is the Porn Industry Doomed?
Jesus of Suburbia
Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free. 4 Stars.
Water treatment error causes fluoride overload in Australia
Australia: "They are not witches" [ topics torture, anti terror laws, AFP Mick Keelty drowning of sievx boat and more, Graeme Dunstan on Keelty.
Lismore is the town next to Nimbin where we are
UK: As the political consensus collapses, now all dissenters
face suppression. Peaceful protest - or 'domestic extremism' - is
being put down with increasing violence by our police forces
UK: 'Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist'
CANADA: Woman cuffed for not holding escalator handrail
Iranian Banks Complain to EU
World economy in freefall
"Hope" convoy members: Egyptian authorities hinder
the arrival of aid to Gaza
Why Do Afghans Have a Life Expectancy of Only 44 Years?
Political implications of the Sri Lankan war
Haiti the land where children eat mud
Dominican Republic-youtube
China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
Bogus "Solutions" to the Financial Crisis:
The Latest in Junk Economics
Blackstone & Carlyle Group acquire Florida's Bank
United in FDIC failure scheme
Senate Rejects 15% Limit on Credit-Card Interest Rates
Native Americans Disproportionately Affected By Predatory Lending
"The Looting of America": How Wall Street Mugged Us and
Got Welfare in Return
Why Goldman Sachs Is the Greediest and Most Dastardly
of the Wall Street Pigs
Naomi Klein on Wall Street Bailouts:
'This Is Not Socialism, It's Insanity'
The Disease of Permanent War
Engineering "Trust of the Indigenous Population"
U.S. Attack Killed 140 Villagers - Afghan Probe
Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's
Commander in Afghanistan
Fratricide at Camp Liberty
Obama: From Anti-war Law Professor to Warmonger in 100 Days
By Alexander Cockburn
It didn't take long for President Barack Obama to swing behind
targeted assassinations and bombing raids.
By Sherwood Ross
Obama's Word Breaks Ice in Geneva Arms Talks
Obama's Animal Farm
Bigger, Bloodier Wars Equal Peace and Justice
By James Petras
The Democratic Pigs are now pursuing the same brutal, military
policies of their predecessors, the Republican Porkers, only now
it is in the name of the people and peace. Orwell might paraphrase
the policy of President Barack Obama, as 'Bigger and bloodier wars
equal peace and justice'.
Obama Can’t Turn the Page on Bush
GOP Prepares Crusade to Rip Apart ANY
Obama Supreme Court Nominee
Jesse Ventura Goes Head to Head With Sean Hannity
Michael Steele + NRA = Hilarity.
Not Even Chuck Norris Can Save the GOP
Pelosi Draws Response From CIA
The Obama-Cheney “debate” and the threat of dictatorship in America
Question of day is why Cheney keeps getting a platform?
War crimes anyone?
Cheney Goofs on Israel
He's back: Young Dick Cheney: Great American
Why the Caged Bird Sang: Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney, Patron Saint of Torture-Free
Supreme Court Rules Former Detainee Abuse
Lawsuit Cannot Proceed
Bush Family of Secrets.
NYT Helps the Bushies, Again
A Tribute to George Wacko Bush - A Photo Album and
lideshow Of the Many Thougts of Bengt on Georgie Boy -
For Your Enjoyment
Bush's 'Smoking Gun' Witness Found Dead
Why Obama Refuses To Release Torture Pictures
By Yvonne Ridley
While some Republican red necks would probably just scoff at
pictures of olive skinned men being brutalised, I'm not so sure
they would shrug off so easily pictures of women and young
children being tortured.
How Torture Trapped Colin Powell
Donald Rumsfeld covered Iraq briefing papers with Biblical texts
Rumsfield: And He Shall Be Judged
Protesting & Disbarring the War Criminals
USA's Amnesia for Atrocity
Majority of Americans see Iran as Danger
In a poll released this week, 71 percent of Americans say the
United States won't be safe with a nuclear Iran. Seventy-nine percent
said if Iran acquired a weapon, it was likely to provide it to terrorists
to attack an American city. A slightly larger number, 80 percent, said
Iran was likely to fire a missile at Israel.
Patriots Questioning the 9/11
"Ron Paul: They're Working On A One World Government!"-youtube
Unexceptional Americans:
Why We Can't See the Trees or the Forest
The Torture Memos and Historical Amnesia
By Noam Chomsky
Torture has been routinely practiced from the early days of the
conquest of the national territory, and continued to be used as the
imperial ventures of the "infant empire" -- as George Washington
called the new republic -- extended to the Philippines, Haiti, and elsewhere.
"Religion is What Keeps the Poor from Murdering the Rich" Magnet
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
"Could a media system, controlled by a few global corporations with
the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?..."
Why Are Boy Scouts Being Trained to Fight Terrorists?
Repatriate 'child soldiers' at Gitmo, U.K. groups urge
Little Known Military Thug Squad Still Brutalizing
Prisoners at Gitmo Under Obama
U.S. Officials Admitted that Boys Were Sodomized In Iraq Prison
By Washington's Blog
In the Washington Post report, one detainee, Kasim Hilas,
describes the rape of an Iraqi boy by a man in uniform, whose
name has been blacked out of the statement, but who appears to
be a translator working for the army.
Rumsfeld's renegade unit blamed for Afghan deaths
Martin Luther King assassination video:
Court determines government involved in MLK assassination
(Video) Muslims in the Military
Clinton-Era Hard Drive Missing From Archives
The Case of the Missing H-Bomb: The Pentagon Has
Lost the Mother of All Weapons
'Killer Chip' tracks humans, releases poison
My Implant: A Scientist Speaks Out
Demonstrations against the secret meeting of the Bilderbergs
in 'Aster Palace' hotel Athens
Charlie Skelton's Bilderberg files
Are The People Who 'Really Run The World'
Meeting This Weekend?
All Governments Lie: The Life and Times of
Rebel Journalist I. F. Stone
Has Huffington Post Turned Into a Big Boob Job to
Increase Its Market Value?
Alan Park Swine Flu-youtube
The A H1N1 Pandemic: Pig to Human Transmission
of the Swine Flu?
Curious Contrails: Death from the Sky?
New Orleans Public Schools: Still Under Water?
Starbucks' Dirty Secrets Revealed
Neocon Group Calls for Military Strikes on Media
Just When You Thought the Corporate Rip-Off
Schemes Couldn't Get Any Worse...
Cheney: "Mission Accomplished: I Dicked the Country Again!"
Porn Star Stormy Daniels Is One Step Closer to Taking
on Conservative Blowhard David Vitter
Classwar in America, the Ongoing Assault - From the Gilded Age to
Tea Bagger Rage, a Romp through the Recent Episodes
of the Class War in America
Elite Colleges Are Promoting a Culture of Selfish, Cutthroat Behavior
and We Are All Paying the Price
Why Is it Different When Americans Rape?
TSUNAMI ASTEROID'S GAMMA BLAST: the Ultimate Cover-Up Conspiracy by Michael Fairchild
Sunrise Celebration: 28th - 31st May , South Somerset UK
Summer Solstice Bliss Out, Missouri
2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy
Feb 1-4 2010 Dubai
Entheogenesis Australis Nov6-9
Wasiwaska entheogenic seminars schedule for 2009
Temple of Illumination-San Francisco-June 7
Obama's Drug Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'
U.S. Supreme Court Affirms California's Medical Marijuana Law
Will Obama End the War on Drugs?
Pot Continues to Climb in Public Opinion Polls -- Zogby Goes Over 50%
Medical Marijuana, Inc. Signs 1st Medical Marijuana Collective
to Use the Tax Remittance Card
Global Marijuana Marches
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence,
legalize all drugs
The Media Doesn't Get That Hyping Potent Pot Makes
More People Want to Smoke It
How a White Powder from the Bolivian Andes Became
a Global Phenomenon
Thank You for Pot Smoking
South Australia Police Subject Club, Concert-Goers to Drug Dog Checks
Oslo Police Plan Crackdown on Hash Users, Buyers
REEFER SADNESS The Dutch Start Getting All Uptight And Shit
Michael Balderstone Mardi Grass 09 review
Marijuana and the goddess
Salvia: more powerful than LSD, and legal
Ayasmina's excellent podcasts of psychedelics, spirituality and beyond
Have You Ever Taken Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon?
Immanentizing the Eschaton: An Interview with Dennis McKenna
Danilo's Psychedelic Yoga
The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry And Mysticism
Is This Your Brain in God? NPR series
Huston Smith website
A Toad on the Moon: Or a Brief Speculation on Chinese Psychoactive Toad Venoms
A Brief History Of The Counterculture
Tyting Farm squatters earn more time
The New Robert Anton Wilson Online
Enriching books from Alive Mind Education
Respecting the religious & philosophical views of others
May Peace Prevail On Earth Alliance
Strawberry Fields DVD Now Available
The Age of Aquarius-youtube
Joni Mitchell songs
Kuba Fiedorowicz's website of beautiful art dimensions
Sahara Devi's blog on the Evolution Revolution, reminding
us of love and self reflection
Yusuf Islam Unites Muslims, West
Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga): How to Be Happy Always-youtube
The Avatar Awakens
Light workers social networks and Tyberron
Ragbir Bhathal Astrophysicist at the U of Western Sydney teaches
only university based SETI Course has detected a non random signal
9,500-Year-Old City Found Underwater Off India Rescue Ship from
South Atantic headed to site
Subterranean Cities
OPERATION ZEMBE A search for prehistoric Atlantis
Creating an Atlas of the Human Mind
John Wehrheim's excellent book: Bhutan: Hidden Lands of Happiness
Bhutan: Taking The Middle Path To Happiness
The Hunger Site
Mom Connects Families to Feed the Hungry
Annie Lennox’s Fair Trading, Rosario Dawson’s School Gardens,
and more
The Tree Project-youtube
End Evil Blacklist: Evil Companies and Multinationals
More giveaways for developing the world's dirtiest fossil fuel?
Dam Home Depot - Save Patagonia's Rivers ! TAKE ACTION !
Wal-Mart's solar power no-show
Pulp Giant APP Set to Assault Sumatra Orangutan Sanctuary
Gore vs. Hansen: Enviros take sides in debate over House climate bill
Sea Shepherd - Nobody Talks, Everybody Walks-video from an arrest
Scramble For World Resources: Battle For Antarctica
US to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Autos
Sustainable cities: the future of the human habitat
Passive homes take green building to the next level
Which natural toilet-bowl cleaner wins with a flush?
Ask Congress for Healthy Local & Organic School Food!
Letting Go of the autism Label
Sign Petition: Ensure Health Coverage for All
Children in America
New report details pesticide over-use in child care centers
Heatlhy Children Need to Drink from Non-Toxic,
Plastic Free Bottles
Police look for mother and son who fled chemo
This Antioxidant Can Smash Insulin Resistance and
Autoimmune Disease
Food Inc.-video
Can Calcium Actually Make Your Bones Weaker?
Should You Detox to Get Rid of Chemicals?
Don’t Believe the Hype - Fructose Truly is Much
Worse Than Glucose
Is Honey Vegan?
Ginger Quells Cancer Patients' Nausea From Chemotherapy
Cancer Is Not A Disease! It's A Survival Mechanism
By Andreas Moritz
Secretary Vilsack: Support Organics, Not Genetic
Engineering - Take Action!
Our Appetite for Animals Is Taking Us Toward Apolcalypse
Michael Pollan: "Don't Buy Any Food You've Ever Seen Advertised"
Stopping the CODEX Juggernaut
BIG PHARMA UPDATE: The Sick Get Sicker as Legal Drug
Pushing Puts Profits Before the Health of Patients
Tracking the progress of H1N1 swine flu
Global Swine Pandemic Intensifies With 10,000 Cases
Vaccine contamination quotes
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
GlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal in which babies and
children were allegedly used as 'laboratory animals'
UK: Tainted blood victims left angry
People eating genetically modified food may have rat-short lifespan
Humans Seem Hell Bent on Committing Mass Suicide -- But
There's Still Hope
Irish priests beat, raped children: report
Teen Sex Panic: Media Still Freaking Out About "Sexting"
XXX: Is the Porn Industry Doomed?
Jesus of Suburbia
Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free. 4 Stars.
Water treatment error causes fluoride overload in Australia
Australia: "They are not witches" [ topics torture, anti terror laws, AFP Mick Keelty drowning of sievx boat and more, Graeme Dunstan on Keelty.
Lismore is the town next to Nimbin where we are
UK: As the political consensus collapses, now all dissenters
face suppression. Peaceful protest - or 'domestic extremism' - is
being put down with increasing violence by our police forces
UK: 'Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist'
CANADA: Woman cuffed for not holding escalator handrail
Iranian Banks Complain to EU
World economy in freefall
"Hope" convoy members: Egyptian authorities hinder
the arrival of aid to Gaza
Why Do Afghans Have a Life Expectancy of Only 44 Years?
Political implications of the Sri Lankan war
Haiti the land where children eat mud
Dominican Republic-youtube
China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
Bogus "Solutions" to the Financial Crisis:
The Latest in Junk Economics
Blackstone & Carlyle Group acquire Florida's Bank
United in FDIC failure scheme
Senate Rejects 15% Limit on Credit-Card Interest Rates
Native Americans Disproportionately Affected By Predatory Lending
"The Looting of America": How Wall Street Mugged Us and
Got Welfare in Return
Why Goldman Sachs Is the Greediest and Most Dastardly
of the Wall Street Pigs
Naomi Klein on Wall Street Bailouts:
'This Is Not Socialism, It's Insanity'
The Disease of Permanent War
Engineering "Trust of the Indigenous Population"
U.S. Attack Killed 140 Villagers - Afghan Probe
Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's
Commander in Afghanistan
Fratricide at Camp Liberty
Obama: From Anti-war Law Professor to Warmonger in 100 Days
By Alexander Cockburn
It didn't take long for President Barack Obama to swing behind
targeted assassinations and bombing raids.
By Sherwood Ross
Obama's Word Breaks Ice in Geneva Arms Talks
Obama's Animal Farm
Bigger, Bloodier Wars Equal Peace and Justice
By James Petras
The Democratic Pigs are now pursuing the same brutal, military
policies of their predecessors, the Republican Porkers, only now
it is in the name of the people and peace. Orwell might paraphrase
the policy of President Barack Obama, as 'Bigger and bloodier wars
equal peace and justice'.
Obama Can’t Turn the Page on Bush
GOP Prepares Crusade to Rip Apart ANY
Obama Supreme Court Nominee
Jesse Ventura Goes Head to Head With Sean Hannity
Michael Steele + NRA = Hilarity.
Not Even Chuck Norris Can Save the GOP
Pelosi Draws Response From CIA
The Obama-Cheney “debate” and the threat of dictatorship in America
Question of day is why Cheney keeps getting a platform?
War crimes anyone?
Cheney Goofs on Israel
He's back: Young Dick Cheney: Great American
Why the Caged Bird Sang: Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney, Patron Saint of Torture-Free
Supreme Court Rules Former Detainee Abuse
Lawsuit Cannot Proceed
Bush Family of Secrets.
NYT Helps the Bushies, Again
A Tribute to George Wacko Bush - A Photo Album and
lideshow Of the Many Thougts of Bengt on Georgie Boy -
For Your Enjoyment
Bush's 'Smoking Gun' Witness Found Dead
Why Obama Refuses To Release Torture Pictures
By Yvonne Ridley
While some Republican red necks would probably just scoff at
pictures of olive skinned men being brutalised, I'm not so sure
they would shrug off so easily pictures of women and young
children being tortured.
How Torture Trapped Colin Powell
Donald Rumsfeld covered Iraq briefing papers with Biblical texts
Rumsfield: And He Shall Be Judged
Protesting & Disbarring the War Criminals
USA's Amnesia for Atrocity
Majority of Americans see Iran as Danger
In a poll released this week, 71 percent of Americans say the
United States won't be safe with a nuclear Iran. Seventy-nine percent
said if Iran acquired a weapon, it was likely to provide it to terrorists
to attack an American city. A slightly larger number, 80 percent, said
Iran was likely to fire a missile at Israel.
Patriots Questioning the 9/11
"Ron Paul: They're Working On A One World Government!"-youtube
Unexceptional Americans:
Why We Can't See the Trees or the Forest
The Torture Memos and Historical Amnesia
By Noam Chomsky
Torture has been routinely practiced from the early days of the
conquest of the national territory, and continued to be used as the
imperial ventures of the "infant empire" -- as George Washington
called the new republic -- extended to the Philippines, Haiti, and elsewhere.
"Religion is What Keeps the Poor from Murdering the Rich" Magnet
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
"Could a media system, controlled by a few global corporations with
the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?..."
Why Are Boy Scouts Being Trained to Fight Terrorists?
Repatriate 'child soldiers' at Gitmo, U.K. groups urge
Little Known Military Thug Squad Still Brutalizing
Prisoners at Gitmo Under Obama
U.S. Officials Admitted that Boys Were Sodomized In Iraq Prison
By Washington's Blog
In the Washington Post report, one detainee, Kasim Hilas,
describes the rape of an Iraqi boy by a man in uniform, whose
name has been blacked out of the statement, but who appears to
be a translator working for the army.
Rumsfeld's renegade unit blamed for Afghan deaths
Martin Luther King assassination video:
Court determines government involved in MLK assassination
(Video) Muslims in the Military
Clinton-Era Hard Drive Missing From Archives
The Case of the Missing H-Bomb: The Pentagon Has
Lost the Mother of All Weapons
'Killer Chip' tracks humans, releases poison
My Implant: A Scientist Speaks Out
Demonstrations against the secret meeting of the Bilderbergs
in 'Aster Palace' hotel Athens
Charlie Skelton's Bilderberg files
Are The People Who 'Really Run The World'
Meeting This Weekend?
All Governments Lie: The Life and Times of
Rebel Journalist I. F. Stone
Has Huffington Post Turned Into a Big Boob Job to
Increase Its Market Value?
Alan Park Swine Flu-youtube
The A H1N1 Pandemic: Pig to Human Transmission
of the Swine Flu?
Curious Contrails: Death from the Sky?
New Orleans Public Schools: Still Under Water?
Starbucks' Dirty Secrets Revealed
Neocon Group Calls for Military Strikes on Media
Just When You Thought the Corporate Rip-Off
Schemes Couldn't Get Any Worse...
Cheney: "Mission Accomplished: I Dicked the Country Again!"
Porn Star Stormy Daniels Is One Step Closer to Taking
on Conservative Blowhard David Vitter
Classwar in America, the Ongoing Assault - From the Gilded Age to
Tea Bagger Rage, a Romp through the Recent Episodes
of the Class War in America
Elite Colleges Are Promoting a Culture of Selfish, Cutthroat Behavior
and We Are All Paying the Price
Why Is it Different When Americans Rape?
TSUNAMI ASTEROID'S GAMMA BLAST: the Ultimate Cover-Up Conspiracy by Michael Fairchild
Friday, May 15, 2009
Links By George May 17
Swimming with the Whales in Tonga-10 day retreats in
August with Dean Jefferys
Mayan Rebirth Celebration May 9-11
David Luke reminds that Graham Hancock, will be in London May 26
and Ralph Metzner June 16
Entheogenic Shamanism Ancient Astronauts History-video
Mom Song: An Ode To Mothers Who Get High (VIDEO)
Dutch cannabis cafes to become private members' clubs
Drug Policy Reform in UK
Beckley Foundation: Global Cannabis Commission
White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'
Grass Is Greener When It's Filling the Coffers
California Counties Target Pot Growers Despite Rising
SWAT Raids -- No One Is Safe video
Drug-Sub Culture
Birth of a Psychedelic Culture: Conversations about Leary,
the Harvard Experiments, Millbrook and the Sixties by Ram Dass
and Ralph Metzner
Huston Smith’s Wonderful Life-The author of 'The World's Religions'
looks back on 90 years of prayer, yoga and dropping acid
Taylor Camp: hippie community in Kauai Hawaii 69-77
Excellent views and lifestyle commentary from Nambassa
1970 fashion statements
Charlie Chaplin On Cocaine
The powerful rain men of Bali
2012: Biography of a Time Traveler biography of Jose Arguelles
"New Hope for Humanity"
Brian Piergrossi's inspirational site of spiritual health, insight,
love and personal coaching
Nahwe ImbwiskWhite Pebble School: an eclectic blend of integrative
spirituality, metaphysics and expansive pragmatism
Metamorphosis: 50 Contemporary Surreal, Fantastic and
Visionary Artists
Nistal's beautiful sculpture
Review of Lee Underwood's excellent cd,
"Gathering Light"
Neil Young, Back with a New CD/DVD Combo.
Alive Mind Education is proud to present Intangible Asset #82,
a vibrant documentary about finding inspiration, passion and
energy through the art of music
Traditional Mayan Clothing
Croatia, the land of magic-youtube
Czech Republic-youtube
Indoor Electric Fireplace
2012-13: NOAA predicts solar cycle 24 ”weakest since 1928”
with $1 trillion damages in worst case
Gwynne Dyer: The Climate Wars
The Great Water Heist: VIDEO
Kotik - The Lamb of God from Paul Watson's blog
So What Does the Inside of a Factory Farm
Look Like Anyway? (Slideshow)
He no longer heard the cries of the animals or
saw the flowing blood….
Is Whole Foods Just Another Evil Corporation?
Scientists Experiment with Vaccinations in GMO Corn
Swine Flu May Be Human Error, Scientist Says
Stop Threat of New Coal Fired Plants in Western States
Living Laboratory: Can NYC Become the Center of Eco-Living?
It's Started in Brooklyn Navy Yard Read More:
Earth friendly bamboo homes designed and built in Australia
Seeds Of Truth
Loving Foods: organic farm co-ops in Hawaii
Vegan Etiquette
Sunshine Can Actually Decrease Your
Vitamin D LevelsTuesday
Dirty Little Secrets of Sunscreen and Bug Spray
Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Subway bodhisatva-youtube
Child Beauty Pageants: A Scene From the "Other America"
Hard Times for Women Living on the Edge:
Economic Anxieties Send Domestic-Abuse Rates Soaring
The Tom Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientologists
Don't Want You To See
Indoctrination and propoganda versus education
Is "Googling" passé?
The Evolution of Home Entertainment
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies
Pakistan Army Massacres Tribal People
GM Europe and the global fight for jobs
Sri Lanka: Inside The War Zone
Grim scenes at Sri Lankan camps
WARNING - Note graphic images contained
in this story may disturb.
Pakistan to masses: 'Eat broadband'
U.N. Says South Sudan Tribal Violence "Worrying"
Brazil floods leave 44 dead, 126,000 homeless
Israel's Ties in Sri Lanka
March on Washington, D.C.Saturday, June 6
Is this why we are in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan: ICRC confirms dozens killed in air strikes
US Using White Phosphorous on Afghan Civilians
List of 140 Afghan Killed In US Attack Includes 93 Children
By Reuters
The list, obtained by Reuters, bears the endorsement of seven
senior provincial and central government officials, including
an Afghan two-star general who headed a task force dispatched
by the government to investigate the incident.
Holocaust Memorial Museum for Palestinian Children
Iran is not Nazi Germany, and
"Sir Winston Peres" is a Disaster
Osama Bin Laden Was US Operator:
President Asif Ali Zardari
By Arun Kumar
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has alleged that elusive
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was a US operator who had
tried to destabilise his late wife Benazir Bhutto's government
back in 1989.
Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve
Pakistani Accounts Revealed
" Web of Debt": The Inner Workings
of the Monetary System
The IMF Collects Debts on Behalf of the World's
Largest Banks Make Iceland pay for
Incompetent British Bank Deregulation
Big US Banks May Be Headed For
Extinction—And Soon
Is America About to Go Broke?
Actual Bailout May Exceed $10 Trillion
Swiftboaters Are Back, This Time To
Block Healthcare Reform
Who Rules America?
By Paul Craig Roberts
What do you suppose it is like to be elected
president of the United States only to find
that your power is restricted to the
service of powerful interest groups?
Jesse Ventura "The two Parties are Destroying
the Country..." 1/3
Cheney to Run for President in 2012?
G20 police 'used undercover men to incite crowds'
Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and
Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunker
9/11 plane crash peculiarites-video
Chilling New Law Gives US Government Ownership
Of All Water In Nation
District 9 -film trailer
Underground Bases and Tunnels
Scientist arrested for smuggling vials
used in Ebola research into US
Unprecedented “Tidal Wave Of Death” Set To
Overtake World, Warns Russia
"No conspiracy, just nazis running
the world" video
The photos America doesn't want seen
Island of Shame: The Secret History of the
US Military Base on Diego Garcia
Advanced missile poses substantial new
threat for U.S. Navy
Pentagon Preparing For War With
The Enemy: Russia
Swimming with the Whales in Tonga-10 day retreats in
August with Dean Jefferys
Mayan Rebirth Celebration May 9-11
David Luke reminds that Graham Hancock, will be in London May 26
and Ralph Metzner June 16
Entheogenic Shamanism Ancient Astronauts History-video
Mom Song: An Ode To Mothers Who Get High (VIDEO)
Dutch cannabis cafes to become private members' clubs
Drug Policy Reform in UK
Beckley Foundation: Global Cannabis Commission
White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'
Grass Is Greener When It's Filling the Coffers
California Counties Target Pot Growers Despite Rising
SWAT Raids -- No One Is Safe video
Drug-Sub Culture
Birth of a Psychedelic Culture: Conversations about Leary,
the Harvard Experiments, Millbrook and the Sixties by Ram Dass
and Ralph Metzner
Huston Smith’s Wonderful Life-The author of 'The World's Religions'
looks back on 90 years of prayer, yoga and dropping acid
Taylor Camp: hippie community in Kauai Hawaii 69-77
Excellent views and lifestyle commentary from Nambassa
1970 fashion statements
Charlie Chaplin On Cocaine
The powerful rain men of Bali
2012: Biography of a Time Traveler biography of Jose Arguelles
"New Hope for Humanity"
Brian Piergrossi's inspirational site of spiritual health, insight,
love and personal coaching
Nahwe ImbwiskWhite Pebble School: an eclectic blend of integrative
spirituality, metaphysics and expansive pragmatism
Metamorphosis: 50 Contemporary Surreal, Fantastic and
Visionary Artists
Nistal's beautiful sculpture
Review of Lee Underwood's excellent cd,
"Gathering Light"
Neil Young, Back with a New CD/DVD Combo.
Alive Mind Education is proud to present Intangible Asset #82,
a vibrant documentary about finding inspiration, passion and
energy through the art of music
Traditional Mayan Clothing
Croatia, the land of magic-youtube
Czech Republic-youtube
Indoor Electric Fireplace
2012-13: NOAA predicts solar cycle 24 ”weakest since 1928”
with $1 trillion damages in worst case
Gwynne Dyer: The Climate Wars
The Great Water Heist: VIDEO
Kotik - The Lamb of God from Paul Watson's blog
So What Does the Inside of a Factory Farm
Look Like Anyway? (Slideshow)
He no longer heard the cries of the animals or
saw the flowing blood….
Is Whole Foods Just Another Evil Corporation?
Scientists Experiment with Vaccinations in GMO Corn
Swine Flu May Be Human Error, Scientist Says
Stop Threat of New Coal Fired Plants in Western States
Living Laboratory: Can NYC Become the Center of Eco-Living?
It's Started in Brooklyn Navy Yard Read More:
Earth friendly bamboo homes designed and built in Australia
Seeds Of Truth
Loving Foods: organic farm co-ops in Hawaii
Vegan Etiquette
Sunshine Can Actually Decrease Your
Vitamin D LevelsTuesday
Dirty Little Secrets of Sunscreen and Bug Spray
Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Subway bodhisatva-youtube
Child Beauty Pageants: A Scene From the "Other America"
Hard Times for Women Living on the Edge:
Economic Anxieties Send Domestic-Abuse Rates Soaring
The Tom Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientologists
Don't Want You To See
Indoctrination and propoganda versus education
Is "Googling" passé?
The Evolution of Home Entertainment
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies
Pakistan Army Massacres Tribal People
GM Europe and the global fight for jobs
Sri Lanka: Inside The War Zone
Grim scenes at Sri Lankan camps
WARNING - Note graphic images contained
in this story may disturb.
Pakistan to masses: 'Eat broadband'
U.N. Says South Sudan Tribal Violence "Worrying"
Brazil floods leave 44 dead, 126,000 homeless
Israel's Ties in Sri Lanka
March on Washington, D.C.Saturday, June 6
Is this why we are in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan: ICRC confirms dozens killed in air strikes
US Using White Phosphorous on Afghan Civilians
List of 140 Afghan Killed In US Attack Includes 93 Children
By Reuters
The list, obtained by Reuters, bears the endorsement of seven
senior provincial and central government officials, including
an Afghan two-star general who headed a task force dispatched
by the government to investigate the incident.
Holocaust Memorial Museum for Palestinian Children
Iran is not Nazi Germany, and
"Sir Winston Peres" is a Disaster
Osama Bin Laden Was US Operator:
President Asif Ali Zardari
By Arun Kumar
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has alleged that elusive
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was a US operator who had
tried to destabilise his late wife Benazir Bhutto's government
back in 1989.
Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve
Pakistani Accounts Revealed
" Web of Debt": The Inner Workings
of the Monetary System
The IMF Collects Debts on Behalf of the World's
Largest Banks Make Iceland pay for
Incompetent British Bank Deregulation
Big US Banks May Be Headed For
Extinction—And Soon
Is America About to Go Broke?
Actual Bailout May Exceed $10 Trillion
Swiftboaters Are Back, This Time To
Block Healthcare Reform
Who Rules America?
By Paul Craig Roberts
What do you suppose it is like to be elected
president of the United States only to find
that your power is restricted to the
service of powerful interest groups?
Jesse Ventura "The two Parties are Destroying
the Country..." 1/3
Cheney to Run for President in 2012?
G20 police 'used undercover men to incite crowds'
Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and
Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunker
9/11 plane crash peculiarites-video
Chilling New Law Gives US Government Ownership
Of All Water In Nation
District 9 -film trailer
Underground Bases and Tunnels
Scientist arrested for smuggling vials
used in Ebola research into US
Unprecedented “Tidal Wave Of Death” Set To
Overtake World, Warns Russia
"No conspiracy, just nazis running
the world" video
The photos America doesn't want seen
Island of Shame: The Secret History of the
US Military Base on Diego Garcia
Advanced missile poses substantial new
threat for U.S. Navy
Pentagon Preparing For War With
The Enemy: Russia
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Links By George May 10
Four different conferences on anthropology, ethnobotany,
the arts, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology and
consciousness studies.
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina
Brazil June to August 2009
The dreaming festival 5-8th June,
Woodford Australia
Kratom Basics
Argyreia nervosa - Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Amanita Muscaria podcast with Wolfgang on Gnostic Media
A visit to the Peyote Way of God Church in Arizona
A Cannabis Odyssey, Dr. Lester Grinspoon
Cannabis Nation Takes to the Streets in First Week of
Global Marijuana March
California Governor asks: What if pot's legal and taxed?
New Beauty Secret: Marijuana
Wonderful consciousness expanding appliances
Kaputtradio Nimbin Mardi Grass report
Radio Free Exile: "Legalize Me"
Mexico Decriminalized Drugs Last Week
Do ecstasy pills ever contain PCP?
Extracted DMT Crystals, by Stevek1 image
Scientists get dirt on mystery plant
Adam "The Polish Hippie" blogsite:
Visual art of Petrus Boots
What do you get if you divide science by God?
Continuing the Astral Journey into the Interior of the Planet
The 2012 Apocalypse — And How to Stop It
'The future is going to be very exciting'
Alchemist James Price failed bigtime
Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'
Revealed: the face of the first Europea
Preserved Proteins
'Alien skull' spotted on Mars
200,000 Year Old Statue Found on Moon
Bob Welch of Fleetwood Mac discussing UFO's
The Dead 2009 Spring Tour
Brownsville Girl by Bob Dylan & Sam Shepard
Celebrate Pete Seeger's 90th Birthday with "Essential Pete Seeger" CD
Springsteen to Seeger: You Outlasted the Bastards
An interview with Rupert Isaacson, whose The Horse Boy:
A Father’s Quest to Heal His Son was published last
month by Little, Brown
Gobs of green ideas for Mother’s Day
12th Annual Peace Pals International Arts
Exhibition and Awards
The photography of Joachim Knill
Playland in San Francisco in the 30's
California's toughest gang was a mob of Aussies
Sea Shepherd's Coorperation.K9 Project Enters
Second Phase in the Galapagos
PLEASE TAKE ACTION; Help Stop Ringling Bros.
Expansion on Coney Island!
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr says:
Join me in stopping mountaintop removal
The Kashmir Valley now faces a threat even greater than
human conflict as the glaciers melt
Could Monsanto Be Responsible for One Indian Farmer's
Death Every Thirty Minutes? video
Annual meeting of the Federation of Global Governments.
TAKE ACTION----Malaysian Oil Palm Threatens Brazilian Amazon
Climate Change 'Cultural Genocide' for Aborigines
Indigenous Wisdom Against Climate Change
Speaking Out for Remote Tribes
Natural rubber flops
Bamboo Mountain Bike
Bamboo bike
Star Crust 10 Billion Times Stronger Than Steel
World's Largest Solar Tower Now Powers 10,000 Homes
Solar Cooking
Harvesting the Rain: An Old Idea Takes on New Life
Little Homestead in the City
Air Pollution Endangers Lives of Six in Ten Americans
The EU Gets Serious About Chemicals
A sudsy study of eco-label shampoos
Grist Special Report on How We Dispose of Our Poop
Are We So Addicted to Meat That We Can't See Where
the Swine Flu Came From?
Bayer Stores Chemical that Killed 20,000 in Bhopal in WV
The Wholesale Sedation of America's Youth
Teens and Depression
25 Ancient, Proven Home Remedies With Science Behind Them
Spices kill cancer cells
Philippines Immersion Retreats - Refresh Your Body & Soul
Shattered Illusions: Ten Things about the Natural World You
Thought You Knew (But Didn't)
Bonnie Bassler: Bacteria Communicate With Each Other
Through Chemical Language and other articles on
Viola's excellent blog site
An invention that could change the internet for ever
OpEdNews » The Dumbing Down of America
Mike Davis, Road Trip in the Plague Years
'I Was Raped' Should Horrify -- But Our Culture Has
Stripped the Word of Its Power
Mom Song: An Ode To Mothers Who Get High (VIDEO)
Half a Million Flee Swat Valley as Pakistan
Faces Months of Fighting
Kenyan women stage 'sex strike'
New Evidence of Torture Prison in Poland
5,335 students dead, missing in Sichuan quake: China
Environment Emerges as a Major Casualty in Gaza
'The Smell Is So Awful That I Start to Vomit':
Is This Farm the Ground Zero of Swine Flu?
Aussies are finding their civil liberties undermined at an alarming
rate, with the excuse being the 'war on terror'. Non-Aussies are
welcome to register too
Australian Military Buildup And The Rise
Of Asian NATO
Somalian piracy
Traffickers Used Heathrow 'Children's Home' to Bring Chinese
Migrants Into Britain for Prostitution and Drugs Trade
Canadians crack gene code of flu virus
Anti-Empire Report, May 4, 2009
Latest news from Issues and Alibis
Excellent news stories from OpEd news
Flying Pigs and the WHO
Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms Part II:
Media sensationalism, corporate power and the swine flu outbreak
Baxter awaits frozen vials of virus strain from Atlanta
Obama Seeking $1.5 Billion for Response to Swine Flu
By Roger Runningen and Hans Nichols
Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix
Mass vaccination program was halted after hundreds contracted
debilitating nerve disease
'Truckloads of Bodies' Prove Civilians Killed by US
Change.... What Change?
US Afghan Strikes Kill 100, 'Mostly Civilians'
Deputy provincial governor Mohammad Younus Rasouli said
he had seen the bodies of 20 children brought by villagers to
the provincial capital, also called Farah.
US soldiers told to act as Christian missionaries in Afghanistan
Is Army Abusing Children With its Latest Experiment,
the Army Experience Center?
America's Shame
By Eric Margolis
Nations that use torture disgrace themselves. Armed forces and
police that torture inevitably become brutalized and corrupted.
"Limited" use of torture quickly becomes generalized.
"Information" obtained by torture is mostly unreliable.
U.S. Has a 45-year History of Torture
By A.J. Langguth
CIA Director Richard Helms once tried to rebut accusations
against his agency by asserting that the nation must take it on
faith that the CIA was made up of "honorable men." That was
before Sen. Frank Church's 1975 Senate hearings brought to
light CIA behavior that was deeply dishonorable.
Revealed: U.S. Interrogators May Have Killed Dozens of Detainees
Government Could Destroy Records in Hundreds of Guantanamo Cases
Madsen: Cheney Had Death Squad, Killed Hariri & Hobeika
Prosecute This: Torture Was Used to Try to Link Saddam with 9/11
Combat Operations in Fallujah
Sea-Based Missile Defense Moves Forward
Death Row Prisoner Troy Davis: We Must Expose a
System That Fails to Protect the Innocent
Gun Nuts Stockpiling Ammo
Georgia candidate for governor says sex with mules,
watermelon behind him
GOP Has Hit the Dead-End of Politics: Who's Going
to Buy Their Fear and Hysteria?
40 Million Nonbelievers in America?
The Secret Is Almost Out
Everyday is Doomsday in Washington
Matt Renner | "They Frankly Own the Place"
Memo to Media: Populism Is a Rebellion Against
Corporate Power -- It's Not Just Stupid, Raw Anger
Peak-Oil Prophet James Howard Kunstler on Food, Fuel and
Why He Became an Almost Vegan
Let Them Eat Cake: Limbaugh Mocks Recession During
Speech to Wealthy Right-Wing Donors
Who's in Charge? The Wall Street Bandits, Of Course
Wall Street rallies as unemployment rate soars
US shed another half-million jobs in April
Eddie Hatcher, Indian Activist, Dies in Prison
Four Indian Athletes Honored
White House: We Can't Save Newspapers
Supreme Court Mocks Teen Girl's Strip-Searching
Chemtrail Patents:
Bilderbergers plan secret meeting in Greece
Arlen Specter's Bizarre, Blood-Soaked Story is a GOP
Distraction From His Treatment of Anita Hill,
JFK Witness and the Truth
Augusto Boal, Founder of the Theater of the
Oppressed, Dies at 78
Four different conferences on anthropology, ethnobotany,
the arts, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology and
consciousness studies.
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina
Brazil June to August 2009
The dreaming festival 5-8th June,
Woodford Australia
Kratom Basics
Argyreia nervosa - Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Amanita Muscaria podcast with Wolfgang on Gnostic Media
A visit to the Peyote Way of God Church in Arizona
A Cannabis Odyssey, Dr. Lester Grinspoon
Cannabis Nation Takes to the Streets in First Week of
Global Marijuana March
California Governor asks: What if pot's legal and taxed?
New Beauty Secret: Marijuana
Wonderful consciousness expanding appliances
Kaputtradio Nimbin Mardi Grass report
Radio Free Exile: "Legalize Me"
Mexico Decriminalized Drugs Last Week
Do ecstasy pills ever contain PCP?
Extracted DMT Crystals, by Stevek1 image
Scientists get dirt on mystery plant
Adam "The Polish Hippie" blogsite:
Visual art of Petrus Boots
What do you get if you divide science by God?
Continuing the Astral Journey into the Interior of the Planet
The 2012 Apocalypse — And How to Stop It
'The future is going to be very exciting'
Alchemist James Price failed bigtime
Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'
Revealed: the face of the first Europea
Preserved Proteins
'Alien skull' spotted on Mars
200,000 Year Old Statue Found on Moon
Bob Welch of Fleetwood Mac discussing UFO's
The Dead 2009 Spring Tour
Brownsville Girl by Bob Dylan & Sam Shepard
Celebrate Pete Seeger's 90th Birthday with "Essential Pete Seeger" CD
Springsteen to Seeger: You Outlasted the Bastards
An interview with Rupert Isaacson, whose The Horse Boy:
A Father’s Quest to Heal His Son was published last
month by Little, Brown
Gobs of green ideas for Mother’s Day
12th Annual Peace Pals International Arts
Exhibition and Awards
The photography of Joachim Knill
Playland in San Francisco in the 30's
California's toughest gang was a mob of Aussies
Sea Shepherd's Coorperation.K9 Project Enters
Second Phase in the Galapagos
PLEASE TAKE ACTION; Help Stop Ringling Bros.
Expansion on Coney Island!
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr says:
Join me in stopping mountaintop removal
The Kashmir Valley now faces a threat even greater than
human conflict as the glaciers melt
Could Monsanto Be Responsible for One Indian Farmer's
Death Every Thirty Minutes? video
Annual meeting of the Federation of Global Governments.
TAKE ACTION----Malaysian Oil Palm Threatens Brazilian Amazon
Climate Change 'Cultural Genocide' for Aborigines
Indigenous Wisdom Against Climate Change
Speaking Out for Remote Tribes
Natural rubber flops
Bamboo Mountain Bike
Bamboo bike
Star Crust 10 Billion Times Stronger Than Steel
World's Largest Solar Tower Now Powers 10,000 Homes
Solar Cooking
Harvesting the Rain: An Old Idea Takes on New Life
Little Homestead in the City
Air Pollution Endangers Lives of Six in Ten Americans
The EU Gets Serious About Chemicals
A sudsy study of eco-label shampoos
Grist Special Report on How We Dispose of Our Poop
Are We So Addicted to Meat That We Can't See Where
the Swine Flu Came From?
Bayer Stores Chemical that Killed 20,000 in Bhopal in WV
The Wholesale Sedation of America's Youth
Teens and Depression
25 Ancient, Proven Home Remedies With Science Behind Them
Spices kill cancer cells
Philippines Immersion Retreats - Refresh Your Body & Soul
Shattered Illusions: Ten Things about the Natural World You
Thought You Knew (But Didn't)
Bonnie Bassler: Bacteria Communicate With Each Other
Through Chemical Language and other articles on
Viola's excellent blog site
An invention that could change the internet for ever
OpEdNews » The Dumbing Down of America
Mike Davis, Road Trip in the Plague Years
'I Was Raped' Should Horrify -- But Our Culture Has
Stripped the Word of Its Power
Mom Song: An Ode To Mothers Who Get High (VIDEO)
Half a Million Flee Swat Valley as Pakistan
Faces Months of Fighting
Kenyan women stage 'sex strike'
New Evidence of Torture Prison in Poland
5,335 students dead, missing in Sichuan quake: China
Environment Emerges as a Major Casualty in Gaza
'The Smell Is So Awful That I Start to Vomit':
Is This Farm the Ground Zero of Swine Flu?
Aussies are finding their civil liberties undermined at an alarming
rate, with the excuse being the 'war on terror'. Non-Aussies are
welcome to register too
Australian Military Buildup And The Rise
Of Asian NATO
Somalian piracy
Traffickers Used Heathrow 'Children's Home' to Bring Chinese
Migrants Into Britain for Prostitution and Drugs Trade
Canadians crack gene code of flu virus
Anti-Empire Report, May 4, 2009
Latest news from Issues and Alibis
Excellent news stories from OpEd news
Flying Pigs and the WHO
Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms Part II:
Media sensationalism, corporate power and the swine flu outbreak
Baxter awaits frozen vials of virus strain from Atlanta
Obama Seeking $1.5 Billion for Response to Swine Flu
By Roger Runningen and Hans Nichols
Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix
Mass vaccination program was halted after hundreds contracted
debilitating nerve disease
'Truckloads of Bodies' Prove Civilians Killed by US
Change.... What Change?
US Afghan Strikes Kill 100, 'Mostly Civilians'
Deputy provincial governor Mohammad Younus Rasouli said
he had seen the bodies of 20 children brought by villagers to
the provincial capital, also called Farah.
US soldiers told to act as Christian missionaries in Afghanistan
Is Army Abusing Children With its Latest Experiment,
the Army Experience Center?
America's Shame
By Eric Margolis
Nations that use torture disgrace themselves. Armed forces and
police that torture inevitably become brutalized and corrupted.
"Limited" use of torture quickly becomes generalized.
"Information" obtained by torture is mostly unreliable.
U.S. Has a 45-year History of Torture
By A.J. Langguth
CIA Director Richard Helms once tried to rebut accusations
against his agency by asserting that the nation must take it on
faith that the CIA was made up of "honorable men." That was
before Sen. Frank Church's 1975 Senate hearings brought to
light CIA behavior that was deeply dishonorable.
Revealed: U.S. Interrogators May Have Killed Dozens of Detainees
Government Could Destroy Records in Hundreds of Guantanamo Cases
Madsen: Cheney Had Death Squad, Killed Hariri & Hobeika
Prosecute This: Torture Was Used to Try to Link Saddam with 9/11
Combat Operations in Fallujah
Sea-Based Missile Defense Moves Forward
Death Row Prisoner Troy Davis: We Must Expose a
System That Fails to Protect the Innocent
Gun Nuts Stockpiling Ammo
Georgia candidate for governor says sex with mules,
watermelon behind him
GOP Has Hit the Dead-End of Politics: Who's Going
to Buy Their Fear and Hysteria?
40 Million Nonbelievers in America?
The Secret Is Almost Out
Everyday is Doomsday in Washington
Matt Renner | "They Frankly Own the Place"
Memo to Media: Populism Is a Rebellion Against
Corporate Power -- It's Not Just Stupid, Raw Anger
Peak-Oil Prophet James Howard Kunstler on Food, Fuel and
Why He Became an Almost Vegan
Let Them Eat Cake: Limbaugh Mocks Recession During
Speech to Wealthy Right-Wing Donors
Who's in Charge? The Wall Street Bandits, Of Course
Wall Street rallies as unemployment rate soars
US shed another half-million jobs in April
Eddie Hatcher, Indian Activist, Dies in Prison
Four Indian Athletes Honored
White House: We Can't Save Newspapers
Supreme Court Mocks Teen Girl's Strip-Searching
Chemtrail Patents:
Bilderbergers plan secret meeting in Greece
Arlen Specter's Bizarre, Blood-Soaked Story is a GOP
Distraction From His Treatment of Anita Hill,
JFK Witness and the Truth
Augusto Boal, Founder of the Theater of the
Oppressed, Dies at 78
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Give Peace a Chance

John Lennon

Jimi Hendrix

Dr. Albert Hofmann

Rolling Stones

Satanic Majesty's Request
Rolling Stones 2000 light years
Pink Floyd

Uncover Art
Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's
