Saturday, February 28, 2009
Links By George March 1st
World Naked Bike Ride for Peace around the world.
in Nimbin, March 7
Walk About Love 2009 - A journey to create a
new reality! Started on the Egyptian border March 1
of the Mediterranean with Jude Currivan, Ph.D May 22-29
Scottish scientists discover how cannabis can help cells
Med mj research results
Home Office drugs adviser wants to downgrade LSD from A to B
LSD to be reclassified? Speaking truth to power
Eric Holder vows to end raids on medical marijuana clubs
The Union 02/11 (check out all the parts to this excellent youtube
on marijuana prohibition)
What If We Legalized All Drugs? We Could Save $50 Billion!
California Assemblyman Introduces Landmark
Bill to Legalize, Tax, and Regulate Marijuana
Oregon Church Asks Judge to Allow Use
of Ceremonial Herb
Ayahuasca Use in a Religious Context
Tribes of Creation events and medicine songs
Beatles: Love You To youtube
George Harrison's sitar-lesson with Ravi Shankar
Sweet Child of Mine-sitar version
Michael Nesmith website
Stress, brain, and birth
Pieman latest news
Erik Davis talks about Gnosticism
Our friend Mari's site which "illustrates the aspirations
of most humanity"
"Gandhi Words of wisdom, A "Key" to Peace"
Engendering of Higher Consciousness
Pantheacon 2009,a large pagan/magick gathering held
every February in an ancient, moss-encrusted tower keep in San Jose
Baraka: A 90-Minute Visual, Spiritual and Musical
Tribute to Planet Earth
"The Enemy Was Not of This Earth"
4 Huge Explosions Nobody Could Explain
"Man on Wire": Winner of 2009 Oscar for Best
Documentary (DVD)
For Jazz Lovers, a DVD Documentary Treat. Sonny Rollins:
Saxophone Colossus.
Artist Frank Kulon wins court care-check his depction of the
controversial supreme court painting
The book that came back from the dead
Templar Globe: The Devil's Bible
Another look at the Dalai Lama. A bit controversial but an honest
mind and heart can be clear in the observation
Project 2012: Predictions Coming True? Nuclear
War Begins Soon?
The True Knowledge of The Three Minds: When The
Three Become One
Does the Amazon jungle conceal a vanished empire?
British scientists to venture into unknown beneath
Antarctic glaciers
Secret mountain range found
Weird New Fish Discovered off Antarctica
Brazil Declares Whale Sanctuary Along Entire Coast
Commercial Ships Spew Half As Much Particulate
Pollution As World's Cars
Australia seeks to cut animal gas emissions
Humans Turning Indonesian Rainforest Into a Tinderbox
Is Anything Made in the U.S.A. Anymore? You'd Be Surprised
Food Fight, the Reality We Are Living. An abridged history of
American-centric warfare, from WWII to present day, told through
the foods of the countries in conflict. youtube
25% Reduction in Global Food Production by 2050: Organic
Agriculture Part of the Solution, UN Says
Salmonella in Peanut Butter, Melamine in Milk --
How Do We Know What's Safe to Eat?
Ahimsa Agriculture:Organic Farming without Soil
India moves to protect traditional medicines
WHY RAW? by David Wolfe
Apples Found to Stop Malignant Breast Cancer From Forming
Vitamin D Good for Bones -- and Brain, and Heart, and
Women Who Consume Olive Oil Preserve Their Bone Mass Better
Aromatherapy Massages: Touch and Scents Can Vaporize
Stress and More - Healthy Living
French Farmer Generates Solar Power for
Thousands of Homes
Forests Pay the Price for America's Love Affair with
Really Soft Toilet Paper
VACCINE COURT By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Who Decides What Your Children Are Eating?
Do Social Networking Sites Risk 'Infantilising' the Mind?
FBI Busts Up Child Prostitution Rings ... But Rehabilitation
Funds Are Running Out
Pimps Go Online to Lure Kids Into Prostitution
Four Sentenced in Scheme to 'Adopt' Samoan Kids
Homeland Security and USDA Plan Attacks Against Animals
The Fur Trade: Bloody Fashion
Calif. Court Grants Meat Industry Request to Allow Sick,
Disabled Animals Into Food Supply
Six Top Vaccine Myths
90 Children in Ontario's Child Welfare
System Died in 2007
Big Pharma Quietly Hikes Drug Prices
100 Percent or More
EU Food Supplements Directive 'will Harm Health'
Warning Against Adverse Health Effects From the
Operation of Digital Broadcast
More warnings on Health Effects From the Operation of
Digital Broadcast
A Family Curse - by Paul Levy
Out Of Africa -- Bacteria, As Well:
Homo Sapiens And H. Pylori Jointly Spread Across The Globe
Human Slavery Is Thriving in the Shadows
"Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justice
The Gifts of Boredom
What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week?
Philosophic football: greece vs germany (according to monty python)
Ireland: over 100,000 march against
government in Dublin
Police In UK Are Preparing For
Summer Of Rage
Homeless, Displaced Iraqis Squatting in Baghdad-
"No Water, No Money, No Work"
Ahmadinejad DID NOT Threaten to "Wipe
Israel Off the Map."
Video: GAZA - ERASED Wiped Off the Map -
Documentary Movie Trailer
Czech President Václav Klaus questions ever closer
European political integration in speech to the European Parliament
Greeks show how to take power back to the people youtube
Greek Convicts escape prison by helicopter
Thais seek beheaded foreigner's body
Cambodia's Missing Accused By John Pilger
Why is the Canadian Government So Intent on
Deporting War Resisters?
600,000 killed in 1945 Dresden Bombing
Black Sea: Pentagon's Gateway to Three
Continents and the Middle East
Chomsky: Obama OKed Israel's Gaza war
By Press TV
Renowned US intellectual Noam Chomsky says Barack Obama
did not comment on Israel's war on Gaza, as it was part of the
"premeditated" plan. We have been informed by an Israeli
source that the recent invasion of the Gaza Strip was completely
premeditated, Chomsky said in an interview with the
French Al-Ahram daily.
Freeing Up Resources ... for More War
Why the Dark Secrets of the First Gulf War Are
Still Haunting Us
The Oscar for Denial
And the winner is - The American People
By James McEnteer
"We know, deep inside us we know--[just] as the Germans who
kept their heads down and tried to lead 'normal' lives as genocide
exploded all around them, in their name, by their own government
knew--that our government has committed terrible atrocities at
home and abroad. If we do nothing to bring these crimes to light
and their perpetrators to justice, then we are as guilty and worthy
of moral condemnation as the war generation of silent Germans ..."
Islam and the West: A Case of Selective Memory
by Richard Bulliet
Naomi Klein Wins Prestigious Warwick Prize ($90,000)
for Shock Doctrine
Obama's Brilliant Address Left GOP Obstructionists Dazed
and Downing Bourbon
The Seven Intellecutal Underpinnings of the
Obama Code: George Lakoff
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
JFK, FDR and 'Seven Days in May'
Join nearly 40 nationwide tea parties across U.S.
Bank Of America CEO To Be Grilled Over Bonuses:
Who Approved $3.6 Billion Payout?
Obama Tells Powerful Lobbies: Bring It On
Charles Babington, The Associated Press: "President Barack Obama
challenged the nation's vested interests to a legislative duel Saturday,
saying he will fight to change health care, energy and education in
dramatic ways that will upset the status quo. 'The system we have
now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that
have run Washington for far too long,' Obama said in his weekly
radio and video address. 'But I don't. I work for the American people.'"
Casino Capitalism.
How Credit Unions Survived the Crash
By Ralph Nader
Eighty five million Americans belong to credit unions which are
not-for-profit cooperatives owned by their members who are
depositors and borrowers. Your neighborhood or workplace
credit union did not invest in these notorious speculative
derivatives nor did they offer people "teaser rates" to sign
on for a home mortgage they could not afford.
Soros Sees No Bottom For World Financial "Collapse"
By Reuters
Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the
world financial system has effectively disintegrated,
adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term
resolution to the crisis.
Dean Baker | Housing Price Decline Accelerates
Beyond Scarcity: Reinventing Wealth in a Progressive World
America's Most Desperate: Why 35.5 Million People
Are Going Hungry
USA may eventually aim its interceptor missiles against itself
The Great Depression has Arrived- Collapsing American Dreams
The Spectacular, Sudden Crash of the Global Economy
Wall Street Sharks Have Lost Everything, and Now
They're Coming After Us
Red Alert: Major Meltdown Imminent! Your Escape
CNBC Editor: The People Are Revolting!
By Ryan Chittum
This is an example of what's wrong with a certain kind of financial
journalism, the kind where people of like backgrounds spend all
day staring at tickers and interviewing each other.
Brzezinski Warns Of Riots in US
By Press TV
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security advisor,
has warned that the US could witness riots if economy
continues its downward spiral.
Urban Warfare Drills Linked To Coming Economic Rage
Air Force to Unleash 'Gorgon Stare' on Squirting Insurgents
Sci-fi Raytheon riot control
FOX News Suggests America is Doomed, Civil War
May Be Justified
Chip Ward, The Department of Homegrown Security
Political Economic Cannibalism
Michael Klare, A Pandemic of Economic Violence
A Planet on the Brink: Economic Crash Will Fuel Social Unrest
Leading Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Media
Military Plans to Control Internet Revealed
Mike Ruppert blogspot
He Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of
Main Street America
Drought to Cut Off Federal Water to California Farms
GOP Civil War: Schwarzenegger Slams GOP Govs' Stimulus Refusal
America's Municipal Meltdown
The End of America
Obama: Prisoners Have No Rights
HRW: Domestic Workers Often Prisoners in a Gilded Cage
by Zainab Mineeia
'I was victim of medieval torture, ' says freed
Guantanamo detainee
Sign Petition: The United States Government Should
Apologize To Native Americans
American Indian Activist Robideau Dies at 61
Tribe to seek national, international help
to undo ruling
Guadeloupe Strikes: A Warning to Obama?
Robert Naiman, Truthout: "Across much of the world, and much of
Latin America in particular, the global economic crisis is going to
play out against a legacy of extreme inequality and poverty.
The unrest in Guadeloupe may be a preview of what's coming
worldwide if there isn't a change in Washington's priorities."
The Red Army Faction, A Documentary History - Volume 1:
Projectiles For the People
Beyond 15 Questions; Historical Context of 9/11
Bush Makes Massive Land Purchase in Paraguay Ahead
Of Expected War Crimes Charges
Bush biography by his therapist focused on alcoholic
relapses and consequences
Bristol Palin's Truth Telling on Teen Pregnancy
Sets Right-Wingers Sputtering
'Sex-Crazed' Evangelicals Talk Spanking and Anal Sex
Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism,
and the American Girl(HCover)
Did You Know that Bobby Jindal Is an Exorcist? (Seriously)
McDonald's McScrews Hero Employee Out of Needed Money
Top Secret Tourism Guide to Sites the Government
Doesn't Want You to See
U.S. Energy Dept. Cannot Account for Nuclear
Materials at 15 Locations
U.S. Army Turned Me into a Terrorist
Oil, Smoke & Mirrors
Friday, February 20, 2009
Links By George February 22
International LOVE rainbow gathering
February25- March 25 2009-Israel
Palenque 2012: Rainbow Event at
Palenque, Mexico
5th International Amazonian Shamanism
Conference:"The Art and the Heart of Healing"
July 11 - Peru
Our friend and Tai Chi teacher's workshops:
April 30 Israel and May 3 Cyprus
Fong Ha Standing Medtation Greece 2006
Second Global Rainbow Gathering highlights
The Union 01/11-nice youtube on hemp
and marijuana history
Re-Legalize Marijuana Now, Obama
Re-Legalize Marijuana Now, Obama youtube
Some Find Hope for a Shift in Drug Policy
Feature: INCB Calls for More of the Same on Global
Drug Policy -- Critics Call for No More INCB
Update on Steve Kubby's New Cannabis
Pharmaceutical Company
The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet:
Cool Enough to Admit It
5 Most Overrated Drugs
Sense on drugs?
Ecstasy's long-term effects revealed
Psychedelic Mushrooms can boost mental health
Hallucinogen DMT activates mysterious receptor
Seeking Volunteers with a Cancer Diagnosis
for psychedelic therapy
Jaguar yage shaman
Psychedelics in Light of the Yoga Sutras
I'd dragged my autistic son to Mongolia to be
healed by horses and witchdoctors. Had I totally
lost my mind?
Europe lifts ban on kava
Mexico's Unconquered Maya Hold Tight to
Their Old Ways
G-Rave-side ceremony sends shaman
Fraser Clark ‘off to Mother Earth’
Mexican Archeologists Have Discovered a Maze
of Stone Temples in Underground Caves
Mahashivratri - Har...Har.....Mahadev - Naresh Kadyan
Sa Dingding- Tibetan Prayer ( Lama chenno)
Critically Acclaimed Films for Women's
History Month
Earliest Evidence of Life Suggests Humans
Descended From Sponges 635 Million Years Ago
A Click to Save a Beautiful Forest....Video
Explains How & WHY [?!?}
Tibet's Shrinking Glaciers Threaten Climate Chaos
A Complete Guide to Gardening To
Get Better Results
Monsanto and the Schoolmarm Method of
Punishing Farmers Out of Farming
Pharmaceutical Advertising Biases Journals
Against Vitamin Supplements
Fatigue, Dry Skin or Other Problems? See Why
You'd Better Check Your Thyroid
Female Celebrities Who Got Fat
George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya! (DVD) Carlin's
fourteenth and final HBO special.
Wan Wusheng by Sa Dingding
Alex Grey's Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors
Salvador Dali expounds on his 'Paranoiac
Critical Method' philosophy
Art visions of Steven Kenny
The world's greenest electric guitar?
China in life, death struggle with Dalai Lama: media
Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens
Alien Life 'May Exist Among Us'
Tomgram: Nobody Knows How Dry We Are
Is Economic Recovery Even Possible on a Planet
Headed for Environmental Collapse?
Center for Biological Diversity Declares Legal
War on Global Warming
Biofuels may speed up, not slow global warming:
Andean glaciers 'could disappear': World Bank
Torrential Rain a 'Mixed Blessing' for Australia - Australia
Catastrophic Fall in 2009 Global Food Production and
other important articles in Culture Change this month
Researcher: Trees make for better lives
Study: Trees absorb one-fifth of CO2 gas
Camila is a beautiful lady of radiant heart and soul
whose life is to spread healing and earth consciousness.
Please read her article on:
Means Survival
Natural Farming Pioneer Fukuoka Masanobu Dies,
95 Years Old
How To Make Optimized Gardening Inside
Your House
New Project to Make 11 Islands Waste-Free
World's Largest Wetland Threatened in Brazil
10 Easy Ways to Run Your Laptop Without Electricity
Solar Collector Spray-Coating Formulated To
Absorb And Retain Heat
Mattress Chemicals may be Cause of Your Illness
How to Treat Cancer with Foods
The Case on Vegetarianism
Going Vegetarian Saves Animals, the Environment,
and Your Health
Being Healthy Through Eating Vegetables,
Avoiding Meat
Sign Petition: Tell the Senate To Criminalize
Animal Testing!
PETA Launches Anti-McDonald's Effort
What's In Your Energy Bar? Take This Quick Quiz
Super Spice Secrets: This Miracle Spice Stops Cancer,
Alzheimer's and Arthritis
The Stinky Truth About Fragrance
EU Foiled in Bid to Force France, Greece to
Allow GM Crop
Monsanto bills being rushed through Congress,
set to destroy organic farming.
Farming Chemicals Cause Kidney Failure for
Workers in Nicaragua
How Aspartame Became Legal - The Timeline
Justice Dept. Defends Bush Rule on Guns
Maintain Your Brain--Practical Info for Keeping
the Mind ALIVE
You are the Fruit of your Relationships
Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the
Caerphilly cohort study
Hot Chicks in Bikinis: Seen as Less Than Human?
The American Heart Disassociation
World clock
Life after the apocalypse
Neighbors Helping Neighbors - To Break
into Vacant Houses
Who Are the Freemasons?
Uganda blames UN for Congo deaths
Eastern Partnership: The West's Final Assault
On the Former Soviet Union
Putin: no need for Cuban, Venezuelan bases
Turkey: Recognize Hamas' election
Is Israel assassinating Iran nuclear scientists?
Israeli tanks enter Gaza City
Vatican: Message for Peace 2009: the poor,
wealth of the world
Ireland 'could default on debt'
Eastern Europe Is About to Blow
By Mike Whitney
The global economy is decelerating at the fastest
pace on record. 40 percent of global wealth has
been wiped out. The banking system is insolvent,
unemployment is soaring, tax revenues are falling,
the markets are in shock, housing is crashing,
deficits are soaring, and consumer confidence is
at its lowest point in history.
The crisis in Hungary recalls the heady days of the UK’s expulsion from the ERM
British, French nuclear subs collide in Atlantic
Australian PM¡¯s essay: an exercise in
ideological damage control
Floods Better Than Drought: Farming Group -
Queensland, Australia
Mexico: The Third War
ICH: Exposed : Secret CIA Base
The US was secretly flying unmanned drones from the
Shamsi airbase in Pakistan's southwestern province of
Baluchistan as early as 2006, according to an image of
the base from Google Earth.
Widespread floods hit Australian mines, towns
Bring International Attention to Malnourished
Ethiopian Children - The Petition Site - Take Action!
Two US missile strikes in Pakistan in
three days kill more than 60
Afghanistan Escalation Proves
'Madness of Militarism'
Desmond Tutu Urges Obama to
Apologize for Iraq Invasion
Google Earth Reveals Secret History
of US Base in Pakistan
Events Commemorate Unjust WWII
Japanese Detentions
Publish Secret 'Torture' Documents,
MPs Tell Obama
Buildup of US Troops in Afghanistan
May Be Just the Start
VIDEO: Israeli Defense Forces Shooting at
Unarmed Peace Activists and Palestinians"
How Did Israel Manipulate the US Into Attacking Iraq
And Declaring A "War On Terrorism"?
Jailing Kids for Cash: "As many as 5,000 children in
Pennsylvania have been found guilty, and up to 2,000 of
them jailed, by two corrupt judges who received kickbacks
from the builders and owners of private prison facilities
that benefited. The two judges pleaded guilty in a stunning
case of greed and corruption that is still unfolding.
Judges Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. and Michael T. Conahan
received $2.6 million in kickbacks while imprisoning
children who often had no access to a lawyer. The case
offers an extraordinary glimpse into the shameful private
prison industry that is flourishing in the United States."
Political activism news from Velvet Revolution
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Republicans Are Flat Out Destroying California
G7 sets sights on new world economic order
Rich countries launch food grab
The Real Terrorists Are on Wall St.
Doug Casey on 2009:Another Year of Shock and Awe
September 11th, 2008–America' s Economic 9/11?
U.S. debt approaches insolvency
Federal obligations exceed world GDP-Does
$65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?
Finance Capitalism Hits a Wall
The Oligarchs' Escape Plan - at the Treasury's Expense
By Prof. Michael Hudson
The financial "wealth creation" game is over. Economies
emerged from World War II relatively free of debt, but
the 60-year global run-up has run its course. Finance
capitalism is in a state of collapse, and marginal palliatives
cannot revive it. The U.S. economy cannot "inflate its
way out of debt," because this would collapse the dollar
and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign
countries to go their own way.
Strange Math
By Ignacio Merino
Right now President Obama is a new broom and the country thinks he is resolving a problem left to him by a Republican administration. He is about to sign in a stimulus package that will fail to stimulate the economy. Then in three months he'll be back at the trough looking for more money. Six months will pass, things will get worse, and it will be viewed as his problem to clean up. By the end of 2009, assuming he follows the path laid out with the stimulus bill, he will be viewed by the American public as inept and the "wrong man for the job". Things will be a lot worse than they are now.
10,000 Americans Going Into Foreclosure Every Day
It's Time to Treat America's Homeowners as Well as We've Been Treating Wall Street's Bankers
By Arianna Huffington
Why hasn't the foreclosure crisis gotten the attention it deserves?
Wall Street demands lifting of pay limits
Miami banker gives $60 million of his own to employees
Blue Dogs,the Democrats Who Love Big Business.
Naomi Klein on Obama
The People Be Damned
The President of Special Interests
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Bush/Obama bailout/stimulus plans are not
going to work. Both are schemes hatched by a
clique of financial insiders. The schemes will
redistribute income and wealth from American
taxpayers to the shyster banksters, who have
destroyed American jobs, ruined the retirement
plans of tens of millions of Americans, and worsened
the situation of millions of people worldwide who
naively trusted American financial institutions.
'Bitter' Gore; 'Principled' McCain
The Bush Admin's Gone, But They're
Still Lying Like Hell
Bush-Truth petition
Pelosi Hits Back
Zionist Logic
Malcolm X on Zionism
By Malcolm X (Omowale Malcolm X Shabazz)
The Zionist armies that now occupy Palestine claim
their ancient Jewish prophets predicted that in the "last
days of this world" their own God would raise them up a
"messiah" who would lead them to their promised land,
and they would set up their own "divine" government in
this newly-gained land, this "divine" government would
enable them to "rule all other nations with a rod of iron."
Obama¡¯s housing plan and the American ruling class
Prince of Darkness Richard Perle Denies Own Existence
Take Action Against Vile Racist Cartoon -Showing
Obama As A Blood Splattered Monkey.
Monsanto Co Contributions to Federal
Candidates | OpenSecrets
Geronimo's Kin Sue Skull and Bones Over Remains
Meek still waiting admits Pope
Rupert Murdoch is Directly Responsible for
the Racist NY Post Cartoon
Founder Of Muslim-American TV Network
Arrested For Wife's Beheading
Jason Linkins
The History of Modern Colonialism
Genocide Debate, Making Sense of Darfur:
The Rush to Nazify Sudan by U.S. Academics
Ibrahim Adam
Defiance-the movie
Former head of MI5, has warned that the fear of
terrorism is being exploited by the Government to
erode civil liberties and risks creating a police state.
Spy chief: We risk a police state
Truth About Facebook
'A Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME'
U.S. Congressman Claims The End of the
World As We Know It — Almost Happened
Codex Alimentarius: Population control under
the guise of consumer protection
Top Military Biolab Suspends Research After
Pentagon Finds Trouble With Tracking Pathogens
Nerve gas missing? Pentagon finds
record discrepancies
92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea
Warriors out of their minds: Drugs of choice
for super soldiers
International LOVE rainbow gathering
February25- March 25 2009-Israel
Palenque 2012: Rainbow Event at
Palenque, Mexico
5th International Amazonian Shamanism
Conference:"The Art and the Heart of Healing"
July 11 - Peru
Our friend and Tai Chi teacher's workshops:
April 30 Israel and May 3 Cyprus
Fong Ha Standing Medtation Greece 2006
Second Global Rainbow Gathering highlights
The Union 01/11-nice youtube on hemp
and marijuana history
Re-Legalize Marijuana Now, Obama
Re-Legalize Marijuana Now, Obama youtube
Some Find Hope for a Shift in Drug Policy
Feature: INCB Calls for More of the Same on Global
Drug Policy -- Critics Call for No More INCB
Update on Steve Kubby's New Cannabis
Pharmaceutical Company
The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet:
Cool Enough to Admit It
5 Most Overrated Drugs
Sense on drugs?
Ecstasy's long-term effects revealed
Psychedelic Mushrooms can boost mental health
Hallucinogen DMT activates mysterious receptor
Seeking Volunteers with a Cancer Diagnosis
for psychedelic therapy
Jaguar yage shaman
Psychedelics in Light of the Yoga Sutras
I'd dragged my autistic son to Mongolia to be
healed by horses and witchdoctors. Had I totally
lost my mind?
Europe lifts ban on kava
Mexico's Unconquered Maya Hold Tight to
Their Old Ways
G-Rave-side ceremony sends shaman
Fraser Clark ‘off to Mother Earth’
Mexican Archeologists Have Discovered a Maze
of Stone Temples in Underground Caves
Mahashivratri - Har...Har.....Mahadev - Naresh Kadyan
Sa Dingding- Tibetan Prayer ( Lama chenno)
Critically Acclaimed Films for Women's
History Month
Earliest Evidence of Life Suggests Humans
Descended From Sponges 635 Million Years Ago
A Click to Save a Beautiful Forest....Video
Explains How & WHY [?!?}
Tibet's Shrinking Glaciers Threaten Climate Chaos
A Complete Guide to Gardening To
Get Better Results
Monsanto and the Schoolmarm Method of
Punishing Farmers Out of Farming
Pharmaceutical Advertising Biases Journals
Against Vitamin Supplements
Fatigue, Dry Skin or Other Problems? See Why
You'd Better Check Your Thyroid
Female Celebrities Who Got Fat
George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya! (DVD) Carlin's
fourteenth and final HBO special.
Wan Wusheng by Sa Dingding
Alex Grey's Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors
Salvador Dali expounds on his 'Paranoiac
Critical Method' philosophy
Art visions of Steven Kenny
The world's greenest electric guitar?
China in life, death struggle with Dalai Lama: media
Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens
Alien Life 'May Exist Among Us'
Tomgram: Nobody Knows How Dry We Are
Is Economic Recovery Even Possible on a Planet
Headed for Environmental Collapse?
Center for Biological Diversity Declares Legal
War on Global Warming
Biofuels may speed up, not slow global warming:
Andean glaciers 'could disappear': World Bank
Torrential Rain a 'Mixed Blessing' for Australia - Australia
Catastrophic Fall in 2009 Global Food Production and
other important articles in Culture Change this month
Researcher: Trees make for better lives
Study: Trees absorb one-fifth of CO2 gas
Camila is a beautiful lady of radiant heart and soul
whose life is to spread healing and earth consciousness.
Please read her article on:
Means Survival
Natural Farming Pioneer Fukuoka Masanobu Dies,
95 Years Old
How To Make Optimized Gardening Inside
Your House
New Project to Make 11 Islands Waste-Free
World's Largest Wetland Threatened in Brazil
10 Easy Ways to Run Your Laptop Without Electricity
Solar Collector Spray-Coating Formulated To
Absorb And Retain Heat
Mattress Chemicals may be Cause of Your Illness
How to Treat Cancer with Foods
The Case on Vegetarianism
Going Vegetarian Saves Animals, the Environment,
and Your Health
Being Healthy Through Eating Vegetables,
Avoiding Meat
Sign Petition: Tell the Senate To Criminalize
Animal Testing!
PETA Launches Anti-McDonald's Effort
What's In Your Energy Bar? Take This Quick Quiz
Super Spice Secrets: This Miracle Spice Stops Cancer,
Alzheimer's and Arthritis
The Stinky Truth About Fragrance
EU Foiled in Bid to Force France, Greece to
Allow GM Crop
Monsanto bills being rushed through Congress,
set to destroy organic farming.
Farming Chemicals Cause Kidney Failure for
Workers in Nicaragua
How Aspartame Became Legal - The Timeline
Justice Dept. Defends Bush Rule on Guns
Maintain Your Brain--Practical Info for Keeping
the Mind ALIVE
You are the Fruit of your Relationships
Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the
Caerphilly cohort study
Hot Chicks in Bikinis: Seen as Less Than Human?
The American Heart Disassociation
World clock
Life after the apocalypse
Neighbors Helping Neighbors - To Break
into Vacant Houses
Who Are the Freemasons?
Uganda blames UN for Congo deaths
Eastern Partnership: The West's Final Assault
On the Former Soviet Union
Putin: no need for Cuban, Venezuelan bases
Turkey: Recognize Hamas' election
Is Israel assassinating Iran nuclear scientists?
Israeli tanks enter Gaza City
Vatican: Message for Peace 2009: the poor,
wealth of the world
Ireland 'could default on debt'
Eastern Europe Is About to Blow
By Mike Whitney
The global economy is decelerating at the fastest
pace on record. 40 percent of global wealth has
been wiped out. The banking system is insolvent,
unemployment is soaring, tax revenues are falling,
the markets are in shock, housing is crashing,
deficits are soaring, and consumer confidence is
at its lowest point in history.
The crisis in Hungary recalls the heady days of the UK’s expulsion from the ERM
British, French nuclear subs collide in Atlantic
Australian PM¡¯s essay: an exercise in
ideological damage control
Floods Better Than Drought: Farming Group -
Queensland, Australia
Mexico: The Third War
ICH: Exposed : Secret CIA Base
The US was secretly flying unmanned drones from the
Shamsi airbase in Pakistan's southwestern province of
Baluchistan as early as 2006, according to an image of
the base from Google Earth.
Widespread floods hit Australian mines, towns
Bring International Attention to Malnourished
Ethiopian Children - The Petition Site - Take Action!
Two US missile strikes in Pakistan in
three days kill more than 60
Afghanistan Escalation Proves
'Madness of Militarism'
Desmond Tutu Urges Obama to
Apologize for Iraq Invasion
Google Earth Reveals Secret History
of US Base in Pakistan
Events Commemorate Unjust WWII
Japanese Detentions
Publish Secret 'Torture' Documents,
MPs Tell Obama
Buildup of US Troops in Afghanistan
May Be Just the Start
VIDEO: Israeli Defense Forces Shooting at
Unarmed Peace Activists and Palestinians"
How Did Israel Manipulate the US Into Attacking Iraq
And Declaring A "War On Terrorism"?
Jailing Kids for Cash: "As many as 5,000 children in
Pennsylvania have been found guilty, and up to 2,000 of
them jailed, by two corrupt judges who received kickbacks
from the builders and owners of private prison facilities
that benefited. The two judges pleaded guilty in a stunning
case of greed and corruption that is still unfolding.
Judges Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. and Michael T. Conahan
received $2.6 million in kickbacks while imprisoning
children who often had no access to a lawyer. The case
offers an extraordinary glimpse into the shameful private
prison industry that is flourishing in the United States."
Political activism news from Velvet Revolution
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Republicans Are Flat Out Destroying California
G7 sets sights on new world economic order
Rich countries launch food grab
The Real Terrorists Are on Wall St.
Doug Casey on 2009:Another Year of Shock and Awe
September 11th, 2008–America' s Economic 9/11?
U.S. debt approaches insolvency
Federal obligations exceed world GDP-Does
$65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?
Finance Capitalism Hits a Wall
The Oligarchs' Escape Plan - at the Treasury's Expense
By Prof. Michael Hudson
The financial "wealth creation" game is over. Economies
emerged from World War II relatively free of debt, but
the 60-year global run-up has run its course. Finance
capitalism is in a state of collapse, and marginal palliatives
cannot revive it. The U.S. economy cannot "inflate its
way out of debt," because this would collapse the dollar
and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign
countries to go their own way.
Strange Math
By Ignacio Merino
Right now President Obama is a new broom and the country thinks he is resolving a problem left to him by a Republican administration. He is about to sign in a stimulus package that will fail to stimulate the economy. Then in three months he'll be back at the trough looking for more money. Six months will pass, things will get worse, and it will be viewed as his problem to clean up. By the end of 2009, assuming he follows the path laid out with the stimulus bill, he will be viewed by the American public as inept and the "wrong man for the job". Things will be a lot worse than they are now.
10,000 Americans Going Into Foreclosure Every Day
It's Time to Treat America's Homeowners as Well as We've Been Treating Wall Street's Bankers
By Arianna Huffington
Why hasn't the foreclosure crisis gotten the attention it deserves?
Wall Street demands lifting of pay limits
Miami banker gives $60 million of his own to employees
Blue Dogs,the Democrats Who Love Big Business.
Naomi Klein on Obama
The People Be Damned
The President of Special Interests
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Bush/Obama bailout/stimulus plans are not
going to work. Both are schemes hatched by a
clique of financial insiders. The schemes will
redistribute income and wealth from American
taxpayers to the shyster banksters, who have
destroyed American jobs, ruined the retirement
plans of tens of millions of Americans, and worsened
the situation of millions of people worldwide who
naively trusted American financial institutions.
'Bitter' Gore; 'Principled' McCain
The Bush Admin's Gone, But They're
Still Lying Like Hell
Bush-Truth petition
Pelosi Hits Back
Zionist Logic
Malcolm X on Zionism
By Malcolm X (Omowale Malcolm X Shabazz)
The Zionist armies that now occupy Palestine claim
their ancient Jewish prophets predicted that in the "last
days of this world" their own God would raise them up a
"messiah" who would lead them to their promised land,
and they would set up their own "divine" government in
this newly-gained land, this "divine" government would
enable them to "rule all other nations with a rod of iron."
Obama¡¯s housing plan and the American ruling class
Prince of Darkness Richard Perle Denies Own Existence
Take Action Against Vile Racist Cartoon -Showing
Obama As A Blood Splattered Monkey.
Monsanto Co Contributions to Federal
Candidates | OpenSecrets
Geronimo's Kin Sue Skull and Bones Over Remains
Meek still waiting admits Pope
Rupert Murdoch is Directly Responsible for
the Racist NY Post Cartoon
Founder Of Muslim-American TV Network
Arrested For Wife's Beheading
Jason Linkins
The History of Modern Colonialism
Genocide Debate, Making Sense of Darfur:
The Rush to Nazify Sudan by U.S. Academics
Ibrahim Adam
Defiance-the movie
Former head of MI5, has warned that the fear of
terrorism is being exploited by the Government to
erode civil liberties and risks creating a police state.
Spy chief: We risk a police state
Truth About Facebook
'A Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME'
U.S. Congressman Claims The End of the
World As We Know It — Almost Happened
Codex Alimentarius: Population control under
the guise of consumer protection
Top Military Biolab Suspends Research After
Pentagon Finds Trouble With Tracking Pathogens
Nerve gas missing? Pentagon finds
record discrepancies
92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea
Warriors out of their minds: Drugs of choice
for super soldiers
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Links By George February 15
Mardi Grass, Nimbin- May 2 to 3, a funtastic event
in our colorfuly happy village
Ram Das Sacred Maui Pilgrimage May 24-29
The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness lecture series
presents: Shamanic Landscapes,Paul Devereux-London Feb 24
Join Robert Venosa, Martina Hoffmann and other visionary
artists at the Chimeria arts festival Sedan France March 7 to 15
Ozarks Town Legalizes Pot
Radical alternatives proposed for cannabis controls
"Give Marijuana The Same Status As Alcohol & Nicotine" petition!
The Drug War Wall Begins to Fall
Drugs and Democracy: Toward a Paradigm Shift
Media Hysterics About Supposed Cancer Link Nothing New
Extra-strong incense drug warning
Video - Filmmaker Ron Mann Takes
On A Shroom Trip
Timothy Leary's archives: Bridge from '60s to '90s
Timothy Leary collection for sale
Podcast Alembic: McKenna, Leary and many
many more
The Overachieving Dude: An Interview With Paul Krassner
by Nathaniel S. Berke
The Intention Economyby Daniel Pinchbeck
Crosby Stills Nash A Long Time Gone Woodstock 1969
801 Live - Diamond Head-youtube
The Guess Who - Share The Land
Our friend from Maui, Jaiia Earthchild. A website of
music, spirit and love
My friend Merrel invites you to join him for musical and
transportive journeys in the Tiki Lounge
My friend Peter arranges nice and affordable tours
of Jamaica
Swami’s 2009 State of the Universe
Ten Ways to Increase Acts of Kindness
Books and links of spiritual directions
life memories from yesteryear- becoming the creation
blueprint for tomorrow
Project Camelot Interviews Brian O'Leary
Greece: Amazing UFO incident involving Air Force
and Airline
Mythic Birthplace of Zeus Said Found
Expanding on the cult of Osiris
Giant Titanoboa snake ruled the earth after
the dinosaurs
WORLD WILL NOT END IN 2012 By Carlos Barrios
2012: When Logic & Proportion Have Fallen Sloppy Dead
CNN talks about 2012
The Photon Belt and 2012
Cognitive Computing Project Aims to Reverse-Engineer the Mind
Questioning Authority: A Rethinking of the Infamous
Milgram Experiments
Debris Spews Into Space After Satellites Collide
Joe Cortina
Why I'm an Agnostic youtube
10 Myths and Truths About Atheists
Religulous-the movie
Tips for vegetarians and vegans everywhere!
Our friends Salli and Gabe offer a wide variety of mail order
art, fair trade, and practical products and services.
China resorts to artillery to fight drought
How the city hurts your brain. And what you can do about it
Trashing the Fridge:Some Members of the Green
Movement Pull the Plug, Saying the Refrigerator Is Unnecessary
Food For Thought: Grow Your Own and Re-Connect With Nature
HERB GARDENS: Garden Sage The All in One Plant
Top 100 Organic Living Blogs
Solar generator and free power
Remote Villages in Pakistan and Nepal Enjoy
Uninterrupted Electricity
India's First Green Housing Complex
Gainesville Florida First US City to Be Powered 100%
With Solar Power Tariff System
Obama talks tough on energy in first prime-time
press conference
Standing Rock Sioux Member Gets Key White House Post
In Rural Alaska Villages, Families Struggle to Survive
Sea Shepherd to Beef Up Anti-Whaling Fleet
Sea Shepherd's, Whalers' Boat Collide In Antarctic
Animals the forgotten victims of Australian fires
Billie Dean's Animal Whispers
Rapid burst of flowering plants set stage for other species
Melting Arctic Prompts Calls for "National Park" on Ice
Action Alert: Bolivia’s Amazon Riches to Be
Plundered for Oil
Uranium Mining, Native Resistance, and the Greener Path
PETITION: "Tell the Boy Scouts: Stop Selling Your
Land to Loggers."
Obscene Wealth Can Be a Deadly Sin
Dangers from electrical interference and health
The Boy With 11 Tumours Who Was Sent Home to Die... and
Survives After Grandparents' Alternative Therapy
Responsibility for Toxic Day Care Center Slips Through
Cracks Like... Mercury
Why Qigong is good for you
EU Food Authority approves Fluoride in Supplements
New Study of Splenda Reveals Shocking Information
About Potential Harmful Effects
Are Cold Sores Really Herpes?
Project Camelot interviews Jim Humble, the man behind
Miracle Mineral Supplement
India to launch cow urine as soft drink
(no, we're not taking the p...
Downsized Nine-to-Fivers Turn to Kinky Sex Work
Australian wildfire death toll to top 200: official
Australia's 'enemy within' Australia's prime minister has
referred to them as "mass murderers", another senior official
has described them as the "enemy within". Who are the arsonists
believed to have started some of the fires that have killed more
than 130 people?
Windstorms batter France, Britain on flood alert
UN: Israel blocks most Gaza aid
Europe turns to protectionism as industry plummets
Sri Lanka: Barbed Wire Villages Raise Fears
of Refugee Concentration Camps
Freegaza - "My Mother,My Wife,and My Three
Daughters All Held White Flags.."
Posturing and laughter as victims rot
Robert Fisk
YouTube - Israeli Gunboat Sprays Gazan
Fishing Boat With Bullets
Fadlallah accuses US of terrorizing nations,
thwarting peace process
America's Predators: War by Remote Control
Iraq as The First 'Resource War' of The Century
Maya Schenwar | States Push to Take Back
National Guard
Climate of Fear Pervades Many Newsrooms
Ship of Fools
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Russians, overflowing with energy and mineral resources,
and not in debt, have learned that the US government is not to
be trusted. Russia has watched Reagan's successors attempt
to turn former constituent parts of the Soviet Union into US puppet
states with US military bases.
Martin's NIM-FM feature podcast: KR # 83 Debt
Money vs. Alternative Money
Regulators Close Three More US Banks
Vince Cable: 'Bring back the guillotine...for bankers'
"We have a bunch of idiots on Wall Street, kicking sand" in
our Faces" Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., recently said from
the Senate floor. "I'm mad," she said. "Everyone I work for
is mad."
How Economists (and Pundits and Politicians) Helped
Steer America Off a Cliff
The Recovery Plan From Hell
What Wall Street Wants
By Michael Hudson
Tuesday's announcement of the Obama-Geithner recovery
plan is basically an extension of the Bush-Paulson plan -
yet more giveaways to financial insiders, with a view to
concentrating the U.S. banking system into a cartel of
just a few large banks.
Nambassa predicted global economic and
environmental meltdown -(1976)
Buddhist Economics:A Middle Way for the
Market Place
The Oligarchy's Bailout Ball
Stripping oil reserves from Montana and North Dakota
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
"Bulworth" with Warren Beatty and Halle Berre DVD
Oliver Stone's "W" on DVD
Obama Tries to Sneak Major Health Care
"Reform" Into Stimulus Bill
"Don't drink the Obama kool-aide"
Are Bush's Secrets Safe With Obama?
Obama Meets Press, Nation Head On
The Ultra-Radical Republicans
Will the Dumbocrats Wise Up
and Drive a Stake Through Cheney's Heart?
Why Their Only Hope Is a War Crimes Tribunal
By Kevin Barrett
The GOP Jihad on Obama
FOX Continues to Attack Black America
Amazing Truth and Clarity rap video
Chained Immigrants on Parade: Who Will Stand Up
to the Sick Antics of a Racist Sheriff?
Porn Star Stormy Daniels to Take on Sexual
Hypocrite Sen. David Vitter?
Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, A New Era of People
Power in the Streets?
"Potential Terrorists" List
Rahm Emanuel Speaks at the Brady Center's
Stand Up For a Safe America (DC)
New laws would let police eavesdrop on Internet
How Bush Threatened Britain
By Andrew Sullivan
In order to prevent any details of its torture record being
publicly disseminated, the Bush administration threatened
the British government with withdrawal of intelligence
sharing if they allowed a court to publish the redacted
evidence. Foreign secretary David Miliband denied this on
Wednesday, but the letters from the US have been released
by Channel 4 News. And their message is unmistakable.
Ed Balls: minister fears rise of fascism amid economic gloom
Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets
Nuclear Weapons Lab Missing 67 Computers
Plague-Infested Mice Missing From New Jersey Research Lab
Panasonic Orders Some Families Home on Pandemic
Risk (Update1) H5N1
The Memory Removing Pill
"You have been lied to" 9/11 video
Terrifying: Companies are Marketing Police
State Normalcy to Children
TV Stations to Forge Ahead With Digital Transition,
Despite Warnings
"Researcher and filmmaker Ken Klein will discuss the
hidden Luciferian codes,
and the positive and negative forces in the universe."
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Links by George Feb. 9th
Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz,Toltec Teachings-
March,2009-Phoenix, Sedona, Flagstaff,Santa Fe
REFORM CONFERENCE- Albuquerque NM, Nov 11-14
Obama Is Against Pot Raids, the Public Is Against Pot Raids,
And Yet ... the Drug Cops' Raids Continue
Why is Marijuana Illegal?-A brief history of the
criminalization of cannabis
Hope for Change by Steve Kubby
Entheogenic ventures and workshop updates
from Ross Heaven
The Age of Uncertainty by Daniel Pinchbeck
7 Things I Learned Working on a Pot Farm
Phelps Acknowledges Photo Using Pipe
Phelps and Obama: Leading the Way Towards
Legalizing Marijuana
President Obama's half brother popped for pot in Kenya
Field Trippin'
Roach is a friend of mine that lives in Panama. He is establishing
an entheobotanic and permaculure retreat in a gorgeous rain
forest setting. Please contac him about investing and/or visiting
at and check his myspace site at
The Hollywood Experiment, Cary Grant and LSD therapy
Antero Alli and the 8 circuit model
Alechemical Dream trailer-Terence McKenna youtube
Bolivia: Singing to the Plants - Shamanism and the
Medicine Path
Plants as Teachers Among 4 Mestizo Shamans of Iquitos, Peru
Biblical Entheogens: a Speculative Hypothesis
Albert Hofmann contact from another dimension
Can You Choose Your Reincarnated Successor?
The Ayahuasca-Alien Connection
'Virtual' UFO Disclosure Already Here
Obama administration to clash with corporations over UFO files
Paul Laffoley, UFOs, and the Third Secret of Fatima
Star dreams-documentary on crop circles,.formations
are related to dreams and human consciousness?
ET/UFO phenomena? or symbolic messages from
an unknown, high intelligence?
Danube Delta Holds Answers to ‘Noah’s Flood’ Debate
The Prophecies of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
Explanation of the Mayan Calendar.
In this talk Ian goes through historical examples
to show the Evolution of Consciousness.
Peruvians walked their prayers into the earth
The Aquarian alignment 14th February 2009
May Peace Prevail On Earth News
A New Model for Our Times
The Global Crisis not the financial crisis. Watch our
educational videos concerning the crisis
Stonehenge and other monuments investigated
First Sign of Chocolate in Ancient U.S. Found
Choquequirao: The Cradle of Gold
Hobbit feud: scientists argue over mysterious bones
Early Human Skulls Shaped for Nut-Cracking
Snakes on a Plane? Try 'as Big as a Plane'
Toward 2012: A Myth abot matter now on Youtube
Google and Nasa back new school for futurists
650 Million Years in 1:20 Min.
Today William Burroughs Would've Turned 95:
Watching Gus Vant Sant's "Do Easy"
Jupiter's Dance trailer
List of excellent blogs (including "links by george")
Exquisite art of Lukas Kandl
Our naturopath friend Deanna's website of healing
herbs and therapy
Smart grids sexy enough for Super Bowl
Orgone Energy: Primordial Life Energy
Hoxsey: The Quack Who Cured Cancer? (preview)
Cancer protection secret revealed
Loopholes Allow Contaminated Food to Go Unchecked"I'd Like
to See Some People Go to Jail," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt
Acid Oceans 'Need Urgent Action'
Where Has All The Water Gone?
Rising Sea Salinates India's Ganges: Expert
Thunder on the Mountain
Chinese Earthquake May Have Been Man-Made,
Say Scientists
Japanese whalers using military grade weapons
against Sea Shepherd
CDC Warns Flu Epidemic May Hit The U.S.
Within Next 2 Weeks
10 Most Dangerous Foods
Psychiatry's 'Shock Doctrine': Are We Really OK
With Electroshocking Toddlers?
How Dangerous is Your Daily Shower?
Will Obama Change the Way America Eats?
Five Smart Strategies to Lower Your Blood
Pressure Naturally
Rooibos fights cancer
Miracle Mineral Supplement
Pomegranates for Peace
The Anti-Aging Miracle That Can Save the World!
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women
and Domestic Violence
Jimmy Carter - Torture Can Never Be Justified !!! youtube
It's Time for Justice: A Call To Try Bush
Postmodern Times is a series of short animated films presenting
new ideas about global consciousness and techniques for social
and ecological transformation
Igwana-change,transformation or delusion
Secrets of the matrix by David icke
I Killed My Parents -- They Asked Me to Do It
World Social Forum Ends in Amazon;
Capitalism Seen Dying
Davos finds no answers to crisis
Gaza Desperately Short of Food After
Israel Destroys Farmland
Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’
Congo children branded as witches, abducted: U.N.
Human trafficking: A $9 billion-industry worldwide,
Swiss police clash with anti-Davos protesters, arrest 60
Parched: Australia Faces Collapse as Climate
Change Kicks In
Sydney to Break Australian Media Silence with the
"The Hard Evidence - 9/11 was an Inside Job!"
Australia faces first deficit in 7 years
Australian House Prices: What $500,000 Buys
Israel Vows 'Disproportionate' Strike on Hamas
Iran urged to replace Persian Gulf trade with Turkey
Turkey offered trade bonanza
Risk of a Social Conflagration in Europe
Western Europe braces for heavy snowfalls
Police station attacked, farmers riot in Greece
World heads for 'water bankruptcy', says Davos report
Let banks fail, says Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz
'Mumbai attacks planned in Europe'
Sri Lanka’s independence anniversary:
the emergence of a military/police state
Taiwan mulling building bridge linking with China
Pictorial: Israel Soldiers Take Pop Shots
at Gaza Farmers at Work
Abbas: 90,000 Gazans left homeless:
Iraq's Shocking Human Toll: About 1 Million Killed,
4.5 Million Displaced, 1-2 Million Widows, 5 Million Orphans
Thomas Paine's Corner. Excellent news and views
Alternative Activist News
Bill Blum's
Anti-Empire Report, February 3, 2009
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Accepting the End of the US Empire
Climate Change Could End California Farming: Chu
California Goes Broke, Halts $3.5 Billion in Payments
States are declaring sovereignty
Bill to abolish IRS introduced
''Nests In Hell''
Herbert Hoover Lives
Gerald Celente: The Greatest Depression in History
Hunger in the U.S.: A Problem as American as Apple Pie
Bank of America Blows Bailout Bucks on Big Bowl Bash
Banker of the Day : Wall Street: "Hands Off Our Entitlements!":
Banker of the Day : Sky-High Arrogance: Former Citi Citibank
CEO Used Corporate Jet For Luxe Family Vacation After $45 Billion Bailout
Global jobs crisis deepens
Six hundred thousand January layoffs in US
Obama prepares another trillion-dollar bank bailout
It's Not Going to Be OKThe economic crisis could plunge
the U.S. into a long period of social instability. Our democracy
is in peril; the threat of totalitarianism is real.
America Is Completely Broke, And Here We Are Funding
Fantasy Wars at the Pentagon
Australia Faces Collapse as Climate Change Kicks in:
Are the Southwest and California Next?
Japan rethinks alliance with US
Christian Bale vs. Bill O'Reilly
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan (Thanks for Ruining America)-
an election that prompted our search for a new "homeland"
Obama names third Republican to cabinet
A further bow to the right
Obama Seeks Russia Deal to Slash Nuclear Weapons
What a rucus this stimulus package is coming to!
Israel Hails Takeover Of US Congress
Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans
to shoot people
US army deserters flee Iraq
The War on Terror is a Hoax
By Paul Craig Roberts
According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are
spread throughout America, making it necessary for the
government to spy on all Americans and violate most other
constitutional protections. Among President Bush's last words
as he left office was the warning that America would soon be
struck again by Muslim terrorists.
The Petraeus Plot Against Obama
Rumsfeld to stand trial for war crimes?
Bulldog Dick: Cheney Is Already Attacking Obama
First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers
Proposed legislation in Congress would set up camps
for U. S. citizens
Concentration camps in the US? watch this video!
Secret Renditions Still an Option for CIA
Normalising Pathology
Maura Moynihan
The power of nightmares-The Rise of the Politics of Fear,
explains the origin of Islamism and Neo-Conservatism.
Vatican Fights to Keep Nazi Gold Lawsuit Out of US Courts
Loose Change-overwhelming amount of evidence supporting
the reality that the events of 911 were one big set-up.
One of America's most controversial writers, Bob Miller,
author of Kill Me If You Can, a bestseller about the Vietnam
War, and the politics behind the war
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
Robert Pollin: Doing the Recovery Right
Born Again American
Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz,Toltec Teachings-
March,2009-Phoenix, Sedona, Flagstaff,Santa Fe
REFORM CONFERENCE- Albuquerque NM, Nov 11-14
Obama Is Against Pot Raids, the Public Is Against Pot Raids,
And Yet ... the Drug Cops' Raids Continue
Why is Marijuana Illegal?-A brief history of the
criminalization of cannabis
Hope for Change by Steve Kubby
Entheogenic ventures and workshop updates
from Ross Heaven
The Age of Uncertainty by Daniel Pinchbeck
7 Things I Learned Working on a Pot Farm
Phelps Acknowledges Photo Using Pipe
Phelps and Obama: Leading the Way Towards
Legalizing Marijuana
President Obama's half brother popped for pot in Kenya
Field Trippin'
Roach is a friend of mine that lives in Panama. He is establishing
an entheobotanic and permaculure retreat in a gorgeous rain
forest setting. Please contac him about investing and/or visiting
at and check his myspace site at
The Hollywood Experiment, Cary Grant and LSD therapy
Antero Alli and the 8 circuit model
Alechemical Dream trailer-Terence McKenna youtube
Bolivia: Singing to the Plants - Shamanism and the
Medicine Path
Plants as Teachers Among 4 Mestizo Shamans of Iquitos, Peru
Biblical Entheogens: a Speculative Hypothesis
Albert Hofmann contact from another dimension
Can You Choose Your Reincarnated Successor?
The Ayahuasca-Alien Connection
'Virtual' UFO Disclosure Already Here
Obama administration to clash with corporations over UFO files
Paul Laffoley, UFOs, and the Third Secret of Fatima
Star dreams-documentary on crop circles,.formations
are related to dreams and human consciousness?
ET/UFO phenomena? or symbolic messages from
an unknown, high intelligence?
Danube Delta Holds Answers to ‘Noah’s Flood’ Debate
The Prophecies of the Warriors of the Rainbow:
Explanation of the Mayan Calendar.
In this talk Ian goes through historical examples
to show the Evolution of Consciousness.
Peruvians walked their prayers into the earth
The Aquarian alignment 14th February 2009
May Peace Prevail On Earth News
A New Model for Our Times
The Global Crisis not the financial crisis. Watch our
educational videos concerning the crisis
Stonehenge and other monuments investigated
First Sign of Chocolate in Ancient U.S. Found
Choquequirao: The Cradle of Gold
Hobbit feud: scientists argue over mysterious bones
Early Human Skulls Shaped for Nut-Cracking
Snakes on a Plane? Try 'as Big as a Plane'
Toward 2012: A Myth abot matter now on Youtube
Google and Nasa back new school for futurists
650 Million Years in 1:20 Min.
Today William Burroughs Would've Turned 95:
Watching Gus Vant Sant's "Do Easy"
Jupiter's Dance trailer
List of excellent blogs (including "links by george")
Exquisite art of Lukas Kandl
Our naturopath friend Deanna's website of healing
herbs and therapy
Smart grids sexy enough for Super Bowl
Orgone Energy: Primordial Life Energy
Hoxsey: The Quack Who Cured Cancer? (preview)
Cancer protection secret revealed
Loopholes Allow Contaminated Food to Go Unchecked"I'd Like
to See Some People Go to Jail," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt
Acid Oceans 'Need Urgent Action'
Where Has All The Water Gone?
Rising Sea Salinates India's Ganges: Expert
Thunder on the Mountain
Chinese Earthquake May Have Been Man-Made,
Say Scientists
Japanese whalers using military grade weapons
against Sea Shepherd
CDC Warns Flu Epidemic May Hit The U.S.
Within Next 2 Weeks
10 Most Dangerous Foods
Psychiatry's 'Shock Doctrine': Are We Really OK
With Electroshocking Toddlers?
How Dangerous is Your Daily Shower?
Will Obama Change the Way America Eats?
Five Smart Strategies to Lower Your Blood
Pressure Naturally
Rooibos fights cancer
Miracle Mineral Supplement
Pomegranates for Peace
The Anti-Aging Miracle That Can Save the World!
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women
and Domestic Violence
Jimmy Carter - Torture Can Never Be Justified !!! youtube
It's Time for Justice: A Call To Try Bush
Postmodern Times is a series of short animated films presenting
new ideas about global consciousness and techniques for social
and ecological transformation
Igwana-change,transformation or delusion
Secrets of the matrix by David icke
I Killed My Parents -- They Asked Me to Do It
World Social Forum Ends in Amazon;
Capitalism Seen Dying
Davos finds no answers to crisis
Gaza Desperately Short of Food After
Israel Destroys Farmland
Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’
Congo children branded as witches, abducted: U.N.
Human trafficking: A $9 billion-industry worldwide,
Swiss police clash with anti-Davos protesters, arrest 60
Parched: Australia Faces Collapse as Climate
Change Kicks In
Sydney to Break Australian Media Silence with the
"The Hard Evidence - 9/11 was an Inside Job!"
Australia faces first deficit in 7 years
Australian House Prices: What $500,000 Buys
Israel Vows 'Disproportionate' Strike on Hamas
Iran urged to replace Persian Gulf trade with Turkey
Turkey offered trade bonanza
Risk of a Social Conflagration in Europe
Western Europe braces for heavy snowfalls
Police station attacked, farmers riot in Greece
World heads for 'water bankruptcy', says Davos report
Let banks fail, says Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz
'Mumbai attacks planned in Europe'
Sri Lanka’s independence anniversary:
the emergence of a military/police state
Taiwan mulling building bridge linking with China
Pictorial: Israel Soldiers Take Pop Shots
at Gaza Farmers at Work
Abbas: 90,000 Gazans left homeless:
Iraq's Shocking Human Toll: About 1 Million Killed,
4.5 Million Displaced, 1-2 Million Widows, 5 Million Orphans
Thomas Paine's Corner. Excellent news and views
Alternative Activist News
Bill Blum's
Anti-Empire Report, February 3, 2009
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Accepting the End of the US Empire
Climate Change Could End California Farming: Chu
California Goes Broke, Halts $3.5 Billion in Payments
States are declaring sovereignty
Bill to abolish IRS introduced
''Nests In Hell''
Herbert Hoover Lives
Gerald Celente: The Greatest Depression in History
Hunger in the U.S.: A Problem as American as Apple Pie
Bank of America Blows Bailout Bucks on Big Bowl Bash
Banker of the Day : Wall Street: "Hands Off Our Entitlements!":
Banker of the Day : Sky-High Arrogance: Former Citi Citibank
CEO Used Corporate Jet For Luxe Family Vacation After $45 Billion Bailout
Global jobs crisis deepens
Six hundred thousand January layoffs in US
Obama prepares another trillion-dollar bank bailout
It's Not Going to Be OKThe economic crisis could plunge
the U.S. into a long period of social instability. Our democracy
is in peril; the threat of totalitarianism is real.
America Is Completely Broke, And Here We Are Funding
Fantasy Wars at the Pentagon
Australia Faces Collapse as Climate Change Kicks in:
Are the Southwest and California Next?
Japan rethinks alliance with US
Christian Bale vs. Bill O'Reilly
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan (Thanks for Ruining America)-
an election that prompted our search for a new "homeland"
Obama names third Republican to cabinet
A further bow to the right
Obama Seeks Russia Deal to Slash Nuclear Weapons
What a rucus this stimulus package is coming to!
Israel Hails Takeover Of US Congress
Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans
to shoot people
US army deserters flee Iraq
The War on Terror is a Hoax
By Paul Craig Roberts
According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are
spread throughout America, making it necessary for the
government to spy on all Americans and violate most other
constitutional protections. Among President Bush's last words
as he left office was the warning that America would soon be
struck again by Muslim terrorists.
The Petraeus Plot Against Obama
Rumsfeld to stand trial for war crimes?
Bulldog Dick: Cheney Is Already Attacking Obama
First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers
Proposed legislation in Congress would set up camps
for U. S. citizens
Concentration camps in the US? watch this video!
Secret Renditions Still an Option for CIA
Normalising Pathology
Maura Moynihan
The power of nightmares-The Rise of the Politics of Fear,
explains the origin of Islamism and Neo-Conservatism.
Vatican Fights to Keep Nazi Gold Lawsuit Out of US Courts
Loose Change-overwhelming amount of evidence supporting
the reality that the events of 911 were one big set-up.
One of America's most controversial writers, Bob Miller,
author of Kill Me If You Can, a bestseller about the Vietnam
War, and the politics behind the war
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
Robert Pollin: Doing the Recovery Right
Born Again American
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Give Peace a Chance

John Lennon

Jimi Hendrix

Dr. Albert Hofmann

Rolling Stones

Satanic Majesty's Request
Rolling Stones 2000 light years
Pink Floyd

Uncover Art
Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's
