European Rainbow Gathering Ukraine are
July 22nd to August 20th
Global Gathering of the Tribes/Mexico Location
Our friend Anne Provost on Maui anounces the opening
of a new integrative arts and health and well
being center on Maui
Oregon`s Court acknowledges Santo Daime’s right to
religious freedom
Holocaust and cannabis unite to fight Israel elections
"I inhaled frequently" youtube of obama
Sanjay Gupta: What the Next Surgeon General
Doesn't Know About Pot
Marijuana Reform Is Part of the Progressive Agenda, So Why
Are Obama's Drug Cops Already Making Pot Raids?
CNBC's most-watched special topics (discusses marijuana)
shop to be rebroadcast 4 times.
Go Hemp, One Plant Can Save Us All
The Mystery of the Goddess Aya' by Syuart Wilde
Tom Roberts, Entheogenic Reformation, Part 1
Gnostic Media's 2009 newsletter
Novels and nirvana (Book Review)
RE/Search publications and blog
Entheogen - Awakening The Divine Within
Divine Awakenings: A Talk with
Nikos Katsaounis about "Entheogen"
The Alchemical Dream
Esoteric Politics
Our World May Be A Giant Hologram
RAF 's ordered to shoot down UFOs'
Queen Interested in Crop Circles
Comet impact theory disproved
Chemtrails in the Sky Are Evidence of Nefarious Activities
for Broad-Based Conspiracy Theorists
Sociability Traced To Particular Region Of Brain
Philip Rubinov Jacobson art classes around the world
The Art of Sound outreaches to youth
Heavenly Rose by lily Moses
News from Alicia Bay Laurel
Friend Michael Tysoe presents this youtube site
dedicated to environmental activist Julia Butterfly
Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu
Lee Underwood's free music samples of his latest cd
Paul Krassner website with the "in-famous"
disneyland satirical poster
My friend Myben explains Australia it is the
Bunjalung Nation, and walking
The Sacred Heart Of The World
Crash Course in Goori Culture
Under The Cover Of Racist Myth, A New Land
Grab In Australia
By John Pilger
Urban Survival
Palm Oil Campaign - Call to Action
Mexico City Vows to Green Garbage Dumps
'Wake Up World!' - SOS from the Amazon
On Capitol Hill, Gore urges quick action on climate
Australian heatwave sign of climate change
Alaska Volcano Expected to Erupt Soon
Secret Whaling Commission Deal Could Increase
Japan’s Quota
Iceland Announces Unprecedented New Whale Hunt:
150 Fin Whales And 100 Minke Whales
STOP Kevin Rudd's Secret Plan to Increase WHALING!!!
100's of 1000's of Sea Turtles Illegally Slaughtered
In Bali Each Year
Emperor penguins face extinction
Locust swarms 'high' on serotonin
Hot and Steamy Vegetables: PETA Ad Dubbed
Too Sexy for Super Bow
Hoarding rainwater could 'dramatically' expand
range of dengue-fever mosquito
New York Times Exposes Vitamin D Testing Fraud
Bitter Pill
Mercury In Vaccines Was Replaced With
Something Even MORE Toxic
Mercury Found in Corn Syrup
Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behaviour
Important Details You Need to Know About Arthritis
Canada's 75 Billion Dollar Bank Bailout
Over five million people face food
shortage in Burma
Somalia Ruined: Intervention Fails Again
French strikes: Violence erupts as thousands
gather to protest on 'Black Thursday'
Israel's chief rabbinate severs ties with Vatican
The Final Solution is a No-State Solution
By William Bowles
It was either in 1941 or maybe 1942 that the
Nazis implemented the 'Final Solution', the
extermination of all 'non-Aryan' peoples that
included not only the Jews but also the Roma
and the Serbs. So the term Holocaust is not
copyright © the Jewish 'race' in spite of their
appropriation of the Upper case.
March on the Pentagon Saturday,
March 21, 2009
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
The American Lunatic Asylum
In America, Speaking the Truth Is a
Career-Ending Event
By Paul Craig Roberts
Truth cannot be spoken in America. It cannot be spoken
in universities. It cannot be spoken in the media. It cannot
be spoken in courts, which is why defendants and defense
attorneys have given up on trials and cop pleas to lesser
offenses that never occurred.
Yard Sale Nation: The Change Required to Salvage
U.S Society Runs Much Deeper Than Most Imagine
Bush's therapist explains the ex-president's
levels of sanity
President orders air strikes on villages in tribal area
Israeli Troops Killed Gaza Children
Carrying White Flag
By Dion Nissenbaum
The Israeli military, which Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
called "the most moral army in the world," said it's
investigating the increasing number of war crimes
allegations, but it rejected any suggestion that its
soldiers had targeted civilians.
Israeli Warplanes Strike in "Retaliation"
Drone attacks to continue: Gates: `Decision
conveyed to Islamabad'
By Anwar Iqbal
Two Wars, 400,000 VA Patients
Obama Tells Mideast: 'We Are Not Your Enemy'
Forty-Four Years Later, LBJ's Ghost Hovers Over
the 44th President
BREAKING: Impeached Blagojevich Has Been
Removed From Office
Europe Hopes Obama Shifts on 'Terror'
Top 5 Myths About Closing Guantanamo
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Supports Genetic
Engineering and Corporate Farming
Flood of Foreclosures: It's Worse Than You Think
Hope for the Homeless?
Bloody Monday: 74,000 layoffs announced in one day
The Financial Crisis Is Driving Hordes of Americans
to Suicide
Astonishing Incongruities
Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?
By Paul Craig Roberts
How can President Obama even think about fighting wars
half way around the world while California cannot pay its
bills, while Americans are being turned out of their homes,
while, as Business Week reports, retirees will work throughout
their retirement (which assumes that there will be jobs), while
careers are being destroyed and stores and factories shuttered.
Obama Plans Fast Action to Tighten Financial Rules
The Economic Crisis Isn't All Bad; It's a Chance for Us and
Obama to Reimagine How We Live Our Lives
Exxon breaks own annual profit record
Iceland is burning, and it could happen in America
Coleman's New Plan to Steal Franken's Win
Catholic bishop demonised for 'Holocaust denial'
Move to End "Internet Neutrality": Blow to Bloggers.
"Ten Pin Strike against Political Freedom"
Bill Will Establish 'National Emergency Centers' On
Military Installations
Congress Seeks To Authorize & Legalize FEMA
Camp Facilities
Military to Pledge Oath To Obama, Not Constitution
US police could get 'pain beam' weapons
Louis Farrakhan on Barack Obama, Churches
and Satan's Rule
Queen of England Linked to 9/11, 7/7
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Links By George January 25th
Robert Roskind presents the "Gathering of
the Peacemakers"
Aug 30 to Sept5 in Black Mountain NC
Entheogenesis Australis Dec 6 Melbourne
Spiral Harmonics-Feb 8 Victoria
Pharmacology of LSD: another source
Germany Bans Cannabis-Like Drug Spice
Obama Has the Chance To Be Another FDR -- He Can
End the Prohibition Era on Marijuana
The White House: Obama on Drug Policy
CNBC’S “Marijuana Inc: Inside America’s Pot Industry”
premieres Jan 22
President of MAPS, Rick Doblin, goes over the history
of the radical cultural and political changes that happened
during the 60s. He argues that the tipping point was
achieved through a combination of synergies fueled in
large by the youths experimentation with mind
altering substances
Adobe home found under Marin hippie commune
Comments from Pieman
White Pebble School integrating Tibetan, Egyptian,
metaphysics, shamanism teachings
Engendering of Higher Consciousness
Finish strong. Uplifting message.
MESSAGE of the QĂȘERO-An Interview with
Sharron Rose
The Last Templar Mini Series
Bioregional Animism
Ancient people boasted the largest collection of
human heads in the Andes
Key to Hallucinations Found
Welcome to Mars-Ken Hollings' hallucinates the
history of the late 40s and 50s
Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud
might kill UK hacker case
Absolutely Bizarre 'Creature' In Benjamin
Fulford's Spine
Teleportation Milestone Achieved
From the Edge of the Us.
A Fantastic Voyage Brought To Life
UFO Files to Be Released Under Obama Open
Government Memoranda
Edgar Allan Poe's prescient cosmology
My friend Lee Underwood's excellent music,
arts and philosophy reviews
Grand Funk Railroad - Inside Looking Out 1969
On Inauguration, "Working on a Dream"
Springsteen Deluxe Edition
Mexico's Unconquered Maya Hold Tight
to Their Old Way
"This Land Is Your Land" Like Woody Wrote It
Obama Moves to Block Bush's 'Midnight' Attempts
to Relax Green Rules
Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse due
to warming
Stop Massive Military Expansion in the
California Desert
Release the Sea Shepherd's boat captured
by Canada
A Great Victory for the Whales in Indonesia
Swimming with the whales retreat in Hawaii
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
Tibet Shepherds Live on Climate Frontier
Medicine in the Ancient World
Medicinal plants slowly going extinct
'Alternative' Medicine Goes Mainstream
Homeopathic Remedies THE TRUTH -
Vortex Energy Part 11
Lower Your Blood Pressure With Vitamin C
Eyes reveal health secrets of the brain
A Healthy and Sensible Approach
to Stress
Organic Farm at the White House?
Scientists Show How Certain Vegetables
Combat Cancer
Our naturopath friend Michael in New Zealand
presents these excellent oxygen products
The many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
and Oxygen Therapy
What's It Going to Take to Lock
Up Drug Company Execs?
MAD Magazine: 20 Dumbest People,
Events and Things of 2008
Lou Rawls Colonoscopy Exam in English
“Fuck Greece, fight here!” (Greek Revolt info
events in the UK)
Jan 26 UK
Greece and the Insurrections to Come
Israel's real objective: to seize Palestinian
coastal gas fields
Russia-Ukraine Gas War: Europe's Winter
of Discontent
Harvest of Despair (Soviet Engineered Famine in the Ukraine)
1933DetailsCommentsMore from user
Harvest of Despair (Soviet Engineered Famine
in the Ukraine) 1933
Russian destroyer leaves Baltic base on
urgent mission
Castro says he probably won't be around
in 4 years
Australia's Richest Loses $3 Billion
to Recession
Gazan Child Murdered By Israelis,
Eaten By Dogs
Embedded With Gaza Medics
Must see video:
WARNING - Video depicts the reality and
horror of
Israel's attack on the people of Gaza - Viewer
Discretion Advised.
Gaza, Greece, and the Meaning of Solidarity*
A Report From Gaza
Terribly Bloodied, Still Breathing
Depleted Uranium Found in Gaza Victims
1.5 Million Gazans Injured
Hamas Chief on Israel’s Decline
My friend Richard Hugus' discussion of
Native American
Russel Mean's comments on the Israeli-Palestine
issue and how it affects indigenous peoples everywhere
Noam Chomsky On Gaza
Audio and Text
Fatah by now is more or less functioning as Israel's
police force in the West Bank. But the West Bank is
only part of the occupied Palestinian territories.
Fan the flames of Humanity's Phoenix!
Please watch:
"O Gaza! Herald the End of War"
New US Administration Launches
Airstrikes in Pakistan
MLK: Why I Cannot Be Silent
Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
[Cesar Chavez--United Farm Workers]
Betraying the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
King, Obama, A Call to Serve
Hillary is in at State
Kennedy collapses
Who?s who in the Obama cabinet
An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden
Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches
AmBushed by Conspirituality [Watch in HD]
Arrest Bush 2009,Pro 911 Truth Anti Torture
music video
"Economic Calamity" Ahead
TARP II: Money for Banks, Not Homeowners
The case for nationalizing the banks
This is a Harper's Index of the Bush years.
Some of this figures are so beyond the pall.
Turley: Most people abroad will view Bush as
a war criminal
Official: UN May Prosecute Bush Administration, Regardless
Of US Action
By David Edwards
The UN's special torture rapporteur called on the US
Tuesday to pursue former president George W. Bush
and defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld for torture
and bad treatment of Guantanamo prisoners.
8 years in 8 minutes: Keith Olbermann on the Bush years
Final Days: Jon Stewart Tears into President Bush
Bush (satirical) state of the union video
Historical Mystery of Bush's Presidency
UN May Prosecute Bush Administration,
Regardless Of US Action
Bush Drops Fake Cowboy Shtick
The social paradox in the “miraculous” rescue on the Hudson
Migrant farmworkers USA
Message from Mike Ruppert Regarding Economic Riots
in Europe and the Potential for Civil Unrest in the United States
Plague kills 40 al-Qaeda operatives
Core of Corruption film
Mysterious Prison Buses in the Desert
Prisons, Drugs: A Daily War
Deadly Bio-Weaponry Build Up Comes to the Heart
of the U.S.
New Technology Allows Others to
Read Your Mind
Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin
town in Brazil'
Robert Roskind presents the "Gathering of
the Peacemakers"
Aug 30 to Sept5 in Black Mountain NC
Entheogenesis Australis Dec 6 Melbourne
Spiral Harmonics-Feb 8 Victoria
Pharmacology of LSD: another source
Germany Bans Cannabis-Like Drug Spice
Obama Has the Chance To Be Another FDR -- He Can
End the Prohibition Era on Marijuana
The White House: Obama on Drug Policy
CNBC’S “Marijuana Inc: Inside America’s Pot Industry”
premieres Jan 22
President of MAPS, Rick Doblin, goes over the history
of the radical cultural and political changes that happened
during the 60s. He argues that the tipping point was
achieved through a combination of synergies fueled in
large by the youths experimentation with mind
altering substances
Adobe home found under Marin hippie commune
Comments from Pieman
White Pebble School integrating Tibetan, Egyptian,
metaphysics, shamanism teachings
Engendering of Higher Consciousness
Finish strong. Uplifting message.
MESSAGE of the QĂȘERO-An Interview with
Sharron Rose
The Last Templar Mini Series
Bioregional Animism
Ancient people boasted the largest collection of
human heads in the Andes
Key to Hallucinations Found
Welcome to Mars-Ken Hollings' hallucinates the
history of the late 40s and 50s
Whistleblowers’ evidence of NASA UFO fraud
might kill UK hacker case
Absolutely Bizarre 'Creature' In Benjamin
Fulford's Spine
Teleportation Milestone Achieved
From the Edge of the Us.
A Fantastic Voyage Brought To Life
UFO Files to Be Released Under Obama Open
Government Memoranda
Edgar Allan Poe's prescient cosmology
My friend Lee Underwood's excellent music,
arts and philosophy reviews
Grand Funk Railroad - Inside Looking Out 1969
On Inauguration, "Working on a Dream"
Springsteen Deluxe Edition
Mexico's Unconquered Maya Hold Tight
to Their Old Way
"This Land Is Your Land" Like Woody Wrote It
Obama Moves to Block Bush's 'Midnight' Attempts
to Relax Green Rules
Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse due
to warming
Stop Massive Military Expansion in the
California Desert
Release the Sea Shepherd's boat captured
by Canada
A Great Victory for the Whales in Indonesia
Swimming with the whales retreat in Hawaii
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
Tibet Shepherds Live on Climate Frontier
Medicine in the Ancient World
Medicinal plants slowly going extinct
'Alternative' Medicine Goes Mainstream
Homeopathic Remedies THE TRUTH -
Vortex Energy Part 11
Lower Your Blood Pressure With Vitamin C
Eyes reveal health secrets of the brain
A Healthy and Sensible Approach
to Stress
Organic Farm at the White House?
Scientists Show How Certain Vegetables
Combat Cancer
Our naturopath friend Michael in New Zealand
presents these excellent oxygen products
The many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
and Oxygen Therapy
What's It Going to Take to Lock
Up Drug Company Execs?
MAD Magazine: 20 Dumbest People,
Events and Things of 2008
Lou Rawls Colonoscopy Exam in English
“Fuck Greece, fight here!” (Greek Revolt info
events in the UK)
Jan 26 UK
Greece and the Insurrections to Come
Israel's real objective: to seize Palestinian
coastal gas fields
Russia-Ukraine Gas War: Europe's Winter
of Discontent
Harvest of Despair (Soviet Engineered Famine in the Ukraine)
1933DetailsCommentsMore from user
Harvest of Despair (Soviet Engineered Famine
in the Ukraine) 1933
Russian destroyer leaves Baltic base on
urgent mission
Castro says he probably won't be around
in 4 years
Australia's Richest Loses $3 Billion
to Recession
Gazan Child Murdered By Israelis,
Eaten By Dogs
Embedded With Gaza Medics
Must see video:
WARNING - Video depicts the reality and
horror of
Israel's attack on the people of Gaza - Viewer
Discretion Advised.
Gaza, Greece, and the Meaning of Solidarity*
A Report From Gaza
Terribly Bloodied, Still Breathing
Depleted Uranium Found in Gaza Victims
1.5 Million Gazans Injured
Hamas Chief on Israel’s Decline
My friend Richard Hugus' discussion of
Native American
Russel Mean's comments on the Israeli-Palestine
issue and how it affects indigenous peoples everywhere
Noam Chomsky On Gaza
Audio and Text
Fatah by now is more or less functioning as Israel's
police force in the West Bank. But the West Bank is
only part of the occupied Palestinian territories.
Fan the flames of Humanity's Phoenix!
Please watch:
"O Gaza! Herald the End of War"
New US Administration Launches
Airstrikes in Pakistan
MLK: Why I Cannot Be Silent
Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
[Cesar Chavez--United Farm Workers]
Betraying the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
King, Obama, A Call to Serve
Hillary is in at State
Kennedy collapses
Who?s who in the Obama cabinet
An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden
Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches
AmBushed by Conspirituality [Watch in HD]
Arrest Bush 2009,Pro 911 Truth Anti Torture
music video
"Economic Calamity" Ahead
TARP II: Money for Banks, Not Homeowners
The case for nationalizing the banks
This is a Harper's Index of the Bush years.
Some of this figures are so beyond the pall.
Turley: Most people abroad will view Bush as
a war criminal
Official: UN May Prosecute Bush Administration, Regardless
Of US Action
By David Edwards
The UN's special torture rapporteur called on the US
Tuesday to pursue former president George W. Bush
and defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld for torture
and bad treatment of Guantanamo prisoners.
8 years in 8 minutes: Keith Olbermann on the Bush years
Final Days: Jon Stewart Tears into President Bush
Bush (satirical) state of the union video
Historical Mystery of Bush's Presidency
UN May Prosecute Bush Administration,
Regardless Of US Action
Bush Drops Fake Cowboy Shtick
The social paradox in the “miraculous” rescue on the Hudson
Migrant farmworkers USA
Message from Mike Ruppert Regarding Economic Riots
in Europe and the Potential for Civil Unrest in the United States
Plague kills 40 al-Qaeda operatives
Core of Corruption film
Mysterious Prison Buses in the Desert
Prisons, Drugs: A Daily War
Deadly Bio-Weaponry Build Up Comes to the Heart
of the U.S.
New Technology Allows Others to
Read Your Mind
Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin
town in Brazil'
Friday, January 16, 2009
Links by George January 18th
''Death, and the God of a Thousand Eyes''
presentation in London Jan 27 by Dr. David Luke
A Psychedelic ‘Problem Child’ Comes Full Circle
Ecstasy For Treatment Of Traumatic Anxiety
Volunteers Wanted for On-line Survey Research Project
on Effects of Recreational Drug Use
'Guru of Ganja' Mounts Second Court Appeal
Five Essential Things We Must Do to Stop America's
Idiotic War on Drugs
Obama's Marijuana Prohibition Acid Test
World's oldest marijuana stash totally busted
A Psychonaut License: The Psychedelic University
Gardens of the Ancients-entheobotanicals
The Ambrosia Society
Might the Gods be Alkaloids? -by Alex Polari de Alverga
Terence McKenna:The Butterfly Hunter,
reviewed by Erik Davis
The Man Who Turned on the World,
by Michael Hollingshead
Paul Devereux and his research of
history and consciousness
Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of
Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
Rainbow NY family site of my friend Rev.
Of Love Martin-Paul: Cheney
News on Melanie, Carlos Santana, Obama
portrait and Imagine Concert
Singer ANNIE LENNOX Stop Gaza Massacre
protest London Saturday 10 Jan 2009
Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts -
Just Shortlisted for an Academy Award
My friend Lee Underwood's beautiful solo
piano music. Check out the sampling
Tibet - Windham Hill Series with Music
by Mark Isham Part 1
The shamanic art of Pablo Amaringo
Fantasy art of Stephen Hickman
UFO wind turbine prang site sealed
UFO sighting video sparks similar reports
from Scottish viewers
Nasa reveals life on Mars
Interesting new scientific research on black holes
as a source of creation rather than the result of it
Gateways of Light
Hopi Message from Mother earth 2012
VOTE: Appoint Secretary of Peace in
Department of Peace and Non-Violence
Handmade clothes and beautiful accessories
from our friend Chris in Thailand
Our friend Damian is a focused master of
still point performing art. Have a look
Istanbul's ancient past unearthed
Antarctic Race to the Pole
Europe joins forces in battle to turn cities green
Cyprus runs risk of desertification: geophysicist
In California, Hot and Dry Conditions
Stir Drought Concerns
From Brad Lancaster's Permaculture blog:
"Street Orchards for Community Security,"
Vegetable Gardens Take Root in San Francisco
The Senate approved a motion to move forward with the omnibus
lands bill on Sunday, a bill that would protect more than 2 million
acres of wilderness in nine states
What Am I Bid for the American Wild?
Supreme Court limits protection for whales compromised
End Whale Bloodbath in Danish Faeroe Islands.
What if a small city disappeared? 18,000 Aboriginal
population has gone missing since 1957 in Canada
Australia's Aborigines to Bear Brunt
of Climate Change
Is Florida Just One New Development Away
From Environmental Ruin?
Super-Predators: Humans Force Rapid
Evolution of Animals
Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age
Volcanoes Cool The Tropics
Alternative Currencies Grow in Popularity
First US Count Finds 1 in 200 Kids Are Vegetarian
Brain Food: How to Eat Smart
Chronic Pain and Fatigue Associated With
Vitamin D Deficiency
More Americans Getting Multiple
Chronic Illnesses
Can LDN Really Help Multiple Sclerosis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Autoimmune Diseases?
The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand
Smoke Cover-Up
Free download of health books and articles-check it out!
Hold Onto Your Good Mood and Stay
Healthy All Winter
Could Drinking Heavy Atoms Lengthen Your Life?
Life As We Know It Nearly Created in Lab
Billions Face Food Shortages, Study Warns
Hunter S. Thompson Motivational Posters
Weird Science of 2008
140-year-old lobster freed
Elvis and MKULTRA.
Veterans say CIA Tested Drugs, Mind Control on Them
Barbie's Sordid Sexual History
Visual Tour : Machu Pichu
Venezuela expels Israeli ambassador:
Venezuela has expelled the Israeli ambassador to the
Latin American country in protest at the ongoing
onslaught in the Gaza Strip.
Chavez: Israel kills Gazans in Holocaust:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has called on the
International Criminal Court to try US and Israeli leaders
for killing Palestinian civilians.
The Target is Iran: Israel's Latest Gamble May Backfire
UN Headquarters in Gaza Hit by Israeli
'White Phosphorus' Shells
Gaither Stewart's latest, which is a history-laden
analysis of the left in Europe.
Russia Vows to Restore Gas Flow to Europe
Fiji floods kill eight, strand thousands
U.S. military report warns 'sudden collapse'
of Mexico is possible
Sharks Rampage in Australia
Holocaust Denied
John Pilger
Major Rudy on isreal youtube
Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza
Pro-Israel Rally Attended by Big-Time NY Dems Descends
into Calls for 'Wiping Out' Palestinians
Eileen Fleming's piece about the protest against Israeli
war crimes that she attended in Orlando.
Yes, hate
Gary Corseri's brilliant and courageous intellectual thrashing
of Zionism and Israhell. It is a powerful piece of writing!
Kucinich Speaks Out Against Congress' Blind
Support of Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Brags About Giving
Orders to Bush
The Humiliation of America
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Iraq War Is Now Illegal
Columnist: Draft is needed because we may
have to invade Pakistan
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Alternative news blog
Ed Ciaccio's excellent analysis of MLK's most
radical and probably most significant speech.
Is the Bush Worst President in History? Does Cow Dung Smell?
U.S.: Bush Foreign Policy Legacy Widely Seen as Disastrous
Bush I & Bush II Share Their Thoughts on Vibrating
Chairs in Their Goodbye Interview
White House Press Corps Sends Off Bush with a
Very Awkward Goodbye
Judge Orders Search of Bush Administration E-Mails
Bush: 'I Don't Give a Darn' What Americans
Think of Me
A 9/11 'What If?' By Peter Dyer
Bush Declares State of Emergency for Inauguration
Is it a coup before the inauguration
Bush, Obama teams hold disaster drill 13
Is the Obama Honeymoon Over?
What Obama Can Learn From Europe
John Nichols | How to Push Obama
FDA Scientists Ask Obama to Restructure Drug Agency
7 Fixes from the Green Economy
Rick Warren Invokes Hitler Youth
Obama signals continuity with US torture regime
Venezuela reinstates free home heating oil for poor in U.S.
Economy in Peril; Congress Poised for Pay Raise
Another Bush Legacy: 84 Percent More Unemployed
Did Bush cause the financial crisis?
In Quick Shift, Bush to Seek Second Half of
Bailout Funds
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse?
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research
Lloyds pays $350m to end US case
Women abused in US prison awarded $15.4 million
Bush: I Personally Authorized Torture
Ten percent of Guantanamo detainees now
being force fed
US Navy to begin capturing Somali pirates
Washington’s criminal role in the Sri Lankan
state’s anti-Tamil war
Billings group wants to change image of white supremacists
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
Secret of the Lusitania
New JFK death theory (Video)
Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins Of
Civilization Excerpts (video)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Links By George January 12th
A very brief history of psychedelics and the mainstream
media'presentation by Mark Titchner London Jan 9
London workshops in Feb with Christian Kyriacou on
understanding and using energies
Sacred Sound, Sacred Geometry, Meditation,
Ancient Wisdom teachings, Music and Storytelling
Another London event- March: The aim of this Metageum event
is to bridge the gap between science and philosophy,
To Minimize Harm Legalize Marijuana: New Scientist
Taking the fun out of pot
THE CANNABIS PAPERS-The Sacramental Use Of Cannabis Sativa
Jan Irvin sends me this excellent link:
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking
volunteers with a current or past diagnosis of cancer who
have some anxiety or are feeling down about their cancer
to participate in a scientific study of self-exploration and
personal meaning brought about by the entheogen psilocybin
Police Seize 40,000 Doses Of Drug Yage Used By
South American Shamans in Spain
Peyote: Last of The Medicine Men
Seeking truth and healing, and guided by an Amazonian shaman,
Nosis is a journey into the depths of soul.
Ralph Metzner's excellent blog site
On my friend Eric's excellent entheogenic blogspot:
Terence McKenna: Dream Awake - the complete version
Eric's website
Why Head Shop Raids Are Unfair and Unjust
The Sensational World of Drug Paperbacks
Obama's Curious, Curt Response to a Torrent
of Pot Legalization Questions
Sanjay Gupta: What the Next Surgeon General
Doesn't Know About Pot
"Is It Peace Or Is It Prozac" Cheryl Wheeler
'UFO Strike' Has UK in a Lather Over E.T.
2012 — The End of the World, or A New Beginning?
NASA warns of 'space Katrina' radiation storm
Voo-Doo: take a walk on the wild side-altered states
and artistic integration
Alex Grey COSM video
Meditation on Creativity
by Paul Levy
Architects of a New Dawn
Good Reality: The Evolution of Consciousness
The Lost Book of Nostradamus:Images and
Quatrains: UPDATED!
Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews
Miriam Delicado.
Psychic and ET warfare. Very interesting.
Willian Reich and Orgone
Crop Circles and Government with Colin Andrews
Secrets of the Milky Way are revealed
2012-Science or Superstition movie
Mother earth news
Bringing Back the Goddess with Prince Hirindra Singh, PhD
of Tantra Yoga
Woman suspected of witchcraft burned alive
VANDANA SHIVA speaks about the world crisis
Pope: Pollution could destroy world's future
Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic
Epiphany Eve bonfires and Kicking Judas
Civilisation is killing my village
Necklaces reveal early man’s intelligence
Stonehenge was 'giant concert venue'
Sam Cooke: The Man Who Invented Soul
Lori Earley's portrait art of passion, wisdom and grace
Dali on What's My Line
Jeff Buckley biography
The ECO Award 2008
The Electric Car Returns (and This Time It’s Personal)
Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid
Chew on this: We'll soon be able to grow replacement teeth
Grapeseed Extract Kills 76% of Leukemia Cancer
Cells in 24 Hours
Homemade Herbal Antibacterial Spray
Coffee may protect against oral cancers
Give up white flour
Meals at Regular Restaurants are Even Worse
Than Fast Food
My War Against Food Nazi Moms
Millions Against Monsanto Campaign
This is beginning to look serious... Yellowstone Park
Deep freeze Britain: A thought to make you shiver... it's
colder here than the Antarctic
Australian military warns of climate conflict: report
Coal Ash Pollution May Be Nationwide Problem
The Dangers of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs
Secret Government Database
Government Fails to Assess Potential Dangers
of Nanotechnology
Japanese whalers get reprieve as protest ship refuels
Japan seeks ban on whale protesters
The Bedrock for Building a Sustainable Business
Nano device 'times drug release'
Robotic children
The Editors
In a year that saw war, violence, human rights
abuses and environmental degradation,
WireTap also found powerful
examples of young people making a real difference.
Manifesto for Growth
Greece HQ photos
New Zealand Attractions and Activities Guide
Israel's Looming Catastrophe
Israel Shoots, Kills Peace Protester
This page contains pictures of children killed in Israel's attack on Gaza
Listen To The Victims
More Children Killed In Israel's Attack On Gaza
Must watch - 2 Minute Al Jazeera Video Report
Palestinian children are increasingly among the dead as the Gaza
death toll continues to rise. One man has lost his entire
family - including children, wife, parents and cousins - after
a single attack.
Do Israel pilots feel happy killing innocent women and children?
A Palestinian in Gaza chronicles life under Israeli bombardment
By Fida Qishta
I run into the street and everybody is running, children and
grown-ups, all looking to see if their relatives and friends are alive.
Israeli ‘Sound Bombs’ Reported ‘Exploding’ Wombs Of Pregnant
Palestinian Woman And Girls
Unconventional Weapons against The People of Gaza
Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells
Brave Heart Woman Stands Down Israeli Soldiers
Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land
By Gilad Atzmon
Communicating with Israelis may leave one bewildered. Even now
when the Israeli Air Force is practicing murder in broad daylight of
hundreds of civilians, elderly
persons, women and children, the Israeli people manage to convince
themselves that they are the real victims in this violent saga.
Lebanese Rockets Raise Fear of Second Front
The Rotten State of Egypt is too Powerless and Corrupt to Act
By Robert Fisk
Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah secretary general in Lebanon,
felt able to call on Egyptians to "rise in their millions" to open the
border with Gaza, but they will not do so. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the
feeble Egyptian Foreign Minister, could only taunt the Hizbollah
leaders by accusing them of trying to provoke "an anarchy similar
to the one they created in their own country."
Quake hits parts of Pakistan
The CIA-ISI axis: India should have no illusions of US support
China extends influence into Central Asia
The Great Dragon Awakens: China Challenges American Hegemony
Twin Papua Quakes Collapse Hotel; Trigger Small Tsunami Waves
German Billionaire Commits Suicide
Jan. 10 March on Washington for Gaza: Momentum Builds,
New Sponsors, Endorse & Organize Transportation
Native American and Palestinian Solidarity
AIM-West to Join Palestinian March in San Francisco Jan 10
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Jimmy Carter | An Unnecessary War
US Senate Resolution Gives 'Unwavering' Support for Israel
Stop the murders in Gaza
Violence Even Against Emergency Boat to Gaza
How is it possible that only ONE PERSON in the entire
Congress of the United States speaks to the people and
tells the truth?-Ron Paul
"Treacherous" U.S. breaks pacts, Iran tells Iraq
William Norman Grigg recounts some of the atrocities of
the Native American Genocide. It's a timely reminder of a
historical abomination similar to Israel's sustained efforts
to wipe out the Palestinians.
US “surge” in Afghanistan threatens wider war
Public Could Be Prevented From Hearing 9/11 Trials
Did the Reagan Revolution actually win? Local and State
Governments are Selling Off Public Property and Services
Obama prepares sweeping cuts in social programs
ROBIN WILLIAMS IN ENGLAND-speaking on Obama's election
The RNC and the "Magic Negro"
Who is Black America’s Moral Emissary to the World?
It's Not Too Late: Demand Obama Investigate Bush's War Crimes
Obama's Perilous Compromise with Wall Street Looters
Web Movie - Untold History of the Federal Reserve and Central
Banking System (from Zeitgeist)
Farm-Credit Squeeze May Spur Food Crisis
Web Video: The End of Suburbia
Velvet Revolution news
Boycott apertheid Israel
Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War
10 Absurd Conservative Myths About
Obama's Recovery
Obama’s stimulus plan: Another windfall
for big business
Sylvain Lamoureux calling for solidarity amongst
all the movements fighting oppression and exploitation.
Police Execute Man Before Commuters in Oakland Riots Follow
You Have the Right to Airport Harassment
Inmates Forced to Drink Poison Water -
No Place to Go for Help
The Bush Family of Secrets: Dark Underside
Kissinger calls on Obama to create a New World Order
Army Investigates Multiple Recruiter Suicides
A very brief history of psychedelics and the mainstream
media'presentation by Mark Titchner London Jan 9
London workshops in Feb with Christian Kyriacou on
understanding and using energies
Sacred Sound, Sacred Geometry, Meditation,
Ancient Wisdom teachings, Music and Storytelling
Another London event- March: The aim of this Metageum event
is to bridge the gap between science and philosophy,
To Minimize Harm Legalize Marijuana: New Scientist
Taking the fun out of pot
THE CANNABIS PAPERS-The Sacramental Use Of Cannabis Sativa
Jan Irvin sends me this excellent link:
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking
volunteers with a current or past diagnosis of cancer who
have some anxiety or are feeling down about their cancer
to participate in a scientific study of self-exploration and
personal meaning brought about by the entheogen psilocybin
Police Seize 40,000 Doses Of Drug Yage Used By
South American Shamans in Spain
Peyote: Last of The Medicine Men
Seeking truth and healing, and guided by an Amazonian shaman,
Nosis is a journey into the depths of soul.
Ralph Metzner's excellent blog site
On my friend Eric's excellent entheogenic blogspot:
Terence McKenna: Dream Awake - the complete version
Eric's website
Why Head Shop Raids Are Unfair and Unjust
The Sensational World of Drug Paperbacks
Obama's Curious, Curt Response to a Torrent
of Pot Legalization Questions
Sanjay Gupta: What the Next Surgeon General
Doesn't Know About Pot
"Is It Peace Or Is It Prozac" Cheryl Wheeler
'UFO Strike' Has UK in a Lather Over E.T.
2012 — The End of the World, or A New Beginning?
NASA warns of 'space Katrina' radiation storm
Voo-Doo: take a walk on the wild side-altered states
and artistic integration
Alex Grey COSM video
Meditation on Creativity
by Paul Levy
Architects of a New Dawn
Good Reality: The Evolution of Consciousness
The Lost Book of Nostradamus:Images and
Quatrains: UPDATED!
Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews
Miriam Delicado.
Psychic and ET warfare. Very interesting.
Willian Reich and Orgone
Crop Circles and Government with Colin Andrews
Secrets of the Milky Way are revealed
2012-Science or Superstition movie
Mother earth news
Bringing Back the Goddess with Prince Hirindra Singh, PhD
of Tantra Yoga
Woman suspected of witchcraft burned alive
VANDANA SHIVA speaks about the world crisis
Pope: Pollution could destroy world's future
Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic
Epiphany Eve bonfires and Kicking Judas
Civilisation is killing my village
Necklaces reveal early man’s intelligence
Stonehenge was 'giant concert venue'
Sam Cooke: The Man Who Invented Soul
Lori Earley's portrait art of passion, wisdom and grace
Dali on What's My Line
Jeff Buckley biography
The ECO Award 2008
The Electric Car Returns (and This Time It’s Personal)
Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid
Chew on this: We'll soon be able to grow replacement teeth
Grapeseed Extract Kills 76% of Leukemia Cancer
Cells in 24 Hours
Homemade Herbal Antibacterial Spray
Coffee may protect against oral cancers
Give up white flour
Meals at Regular Restaurants are Even Worse
Than Fast Food
My War Against Food Nazi Moms
Millions Against Monsanto Campaign
This is beginning to look serious... Yellowstone Park
Deep freeze Britain: A thought to make you shiver... it's
colder here than the Antarctic
Australian military warns of climate conflict: report
Coal Ash Pollution May Be Nationwide Problem
The Dangers of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs
Secret Government Database
Government Fails to Assess Potential Dangers
of Nanotechnology
Japanese whalers get reprieve as protest ship refuels
Japan seeks ban on whale protesters
The Bedrock for Building a Sustainable Business
Nano device 'times drug release'
Robotic children
The Editors
In a year that saw war, violence, human rights
abuses and environmental degradation,
WireTap also found powerful
examples of young people making a real difference.
Manifesto for Growth
Greece HQ photos
New Zealand Attractions and Activities Guide
Israel's Looming Catastrophe
Israel Shoots, Kills Peace Protester
This page contains pictures of children killed in Israel's attack on Gaza
Listen To The Victims
More Children Killed In Israel's Attack On Gaza
Must watch - 2 Minute Al Jazeera Video Report
Palestinian children are increasingly among the dead as the Gaza
death toll continues to rise. One man has lost his entire
family - including children, wife, parents and cousins - after
a single attack.
Do Israel pilots feel happy killing innocent women and children?
A Palestinian in Gaza chronicles life under Israeli bombardment
By Fida Qishta
I run into the street and everybody is running, children and
grown-ups, all looking to see if their relatives and friends are alive.
Israeli ‘Sound Bombs’ Reported ‘Exploding’ Wombs Of Pregnant
Palestinian Woman And Girls
Unconventional Weapons against The People of Gaza
Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells
Brave Heart Woman Stands Down Israeli Soldiers
Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land
By Gilad Atzmon
Communicating with Israelis may leave one bewildered. Even now
when the Israeli Air Force is practicing murder in broad daylight of
hundreds of civilians, elderly
persons, women and children, the Israeli people manage to convince
themselves that they are the real victims in this violent saga.
Lebanese Rockets Raise Fear of Second Front
The Rotten State of Egypt is too Powerless and Corrupt to Act
By Robert Fisk
Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah secretary general in Lebanon,
felt able to call on Egyptians to "rise in their millions" to open the
border with Gaza, but they will not do so. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the
feeble Egyptian Foreign Minister, could only taunt the Hizbollah
leaders by accusing them of trying to provoke "an anarchy similar
to the one they created in their own country."
Quake hits parts of Pakistan
The CIA-ISI axis: India should have no illusions of US support
China extends influence into Central Asia
The Great Dragon Awakens: China Challenges American Hegemony
Twin Papua Quakes Collapse Hotel; Trigger Small Tsunami Waves
German Billionaire Commits Suicide
Jan. 10 March on Washington for Gaza: Momentum Builds,
New Sponsors, Endorse & Organize Transportation
Native American and Palestinian Solidarity
AIM-West to Join Palestinian March in San Francisco Jan 10
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Jimmy Carter | An Unnecessary War
US Senate Resolution Gives 'Unwavering' Support for Israel
Stop the murders in Gaza
Violence Even Against Emergency Boat to Gaza
How is it possible that only ONE PERSON in the entire
Congress of the United States speaks to the people and
tells the truth?-Ron Paul
"Treacherous" U.S. breaks pacts, Iran tells Iraq
William Norman Grigg recounts some of the atrocities of
the Native American Genocide. It's a timely reminder of a
historical abomination similar to Israel's sustained efforts
to wipe out the Palestinians.
US “surge” in Afghanistan threatens wider war
Public Could Be Prevented From Hearing 9/11 Trials
Did the Reagan Revolution actually win? Local and State
Governments are Selling Off Public Property and Services
Obama prepares sweeping cuts in social programs
ROBIN WILLIAMS IN ENGLAND-speaking on Obama's election
The RNC and the "Magic Negro"
Who is Black America’s Moral Emissary to the World?
It's Not Too Late: Demand Obama Investigate Bush's War Crimes
Obama's Perilous Compromise with Wall Street Looters
Web Movie - Untold History of the Federal Reserve and Central
Banking System (from Zeitgeist)
Farm-Credit Squeeze May Spur Food Crisis
Web Video: The End of Suburbia
Velvet Revolution news
Boycott apertheid Israel
Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War
10 Absurd Conservative Myths About
Obama's Recovery
Obama’s stimulus plan: Another windfall
for big business
Sylvain Lamoureux calling for solidarity amongst
all the movements fighting oppression and exploitation.
Police Execute Man Before Commuters in Oakland Riots Follow
You Have the Right to Airport Harassment
Inmates Forced to Drink Poison Water -
No Place to Go for Help
The Bush Family of Secrets: Dark Underside
Kissinger calls on Obama to create a New World Order
Army Investigates Multiple Recruiter Suicides
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Links By George January 5, 2009
We wish everyone a healthy, happy new year and beyond.
Click on the story line to bring up the page. Using the roller ball on
your mouse will open it in individual windows so you don't have to keep
going back and forth.
Marijuana: Massachusetts Decriminalization Goes
Into Effect Today -- Includes Hashish
Dutch Appeals Court Rules Five-Plant Home
Growers Cannot Be Prosecuted, No Matter
How Big the Harvest
Radical alternatives proposed for cannabis controls
Study clears cannabis of schizophrenia rap
Fingerprints Can Reveal Drug Use, Medical History
Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting
Positive Effects!
Hemp: What The World Needs Now-online book
The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in
Hawk and Venus: Neo-Shamanism or Megalomania?
A Critical Rejoinder to Raw Amanita is Always Best
Flashback books: psychedelic literature and much more
Hippie Goddess photo gallery
'Hair' restoration
"Healing On The Dancefloor" - Megatripolis Reunion -
Tribute To Fraser Clark
How hippies helped society
Grateful Dead on tour 2009
Jazz great Freddie Hubbard passes on
Temple of Visions: Hive Art Gallery,International
Visionary Art & Print Exhibition, Jan 3, Los Angeles
Laird Scranton, explores the mythologies of the Dogon
tribe and of Ancient Egypt
Sacred Sites of the Dogon, Mali
'Hobbit' Fossils Represent A New Species,
Concludes Anthropologist
Physical Descriptions of the Nummo: perspectives
on extraterestial aliens
Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star
Doreen Virtue Pt.1 talks on Atlantis, healing, etc.
Religion may have evolved because of its ability to help
people exercise self-control
Doctors Using Magnets To Reconnect The Brain
And Interrupt The Destructive Influence Of Depression
The Intention Economy by Daniel Pinchbeck
Talks Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of
insight-brain studies
Evidence of 'risk-taking' brain
Whalers claim Sea Shepherd is not stopping
whale cull
Call for whaling 'war' on Japan
Whaling Violations Ignored By the New Zealand
Peace Activists in Hawaii Urge Obama To Speak Out
on Palestinian Crisis
Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US
U.S.A. Indian Reservations
Building trust; and helping Native American children
Toxic Housing on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian
Reservation in South Dakota.
Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic
Adding poison to water
FLOW (For Love of Water) DVD Documentary
Himalayan villagers on global warming frontline
Drillers Eye Oil Reserves off California Coast
Oppose Tom Vilsack's Confirmation as
Secretary of Agriculture
Giving Green Transportation To The Poor
Vegetation to top tower at Ball Memorial Hospital
Tis the Season to be Vegan: Prominent activists share
their favourite recipes and reasons for being vegan
Fend off Psoriasis and Eczema with Simple,
Inexpensive Remedies
World’s Most Creative Lifestyle Hotel
Island of Love - Tahiti
Bridging the Empathy Gap - Yes we can!
The MasterCard Commercial I'd Like To See
CyberEconomics blog
Talks Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Kaputtradio podcast: 78 Mixes Collages Songs of 2008
Message To Current TV Employees, Citizens and the
The Coen Brothers Movie Collection
As death toll mounts
Israel threatens ground invasion of Gaza
BG Group at centre of $4bn deal to supply Gaza
gas to Israel
"Palestine War Enters Science-Fiction Realms"
Israel Renews Air Strikes on Gaza
Child Martyrs of Gaza
International Solidarity Movement
Israel bombs university in Gaza
News Update from Gaza
Christmas In Gaza : No More Room In The Morgue.
'Little Baghdad' in Gaza - Bombs, Fear and Rage
By Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent
Relatives search among the bodies and the wounded in
order to bring the dead quickly to burial. A mother
whose three school-age children were killed, and are
piled one on top of the other in the morgue, screams
and then cries, screams again and then is silent.
We have no words left
Ali Abunimah
The Guardian, UK
Monday 29 December 2008
The Hanukkah Massacres by Gary Corseri
Israel caught red handed in lie: military attacks aid
boat with peace activists
The Truth About Those Hamas Rockets
By Dennis Rahkonen
Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about
weapons of mass destruction to dupe us into supporting
an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. A few days ago,
Israel trotted out only an infinitesimally more credible
excuse -- the Hamas rockets case -- as justification for
its own murderous shock and awe in Gaza.
Arab Connivance in the Gaza Massacre
By Alberto Cruz,
The most wretched of all the Arab leaders is Mahmoud
Abbas, who styles himself, "President of the Palestinian
Authority" at the same time as he accuses Hamas of
responsibility for the massacre for refusing to give in,
as he himself has done, to Zionist and Western designs.
Taking advantage of the bloodletting, he has already
said he will take over the administration of Gaza if Hamas
is defeated. We are faced with a Vichy-style West Bank
regime, with Abbas as its PĂ©tain, serving the 21st Century
nazis, Israel.
Petition for Jerusalem as an International Sacred Site
Pirates Of The Mediterranean
Electronic Civil Disobedience in Solidarity with
Greek Anarchists
ChĂĄvez Wins Again
Chavez: Capitalists Have Manipulated the Message of
Christ to Exploit the Poor
Cuba marks 50th anniversary of revolution in shadow
of world crisis
Somalian Government in Chaos
South African Activist Helen Suzman Dies at 91
Slaughter In Gaza: Bush Winks, Obama and
Clinton Are Silent
Civilian Deaths in Gaza Mount: 'It Looked
Like A Massacre'
Obama Lines Up Behind Bush in Support
of Israeli Assault
World Rallies Around Palestinians Amid
Gaza Offensive
The Attacks on Gaza: Orwell in Israel
Israel’s axis of evil
Inside Gaza: A Living Hell
Washington bears guilt for Gaza war crimes
Ron Paul: No Such Thing as an Independent Israel
By Jihan Hafiz
I don't think there is such a thing as an independent
Israel doing anything, because I think no matter what
they do its our money, its our weapons, and their not
going to do it without us approving it and if they get
into trouble we're going to bail them out, so there is
no separation between the two.
McKinney relief boat hit by Israeli ship:
A boat carrying international peace activists,
including former Georgia
congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and medical
supplies to the embattled Gaza Strip
sailed back into a Lebanese port on Tuesday after
being turned back and damaged
by the Israeli navy, organizers of the trip said.
Cynthia McKinney SLAMS Israeli Navy:
Israel once again bullying others utilizing vehicles
and weaponry we provide them.
Cynthia McKinney: We Lived to Tell the Story:
Lebanon Rescued Us
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Webb Sets His Sights on Prison Reform
10 Reasons To Be Hopeful About 2009 -- and
3 Reasons To Be Terrified
Vi Ransel's comprehensive and insightful
deconstruction of Obama......
Robert Parry | Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Myths
This Week in God: Pat Robertson Turns on Bush,
NYT Lies About Church Numbers, and More
The Noose Tightens, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and other
top Bush officials could soon face legal jeopardy.
Justice after Bush:
Prosecuting an outlaw administration
Editor Parry on LBJ's 'Treason' Tapes
Henry Kissinger: Eminence Noire
National Guard Soldiers to Usher in New Year at
Times Square
BBC: "The State Within." Skeptics About 9/11 and
Iraq Will Find It Riveting!
America Before Pearl Harbor - Early Kodachrome Images
Jason Miller states: ''It is crucial that radicals form a
culture of resistance to savage capitalism while it is in
such a profound state of crisis.''
Wall Street Journal DECEMBER 29, 2008
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor
Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage;
America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Hold Onto Your Seats - The Economic Collapse is
About to Begin
The crash of 2008 and the prospects for 2009
Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Death Blow To
The Stock Market?
Georgia Guidestones Vandalized
Click on the story line to bring up the page. Using the roller ball on
your mouse will open it in individual windows so you don't have to keep
going back and forth.
Marijuana: Massachusetts Decriminalization Goes
Into Effect Today -- Includes Hashish
Dutch Appeals Court Rules Five-Plant Home
Growers Cannot Be Prosecuted, No Matter
How Big the Harvest
Radical alternatives proposed for cannabis controls
Study clears cannabis of schizophrenia rap
Fingerprints Can Reveal Drug Use, Medical History
Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting
Positive Effects!
Hemp: What The World Needs Now-online book
The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in
Hawk and Venus: Neo-Shamanism or Megalomania?
A Critical Rejoinder to Raw Amanita is Always Best
Flashback books: psychedelic literature and much more
Hippie Goddess photo gallery
'Hair' restoration
"Healing On The Dancefloor" - Megatripolis Reunion -
Tribute To Fraser Clark
How hippies helped society
Grateful Dead on tour 2009
Jazz great Freddie Hubbard passes on
Temple of Visions: Hive Art Gallery,International
Visionary Art & Print Exhibition, Jan 3, Los Angeles
Laird Scranton, explores the mythologies of the Dogon
tribe and of Ancient Egypt
Sacred Sites of the Dogon, Mali
'Hobbit' Fossils Represent A New Species,
Concludes Anthropologist
Physical Descriptions of the Nummo: perspectives
on extraterestial aliens
Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star
Doreen Virtue Pt.1 talks on Atlantis, healing, etc.
Religion may have evolved because of its ability to help
people exercise self-control
Doctors Using Magnets To Reconnect The Brain
And Interrupt The Destructive Influence Of Depression
The Intention Economy by Daniel Pinchbeck
Talks Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of
insight-brain studies
Evidence of 'risk-taking' brain
Whalers claim Sea Shepherd is not stopping
whale cull
Call for whaling 'war' on Japan
Whaling Violations Ignored By the New Zealand
Peace Activists in Hawaii Urge Obama To Speak Out
on Palestinian Crisis
Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US
U.S.A. Indian Reservations
Building trust; and helping Native American children
Toxic Housing on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian
Reservation in South Dakota.
Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic
Adding poison to water
FLOW (For Love of Water) DVD Documentary
Himalayan villagers on global warming frontline
Drillers Eye Oil Reserves off California Coast
Oppose Tom Vilsack's Confirmation as
Secretary of Agriculture
Giving Green Transportation To The Poor
Vegetation to top tower at Ball Memorial Hospital
Tis the Season to be Vegan: Prominent activists share
their favourite recipes and reasons for being vegan
Fend off Psoriasis and Eczema with Simple,
Inexpensive Remedies
World’s Most Creative Lifestyle Hotel
Island of Love - Tahiti
Bridging the Empathy Gap - Yes we can!
The MasterCard Commercial I'd Like To See
CyberEconomics blog
Talks Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Kaputtradio podcast: 78 Mixes Collages Songs of 2008
Message To Current TV Employees, Citizens and the
The Coen Brothers Movie Collection
As death toll mounts
Israel threatens ground invasion of Gaza
BG Group at centre of $4bn deal to supply Gaza
gas to Israel
"Palestine War Enters Science-Fiction Realms"
Israel Renews Air Strikes on Gaza
Child Martyrs of Gaza
International Solidarity Movement
Israel bombs university in Gaza
News Update from Gaza
Christmas In Gaza : No More Room In The Morgue.
'Little Baghdad' in Gaza - Bombs, Fear and Rage
By Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent
Relatives search among the bodies and the wounded in
order to bring the dead quickly to burial. A mother
whose three school-age children were killed, and are
piled one on top of the other in the morgue, screams
and then cries, screams again and then is silent.
We have no words left
Ali Abunimah
The Guardian, UK
Monday 29 December 2008
The Hanukkah Massacres by Gary Corseri
Israel caught red handed in lie: military attacks aid
boat with peace activists
The Truth About Those Hamas Rockets
By Dennis Rahkonen
Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about
weapons of mass destruction to dupe us into supporting
an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. A few days ago,
Israel trotted out only an infinitesimally more credible
excuse -- the Hamas rockets case -- as justification for
its own murderous shock and awe in Gaza.
Arab Connivance in the Gaza Massacre
By Alberto Cruz,
The most wretched of all the Arab leaders is Mahmoud
Abbas, who styles himself, "President of the Palestinian
Authority" at the same time as he accuses Hamas of
responsibility for the massacre for refusing to give in,
as he himself has done, to Zionist and Western designs.
Taking advantage of the bloodletting, he has already
said he will take over the administration of Gaza if Hamas
is defeated. We are faced with a Vichy-style West Bank
regime, with Abbas as its PĂ©tain, serving the 21st Century
nazis, Israel.
Petition for Jerusalem as an International Sacred Site
Pirates Of The Mediterranean
Electronic Civil Disobedience in Solidarity with
Greek Anarchists
ChĂĄvez Wins Again
Chavez: Capitalists Have Manipulated the Message of
Christ to Exploit the Poor
Cuba marks 50th anniversary of revolution in shadow
of world crisis
Somalian Government in Chaos
South African Activist Helen Suzman Dies at 91
Slaughter In Gaza: Bush Winks, Obama and
Clinton Are Silent
Civilian Deaths in Gaza Mount: 'It Looked
Like A Massacre'
Obama Lines Up Behind Bush in Support
of Israeli Assault
World Rallies Around Palestinians Amid
Gaza Offensive
The Attacks on Gaza: Orwell in Israel
Israel’s axis of evil
Inside Gaza: A Living Hell
Washington bears guilt for Gaza war crimes
Ron Paul: No Such Thing as an Independent Israel
By Jihan Hafiz
I don't think there is such a thing as an independent
Israel doing anything, because I think no matter what
they do its our money, its our weapons, and their not
going to do it without us approving it and if they get
into trouble we're going to bail them out, so there is
no separation between the two.
McKinney relief boat hit by Israeli ship:
A boat carrying international peace activists,
including former Georgia
congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and medical
supplies to the embattled Gaza Strip
sailed back into a Lebanese port on Tuesday after
being turned back and damaged
by the Israeli navy, organizers of the trip said.
Cynthia McKinney SLAMS Israeli Navy:
Israel once again bullying others utilizing vehicles
and weaponry we provide them.
Cynthia McKinney: We Lived to Tell the Story:
Lebanon Rescued Us
The new edition of "Issues & Alibis!"
Webb Sets His Sights on Prison Reform
10 Reasons To Be Hopeful About 2009 -- and
3 Reasons To Be Terrified
Vi Ransel's comprehensive and insightful
deconstruction of Obama......
Robert Parry | Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Myths
This Week in God: Pat Robertson Turns on Bush,
NYT Lies About Church Numbers, and More
The Noose Tightens, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and other
top Bush officials could soon face legal jeopardy.
Justice after Bush:
Prosecuting an outlaw administration
Editor Parry on LBJ's 'Treason' Tapes
Henry Kissinger: Eminence Noire
National Guard Soldiers to Usher in New Year at
Times Square
BBC: "The State Within." Skeptics About 9/11 and
Iraq Will Find It Riveting!
America Before Pearl Harbor - Early Kodachrome Images
Jason Miller states: ''It is crucial that radicals form a
culture of resistance to savage capitalism while it is in
such a profound state of crisis.''
Wall Street Journal DECEMBER 29, 2008
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor
Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage;
America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Hold Onto Your Seats - The Economic Collapse is
About to Begin
The crash of 2008 and the prospects for 2009
Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Death Blow To
The Stock Market?
Georgia Guidestones Vandalized
Subscribe to:
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Give Peace a Chance

John Lennon

Jimi Hendrix

Dr. Albert Hofmann

Rolling Stones

Satanic Majesty's Request
Rolling Stones 2000 light years
Pink Floyd

Uncover Art
Favorite Records./Musicians (1-50)
- Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
- Beatles: Sgt. Peppers
- Beatles: White Album
- Led Zeppelin: 1
- Rolling Stones: Let it Bleed
- Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
- Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
- Led Zeppelin: 2
- Beatles: Revolver
- Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced
- Grateful Dead: Live '72
- Cream: Disraeli Gears
- Beatles: Abbey Road
- Big Brother/Janis: Cheap Thrills
- Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
- Jeff Beck/Rod Steward: Faith
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
- Grateful Dead: Anthem to the Sun
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
- Traffic: first one
- Doors: first one
- Rolling Stones: Satanic Majesties
- Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
- Spirit: The Family That Plays Together
- Cream: Wheels of Fire
- Stepenwolf: first one
- Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxters
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- Traffic: Dear Mr. Fantasy
- Greatful Dead: Aoxoxo..
- Animals: Love Is
- Pink Floyd: Ungamunga
- Miles Davis: In a Silent Way
- Tim Buckley: Blue Melody
- Tim Leary/Jimi Hendrix: You Can Be Anyone
- Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow
- Doors: Soft Parade
- Joe Cocker: first one
- Ravi Shankar: Monterey
- Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
- George Harrison: All Things Must Pass
- Doors: Strange Days
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Weather Report: I Sing the Body Electric
- Doors: Waiting for the Sun
- John Coltrane: My Favorite Things
- Grateful Dead: first
- Zappa: Hot Rats
- Traffic: Low Spark of High Heel Boys
- Jethro Tull: Aqualung

Favorite Records/Musicians (50-100)
- Tim Buckley: Greetings From LA
- Allman Brothers: Live At the Filmore
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
- John Mclaughlin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Santana: first
- Pink Floyd: BBC
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
- Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
- Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Sessions/Another Bitches Brew
- Grateful Dead: (live from the 80's)
- Crosby Stills Nash and Young: deja vu
- Bob Dylan: Subterenean Homesick Blues
- Tim Buckley: Happy Sad
- Weather Report: second
- Santana/McLauglin: Love, Devotion and Surrender
- Bob Dylan: Hwy 61 Revisited
- Derek and the Dominoes: Layla
- David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Jimi Hendrix: Rainbow Bridge
- Led Zeppelin: III
- Pink Floyd: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Miles Davis: Live-Evil
- Grateful Dead: live 90's
- Beatles: Rubber Soul
- Miles Davis: Sketches of Spain
- Jimi Hendrix: Cry of Love
- Moody Blues: In Search of the Lost Chord
- Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
- John Mclauglin: My Goal's Beyond
- Santana: Welcome
- Country Joe: Electric Music
- Pink Floyd: Pompei
- Moody Blues: Tomorrow
- Who: Tommy
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Jimi Hendrix: Midnight Lightning
- Frank Zappa: Us and Them
- Quicksilver: first one
- Spirit: Fresh Garbage
- Mothers of Invention: Only in it for the Money
- Joe Cocker: Mad Dogs and Englishman
- Bob Dylan: Another Side Of
- Cream: Fresh
- Yes: first
- Who: Live at Leeds
- Rolling Stones: High Tides
- Tim Buckley: Safronia
- King Crimson: Court of Crimson King

Favorite Records/Musicians(100-150)
- Paul Butterfield-East West
- Jean Luc Ponty: Enigmatic Voyage
- Miles Davis: Seven Steps
- Shawn Philips: Faces
- Byrds: Notorious Bird Brothers
- Steppenwolf: Monster
- Raphael; Music to Disapear In 2
- Buffalo Springfield: Retrospect
- Neil Young: first
- Beatles: Let it Be
- Pink Floyd: Meddle
- Neil Young: Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
- Allman Brothers: Eat a Peach
- Frank Zappa: Apostrophe
- Gong
- Miles Davis: Big Fun
- Neil Young: Zuma
- Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
- Doors: Morrison Hotel
- Soft Machine-first
- Grand Funk Railroad: Closer to Home
- Jefferson Starship: Blows Against the Empire
- John Luc Ponty: Tales of...
- Blind Faith
- Neil Young: Harvest
- Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers
- Eric Burdon and War
- Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons
- Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head
- Cream: Goodbye
- Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
- Who: Who's Next
- Quicksilver: first
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young: 4 Way Street
- Tim Buckley: Happy/Sad
- Lauro Nyro: Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
- Spirit: Ice
- Shawn Phillips: Colaboration
- Rolling Stones: Only Rock and Roll
- Mahavishnu Orchestra: Inner Mounting Flame
- Pink Floyd: Animals
- Traffic: Last Exit
- Stevie Wonder: Talking Book
- Pink Floyd: Obscured by Clouds
- Jean Luc Ponty: Cosmic Messenger
- Steve Stills: first
- Bob Marley: Exodus
- Pink Floyd: Saucer Full of Secrets
- Traffic: Shoot Out at the Fantasy Farm
- It's A Beautiful Day: first
- Pete Townsend: Who Came First
- Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
- Doors: LA Woman
Grateful Dead Movie Cartoon
Led Zeppelin- Whole Lot of Love
Hieronymus Bosch's
